In the Friendship Garden, also known as "Jardin de la Amistad," in Asheville, North Carolina, will sit a commemorative pole. On one side it says “Que la paz prevalezca en la tierra;” and on the other, “May peace prevail on earth.” The pole, and the garden in which it will be installed, is part of a project designed to bring two communities together: Anglos and Hispanics in the parish of St. Eugene Catholic Church. More than 25 percent of the church’s 1,440 families are Hispanic, and the garden's purpose is to be a place where they can work with their English-speaking co-parishoners to build a refuge for humans and birds. The garden, which is full of native plants that support local birds and other wildlife, was once an abandoned lot. Transforming it from a wasteland of concrete and invasive weeds into a bird-friendly sanctuary took the efforts of multiple groups within the community. The work on the garden began in late 2017 and began to ramp up in January...