Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Vital breeding habitat for millions of birds each year.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is an iconic American treasure.听. Birds migrate from across the United States and from six continents in order to feed and reproduce in the Arctic Refuge, taking advantage of the burst of plant and insect life during the long days of the Arctic summer.

The region was first protected in 1960 by President Dwight Eisenhower. President Eisenhower had the wisdom to set aside an entire Arctic ecosystem, from the Brooks Range Mountains and surrounding forests, to wild rivers and streams, vast marshes, to the biologically-rich coastal plain that streteches to the Arctic Ocean. This area provides crucial nesting habitat for birds such as Tundra Swans and Northern Pintail.

While many areas in Alaska are already open to oil and gas drilling, oil and gas interests continue to lobby to drill in the pristine coastal plain. And while some parts of the Arctic Refuge are permanently protected, the coastal plain of the refuge has never received permanent protection through a Wilderness designation from Congress, leaving it vulnerable to industrial development.

Act Now to Protect The Arctic
爆料公社's Arctic Refuge Fact Sheet
Know the real information about what is important in the Arctic.
Arctic Refuge Talking Points
Know how to talk to others about the Refuge and why it's important to protect.
Oppose Drilling in the Arctic
The time to act is now.
Sample Letter to the Editor
Let your voice be heard!
What's At Stake In the Arctic Refuge
Birds That Depend on the Arctic Refuge
Tundra Swan
Ducks and Geese
! Priority Bird
Ducks and Geese
Northern Pintail
Ducks and Geese
American Golden-Plover