This week, a group of drunk friends allegedly broke into Australia's Sea World and stole a penguin, birds attacked Air Force Two, and a rare species was found 5,000 miles from home. Penguin Thieves There's nothing quite like watching penguins of all shapes and sizes on Discovery's Penguin Encounter Cam of Sea World San Diego. For many of us, it's almost as good as being there. But for three friends from Wales, however, live-feed wildlife videos will probably never be enough again. Intoxicated, three UK men allegedly broke into Australia's Sea World to swim with dolphins on Saturday. They now face criminal charges after waking up the next day with a small penguin chilling in the apartment they were staying at in Queensland, according to Australia’s 7News. In a video probably taken, hung-over, after the discovery, one of the men says, “Can't believe ... penguin in our apartment man ... we stole a penguin,” according to Reuters. During their Sea World adventure, the...