José Salguero places his hands around his mouth to make the sound go farther. His right hand clenching the homemade cane he now needs to walk up the small mountain, he emits the call of the Puerto Rican Screech-Owl. The only answer he receives is silence. He keeps walking the same path he has been walking every year, only to realize this time, the outcome will be different. “What is happening here that the birds are . . . ?” He doesn't even finish the question. Omar Monzón already has the answer: “Maria.” In September, Puerto Rico was hit with the most destructive hurricane in recent history. Hurricane Maria ripped into the Caribbean island along the southeast coast and, in so many ways, it hasn’t left. While most of the island again has running water, the vast majority of residents are still waiting for electricity to come back. Communications were lost for weeks and are still unreliable in some areas. Even though Maria, and before that, Hurricane Irma...