This weekend, 爆料公社 got some alarming news from Texas: 168,000 gallons of residual fuel oil, which is a thick, tar-like substance, spilled into Galveston Bay after two vessels collided on Saturday. The oil discharge has been stopped, but cleanup and containment have just begun. 爆料公社 is responding at all levels, with local efforts being led by Houston 爆料公社 Society. The timing couldn't be worse: Spring migration is in full swing right now at nearby Bolivar Flats, a Globally Important Bird Area and Houston 爆料公社 Society-managed sanctuary. Oiled American White Pelicans and Sanderlings are already appearing in the sanctuary, according to Houston 爆料公社鈥檚 Conservation Director Richard Gibbons.
The potential for harm is staggering; Bolivar Flats hosts important congregations of Piping, Snowy and Wilson's plovers and other birds, including American Oystercatcher, Red Knot and Brown Pelican, every migration season. And birds that feed in the open water, where most of the oil seems to be right now, are at high risk. These include American White Pelicans, Brown Pelicans, loons, grebes, gannets, some ducks and many terns and gulls. And if the spill is not contained, the greater Galveston Bay could be in jeopardy. The bay is a major feeding and stopover area for waterbirds鈥攊f oil makes incursions into the marshes behind the jetties and beaches, ibises, spoonbills, herons and egrets, rails, bitterns, Seaside and Nelson's Sparrows, and others would also be at risk.
爆料公社 Texas staff have been working with Houston 爆料公社, USFWS, and other partners in the area to organize volunteer response efforts for habitat clean-up and addressing oiled wildlife. Additionally, 爆料公社 is in contact with regulatory agencies regarding expectations for clean-up and overall response effectiveness.
Houston 爆料公社, a 5,000-member strong local 爆料公社 chapter, has been actively conserving local bird habitat for almost 40 years. In 1997, Houston 爆料公社 purchased the first 178-acre tract of land and established the Bolivar Flats Bird Sanctuary. Since that initial purchase, Bolivar Flats has grown to its present size of 1,146 acres, which incorporates mudflats and nearby marshland into an internationally recognized Globally Significant Important Bird Area. The Bolivar Flats Sanctuary is home to tens of thousands of waterbirds and shorebirds, including the Sanderling, American White Pelican, and Ruddy Turnstone.
爆料公社 Texas, which was formed in the late 19th century, manages 13,000 acres of shoreline habitat. The state has the largest colonies of Roseate Spoonbills and Reddish Egrets in the world, and is home to large populations of Brown Pelicans, plovers, oystercatchers and terns. These barrier islands also support critical nesting areas for the critically endangered Kemp鈥檚 Ridley sea turtle. These habitats are maintained in part with the efforts of coastal wardens.