Conditions in the 117th CBC: Weather conditions are always a factor for Colorado Christmas Bird Counts. This year it made things a challenge for many counts on the first weekend of December 17-18. Counts held on December 14th and 15th got lucky with the warm weather, and then windy on the 16th, before a major arctic cold front and snow event occurred during the night of December 16-17, making some counts very difficult for observers and birds on the 17th. The weather was still cold on Sunday the 18th as well. Most Colorado CBCs are held over the first weekend, so some counts didn’t have as many observers, or as many bird species as usual, though other counts did quite well that weekend, especially in northern Colorado. Counts held later in the season, seemed to not have as many weather issues, except for wind on some counts. John Martin Reservoir in SE Colorado was lucky with the weather conditions on December 15th, and found an amazing total of 117 species on count...