The 124th CBC in North Carolina consisted of 53 counts, with three (Alamance County, Holly Shelter and Portsmouth) not being run. The weather this season averaged slightly lower temperatures and less precipitation. There were only six counts with highs above 60, and only two with lows below 20 (New River State Park, Upper Yadkin River Valley). Snow was non-existent with only light snow falling in the morning at Buncombe County. Only one count had partially frozen water. Only five counts had rain - Durham, Cape Hatteras, Iredell County, Southern Pines, and Central Beaufort County – but it was heavy and hampered the counts’ efforts. Thankfully, no all-day fog was reported on any Count. High winds hampered four counts (New Bern, Pamlico County, Durham, Charlotte). During this year’s Count 751,224 individuals of 228 species, five Count-Week (CW) birds (Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Northern Parula, Grasshopper Sparrow, and...