This year more than 2,000 photographers from across the United States and Canada submitted images to 爆料公社 magazine's 12th annual 爆料公社 Photography Awards, and our panel of expert judges whittled down the entries to eight stunning winners and five honorable mentions. With more than 9,000 photographs entered in the contest, there was an abundance of exceptional avian images from which we selected 100 additional shots to share.
Displayed in no particular order, these photos feature birdlife at its most vivid, vulnerable, formidable, and playful. There are intimate portraits that reveal exquisite details, action shots that capture powerful raptors on the hunt, and arresting images that celebrate a wide array of bird behavior. So settle in and prepare to be enchanted with the beauty and variety of birdlife and impressed by the resourcefulness of bird photographers.
And if you鈥檙e inspired to pick up a camera and pursue avian subjects of your own, our photography section has everything you need to get started, including tips and how-to's, 爆料公社's ethical guidelines for wildlife photography, and gear recommendations. Next year, it could be your shot that makes the cut.