The 101st CBC was a new experience because of the limitations imposed by the COVID pandemic. A number of compilers decided not to conduct a count this year, although most circles did participate using smaller groups and social distancing. Some of the counts reported fewer participants and smaller totals, but many reported greater interest and participation due to people being anxious to get outside and do something. In general, the count numbers were pretty average, but included a good variety of unusual over-wintering and vagrant species, especially in Pennsylvania. Twenty-nine CBCs were submitted from New Jersey, with only Mizpah and Marmora opting out. The 199 species recorded was three fewer than last year, but still just two short of the 20-year average. With mild weather, Cape May had 160 species to lead the state, as usual, followed by Barnegat at 132, its best in six years, Oceanville (127), and Cumberland (125). None of the counts exceeded previous highs but overall...