The Final Species List in Taxonomic Order

All the birds Noah saw in his Big Year, grouped by family.
Species Location Country Date
Common Ostrich Tala Game Reserve South Africa 7/24
Somali Ostrich Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Greater Rhea Rhea spot Argentina 1/14
Highland Tinamou Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/21
Solitary Tinamou Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Great Tinamou Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/1
White-throated Tinamou GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Cinereous Tinamou Riverside Dirt Road Brazil 2/7
Little Tinamou Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Brown Tinamou San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Undulated Tinamou Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Gray-legged Tinamou RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Black-capped Tinamou Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Slaty-breasted Tinamou La Selva Costa Rica 4/21
Variegated Tinamou GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Thicket Tinamou Cerro Marin Rd Mexico 5/8
Bartlett's Tinamou Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/1
Small-billed Tinamou Soybean Fields Brazil 2/1
Tataupa Tinamou San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Red-winged Tinamou Soybean Fields Brazil 2/1
Huayco Tinamou Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/17
Ornate Tinamou Ornate Tin spot Peru 2/16
Chilean Tinamou Curva 17 Chile 1/11
Andean Tinamou Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/17
Spotted Nothura Camino del Consorcio Argentina 1/15
Southern Cassowary Kuranda Rainforest Queensland, Australia 12/13
Emu Mareeba Wetlands Reserve Queensland, Australia 12/11
North Island Brown Kiwi Tawharanui Regional Park New Zealand 12/21
Horned Screamer Posada Amazonas Peru 3/5
Southern Screamer Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Magpie Goose Centenary Lakes Queensland, Australia 12/9
Spotted Whistling-Duck Plantation River Papua New Guinea 12/7
Plumed Whistling-Duck Hasties Swamp National Park Queensland, Australia 12/11
White-faced Whistling-Duck Ceibas Road 2 Argentina 1/14
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Ceibas Road 2 Argentina 1/14
West Indian Whistling-Duck Montego Bay Sewage Ponds Jamaica 4/19
Fulvous Whistling-Duck Large Wetland Argentina 1/14
Wandering Whistling-Duck Tajau Village Malaysia 11/20
Lesser Whistling-Duck Kochin Airport Area India 9/13
White-backed Duck Tala Game Reserve South Africa 7/24
Greater White-fronted Goose Apollo Park California, USA 5/25
Graylag Goose 厂补苍诲驳别谤冒颈--濒别颈谤补 Iceland 6/9
Bar-headed Goose Maguri Bill India 12/30
Snow Goose Apollo Park California, USA 5/25
Ross's Goose Apollo Park California, USA 5/25
Brant Malibu Lagoon California, USA 5/27
Barnacle Goose Barnacle Goose Field Norway 6/13
Cackling Goose Scherer Park California, USA 5/26
Canada Goose Encanto Park Arizona, USA 5/22
Cape Barren Goose Serendip Sanctuary Victoria, Australia 12/16
Freckled Duck Western Treatment Plant Victoria, Australia 12/16
Mute Swan Gjesassjoen Norway 6/11
Black Swan Big Mitchell Creek Queensland, Australia 12/11
Black-necked Swan Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Trumpeter Swan Summer Lake Wildlife Area Oregon, USA 6/2
Whooper Swan 惭颈冒苍别蝉--贵颈迟箩补迟箩枚谤苍 Iceland 6/10
Coscoroba Swan Laguna Cartagena Chile 1/12
Comb Duck Antananarivo Madagascar 8/6
Hartlaub's Duck Dibamba Pond Cameroon 7/3
Andean Goose Valle de las Termas del Plomo Chile 1/10
Upland Goose Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Kelp Goose Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Ashy-headed Goose PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Ruddy-headed Goose Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Egyptian Goose Frankfurt River Germany 6/24
Ruddy Shelduck 脰KA Sultansazl谋臒谋 Turkey 6/14
South African Shelduck Ficklin Pan South Africa 7/17
Australian Shelduck Western Treatment Plant Victoria, Australia 12/16
Paradise Shelduck Tawharanui Regional Park New Zealand 12/21
Common Shelduck 惭颈冒苍别蝉--狈辞谤冒耻谤办辞迟 Iceland 6/10
Radjah Shelduck Port Douglas Queensland, Australia 12/9
Spur-winged Goose Verloren Valei Rd South Africa 7/12
Flying Steamer-Duck Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Flightless Steamer-Duck PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Falkland Steamer-Duck Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Crested Duck Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Muscovy Duck Iguazu Falls Argentina 1/21
White-winged Duck Digboi Oilfields India 12/31
Green Pygmy-Goose Port Douglas Queensland, Australia 12/9
Cotton Pygmy-Goose Keoladeo Ghana NP India 9/25
African Pygmy-Goose Brimsu Reservoir Ghana 6/25
Ringed Teal Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Wood Duck Letney Boat Ramp Texas, USA 5/19
Maned Duck Pennyweight Outstation Queensland, Australia 12/10
Brazilian Teal Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Torrent Duck Torrent Duck spot Chile 1/10
African Black Duck R36-4 Bridge South Africa 7/12
Gadwall Mex 40 Km 25 Mexico 5/17
Falcated Duck Maguri Bill India 12/30
Eurasian Wigeon 脕濒蹿迟补苍别蝉 Iceland 6/10
American Wigeon Glendale Ponds Arizona, USA 5/22
Chiloe Wigeon Laguna Cartagena Chile 1/12
American Black Duck Montezuma NWR New York, USA 6/6
Yellow-billed Duck Dibamba Pond Cameroon 7/3
Meller's Duck Andasibe-Mantadia NP Madagascar 8/4
Mallard Ojo de Agua del Cazador Mexico 5/16
Mottled Duck Anahuac NWR Texas, USA 5/19
Indian Spot-billed Duck Bhavanisagar Dam India 9/19
Eastern Spot-billed Duck Jiangyou Riverside China 10/12
Pacific Black Duck Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Blue-winged Teal Quito airport pond Ecuador 3/11
Cinnamon Teal Laguna Batuco Chile 1/13
Red Shoveler Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
Cape Shoveler Flamingo Pond South Africa 7/16
Australian Shoveler Clarendon Boundary Road Queensland, Australia 12/14
Northern Shoveler Km 10 Wetlands Colombia 4/3
White-cheeked Pintail Saline Campo Brazil 2/5
Red-billed Duck Flamingo Pond South Africa 7/16
Northern Pintail Glendale Ponds Arizona, USA 5/22
Yellow-billed Pintail PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Silver Teal Camino del Consorcio Argentina 1/15
Puna Teal Junin Lake Overlook Peru 2/16
Hottentot Teal Flamingo Pond South Africa 7/16
Garganey Gjennestadvannet Norway 6/13
Baikal Teal Maguri Bill India 12/30
Green-winged Teal Mex 40 Km 25 Mexico 5/17
Andean Teal Papallacta Ecuador 3/15
Yellow-billed Teal Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
Cape Teal Flamingo Pond South Africa 7/16
Sunda Teal Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Gray Teal No. 1 Dam Queensland, Australia 12/10
Chestnut Teal Keongs Lagoon Queensland, Australia 12/14
Brown Teal Tawharanui Regional Park New Zealand 12/21
Pink-eared Duck Hasties Swamp National Park Queensland, Australia 12/11
Marbled Teal L'Albufera PN Spain 6/19
Red-crested Pochard 脰KA Sultansazl谋臒谋 Turkey 6/14
Southern Pochard Joberg Wetland South Africa 7/12
Rosy-billed Pochard Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Canvasback Summer Lake Wildlife Area Oregon, USA 6/2
Redhead Little Chocolate Bayou Park Texas, USA 5/21
Common Pochard Llobregat Delta Spain 6/18
Ring-necked Duck Klamath Marsh NWR Oregon, USA 6/1
Ferruginous Duck 脰KA Sultansazl谋臒谋 Turkey 6/14
White-eyed Duck Pacific Adventist University Papua New Guinea 12/1
Tufted Duck 厂补苍诲驳别谤冒颈--濒别颈谤补 Iceland 6/9
New Zealand Scaup Mangere WTP & mudflats New Zealand 12/22
Greater Scaup Yaquina Bay Rd Oregon, USA 5/30
Lesser Scaup Piute Ponds California, USA 5/25
Common Eider 厂补苍诲驳别谤冒颈--濒别颈谤补 Iceland 6/9
Harlequin Duck Seal Rock Oregon, USA 5/30
Surf Scoter Arnold Rd California, USA 5/25
White-winged Scoter Boiler Bay State Wayside Oregon, USA 5/31
Black Scoter Cape Kiwanda SP Oregon, USA 5/30
Long-tailed Duck 脕濒蹿迟补苍别蝉 Iceland 6/10
Bufflehead Summer Lake Wildlife Area Oregon, USA 6/2
Common Goldeneye Norway Pine Forest Rd Norway 6/11
Barrow's Goldeneye Little Brown Mtn Burn Oregon, USA 6/3
Smew Balsa de Riego Spain 6/23
Hooded Merganser Lane Community College Oregon, USA 5/28
Common Merganser Seal Rock Oregon, USA 5/30
Red-breasted Merganser Elm Beach Rd. New York, USA 6/6
Black-headed Duck Laguna Batuco Chile 1/13
Masked Duck MADU pond Peru 2/24
Ruddy Duck Laguna Milloc Peru 2/14
White-headed Duck El Fondo Spain 6/19
Maccoa Duck Strandfontein WTP South Africa 7/25
Lake Duck Laguna El Peral Chile 1/12
Blue-billed Duck Western Treatment Plant Victoria, Australia 12/16
Musk Duck Western Treatment Plant Victoria, Australia 12/16
Australian Brushturkey Kingfisher Park Lodge Queensland, Australia 12/9
Yellow-legged Brushturkey Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Maleo Maleo Nesting Site Indonesia 11/24
Tabon Scrubfowl Puerto Princesa River NP Philippines 10/20
Melanesian Scrubfowl Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Orange-footed Scrubfowl Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Plain Chachalaca Reserva Heloderma Guatemala 4/29
Gray-headed Chachalaca Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Chestnut-winged Chachalaca Chachalaca Stakeout Colombia 4/3
Rufous-vented Chachalaca Ebanal Colombia 4/1
Rufous-bellied Chachalaca Las Palomas Ranch Mexico 5/11
West Mexican Chachalaca Huatulco NP Mexico 5/2
Chaco Chachalaca Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Colombian Chachalaca RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Speckled Chachalaca Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
East Brazilian Chachalaca Caatinga Road Birding Brazil 2/9
Band-tailed Guan Side Rd 2 Colombia 3/30
Andean Guan Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Red-faced Guan Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/16
Spix's Guan Koepke's Feeders Peru 2/25
Crested Guan La Selva Costa Rica 4/20
White-winged Guan ACP Chaparr铆 Peru 2/19
Chestnut-bellied Guan Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Blue-throated Piping-Guan Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Red-throated Piping-Guan Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Black-fronted Piping-Guan PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
Wattled Guan Caba帽as San Isidro Ecuador 3/17
Black Guan Wrenthrush Spot Costa Rica 4/23
Sickle-winged Guan Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Highland Guan Parque Zunil Guatemala 4/28
Nocturnal Curassow Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/10
Great Curassow La Selva Costa Rica 4/20
Bare-faced Curassow Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Helmeted Guineafowl Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Crested Guineafowl Kruger NP South Africa 7/16
Stone Partridge Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Long-tailed Wood-Partridge Pluma Hidalgo Mexico 5/3
Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridge Savegre Valley Costa Rica 4/23
Mountain Quail Angeles Crest Hwy California, USA 5/26
Scaled Quail San Rafael Road Mexico 5/18
Elegant Quail Las Palomas Ranch Mexico 5/11
California Quail Roadside stop Chile 1/11
Gambel's Quail TA Travel Center Arizona, USA 5/22
Northern Bobwhite Dos Arbolitos Mexico 5/4
Crested Bobwhite Guajira Rd Colombia 4/1
Marbled Wood-Quail Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/10
Black-eared Wood-Quail Cerro Azul - Maipo Panama 4/15
Black-fronted Wood-Quail RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/31
Chestnut Wood-Quail Km 18 Colombia 4/4
Dark-backed Wood-Quail Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/13
Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail Manu Rd Peru 2/27
Black-breasted Wood-Quail La Mariposa Costa Rica 4/25
Starred Wood-Quail Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/1
Spotted Wood-Quail Savegre Valley Costa Rica 4/23
Montezuma Quail Cienega de Los Caballos Mexico 5/17
Ocellated Quail Finca Rubel Chaim Guatemala 5/1
Ferruginous Partridge Berjaya Hills Malaysia 11/8
Hill Partridge Mallital India 9/28
Rufous-throated Partridge Sattal India 9/27
White-cheeked Partridge Digboi Oilfields India 12/31
Taiwan Partridge Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Gray-breasted Partridge Bukit Fraser Malaysia 11/11
Bar-backed Partridge Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Red-breasted Partridge Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Scaly-breasted Partridge Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Chestnut-necklaced Partridge Menanggol River Malaysia 11/16
Indian Peafowl Base Camp Area India 9/19
Green Peafowl Hlawga Park Myanmar 10/8
Crimson-headed Partridge Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Red Spurfowl Eldhos Guesthouse India 9/16
Sri Lanka Spurfowl Siharaja Reserve Sri Lanka 11/6
Palawan Peacock-Pheasant Puerto Princesa River NP Philippines 10/20
Gray Peacock-Pheasant Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
See-see Partridge Euphrates Overlook Turkey 6/16
Sand Partridge Masafi Wadi United Arab Emirates 9/12
Brown Quail Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Common Quail Bahceli Field Turkey 6/17
Rain Quail Tal Chhapar Sanctuary India 9/24
Stubble Quail Western Treatment Plant Victoria, Australia 12/16
Chukar Abert Rim Canyon Oregon, USA 6/2
Red-legged Partridge Portilla del Tietar Spain 6/20
Caspian Snowcock Alada臒lar MP Turkey 6/15
Tibetan Snowcock Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Jungle Bush-Quail Malabar Lark fields India 9/20
Rock Bush-Quail Dry Scrub Base Camp India 9/19
Painted Bush-Quail Munnar India 9/15
Handsome Francolin Ruhija Picnic Spot Uganda 9/7
Cameroon Francolin Mt. Cameroon Cameroon 7/5
Double-spurred Francolin Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Heuglin's Francolin Murchison Falls NP Uganda 9/1
Scaly Francolin Dschang Cameroon 7/6
Cape Francolin Stony Point South Africa 7/25
Natal Francolin Tamboti Camp Rd South Africa 7/13
Hildebrandt's Francolin South Pare Mtns Tanzania 8/24
Swainson's Francolin Tamboti Camp Rd South Africa 7/13
Yellow-necked Francolin Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Gray-breasted Francolin Serengeti Side Rd Tanzania 8/19
Red-necked Francolin Tarangire NP Tanzania 8/17
Black Francolin Firat Nehri'nin batisinda bankalar Turkey 6/16
Chinese Francolin Bagan Temples Area Myanmar 10/2
Gray Francolin Saih al Salam United Arab Emirates 9/12
Swamp Francolin Maguri Bill India 12/30
Crested Francolin Tamboti Camp Rd South Africa 7/13
Chinese Bamboo-Partridge Emie Side Road China 10/13
Taiwan Bamboo-Partidge Huisan Forests Taiwan 10/17
Red Junglefowl Sitabani Forest India 9/30
Gray Junglefowl Valley Outside Munnar India 9/15
Sri Lanka Junglefowl Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Coqui Francolin Tarangire NP Tanzania 8/18
White-throated Francolin Mole Airstrip Ghana 6/28
Red-winged Francolin WB Bustard Field South Africa 7/18
Gray-winged Francolin Wakkerstroom Road South Africa 7/17
Shelley's Francolin Bisley Valley Reserve South Africa 7/24
Blood Pheasant Balang Shan Road China 10/9
Mikado Pheasant Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Golden Pheasant Pingwu Park China 10/12
Ring-necked Pheasant Creswell Oregon, USA 5/29
White Eared-Pheasant Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Blue Eared-Pheasant Plateau Forest Edge China 10/11
Cheer Pheasant Binayak India 9/29
Kalij Pheasant Sattal Trail India 9/27
Swinhoe's Pheasant Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Koklass Pheasant Binayak India 9/28
Eurasian Capercaillie Trillemarka Forest Norway 6/12
Black Grouse Kittilsbu Norway 6/12
Hazel Grouse Trillemarka Forest Norway 6/12
Ruffed Grouse Bear Creek Rd Clearcuts Oregon, USA 6/4
Rock Ptarmigan Tree Patch Iceland 6/10
Sooty Grouse Marys Peak Oregon, USA 5/30
Wild Turkey Cassin's Sparrow fields Texas, USA 5/20
Red-throated Loon Channel Islands Harbor California, USA 5/25
Arctic Loon Gjesassjoen Norway 6/11
Pacific Loon Galveston--Moody Gardens Texas, USA 5/21
Common Loon Arnold Rd California, USA 5/25
White-tufted Grebe Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Little Grebe Birecik Turkey 6/16
Australasian Grebe Pacific Adventist University Papua New Guinea 12/1
Madagascar Grebe Andasibe-Mantadia NP Madagascar 8/4
Least Grebe Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Pied-billed Grebe Estero San Ger贸nimo Chile 1/12
Hoary-headed Grebe Keongs Lagoon Queensland, Australia 12/14
New Zealand Grebe Mangere WTP & mudflats New Zealand 12/22
Great Grebe PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Horned Grebe 贬补蹿苍补谤蹿箩枚谤冒耻谤--脕蝉迟箩枚谤苍 Iceland 6/10
Great Crested Grebe Gjesassjoen Norway 6/11
Eared Grebe Piute Ponds California, USA 5/25
Silvery Grebe Laguna Cartagena Chile 1/12
Junin Grebe Junin Lake Overlook Peru 2/16
Western Grebe Castaic Lagoon California, USA 5/26
Clark's Grebe Piute Ponds California, USA 5/25
Chilean Flamingo Junin Lake Overlook Peru 2/16
American Flamingo SFF Los Flamencos Colombia 4/2
Greater Flamingo Akkaya Baraj谋 Turkey 6/14
Lesser Flamingo West Coast NP South Africa 7/29
Adelie Penguin Gourdin Island Antarctica 1/2
Gentoo Penguin Mikkelsen Harbor Antarctica 1/1
Chinstrap Penguin Mikkelsen Harbor Antarctica 1/1
Little Penguin St Kilda Pier Victoria, Australia 12/16
Jackass Penguin Stony Point South Africa 7/25
Humboldt Penguin Algarrobo Chile 1/12
Magellanic Penguin Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Macaroni Penguin Elephant Island Antarctica 1/4
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Yellow-nosed Albatross Offshore South Africa 7/26
Gray-headed Albatross Drake Passage point High Seas 1/5
White-capped Albatross Cape Point South Africa 7/26
Salvin's Albatross Algarrobo Chile 1/12
Black-browed Albatross Drake Passage Point High Seas 1/5
Light-mantled Albatross S Drake Passage point Antarctica 1/5
Royal Albatross At sea S of Falklands point Falkland Islands 1/6
Wandering Albatross Drake Passage point High Seas 1/5
Southern Giant-Petrel Mikkelsen Harbor Antarctica 1/1
Northern Giant-Petrel At sea S of Falklands point Falkland Islands 1/6
Northern Fulmar Gar冒ur--Gar冒skagi lighthouse Iceland 6/10
Southern Fulmar Off Trinity Island Antarctica 1/1
Cape Petrel Off Trinity Island Antarctica 1/1
Snow Petrel South of Antarctic Sound point Antarctica 1/2
Cook's Petrel Hauraki Gulf Pelagic New Zealand 12/21
Blue Petrel S Drake Passage point Antarctica 1/5
Fairy Prion Hauraki Gulf Pelagic New Zealand 12/21
Antarctic Prion S Drake Passage point Antarctica 1/5
Slender-billed Prion Drake Passage point High Seas 1/5
White-chinned Petrel S Drake Passage point Antarctica 1/5
Parkinson's Petrel Hauraki Gulf Pelagic New Zealand 12/21
Cory's Shearwater Llobregat Delta Spain 6/18
Pink-footed Shearwater Algarrobo Chile 1/12
Flesh-footed Shearwater Hauraki Gulf Pelagic New Zealand 12/21
Great Shearwater At sea S of Falklands point Falkland Islands 1/6
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Huatulco Pelagic Mexico 5/3
Buller's Shearwater Hauraki Gulf Pelagic New Zealand 12/21
Sooty Shearwater At sea S of Falklands point Falkland Islands 1/6
Galapagos Shearwater Huatulco Pelagic Mexico 5/3
Manx Shearwater 骋补谤冒耻谤--骋补谤冒蝉箩贸谤 Iceland 6/10
Black-vented Shearwater Pt. Vicente--general area California, USA 5/26
Fluttering Shearwater Hauraki Gulf Pelagic New Zealand 12/21
Little Shearwater Maori Rocks New Zealand 12/21
Common Diving-Petrel Drake Passage Point High Seas 1/5
Wilson's Storm-Petrel Mikkelsen Harbor Antarctica 1/1
Gray-backed Storm-Petrel At sea S of Falklands point Falkland Islands 1/6
White-faced Storm-Petrel Hauraki Gulf Pelagic New Zealand 12/21
New Zealand Storm-Petrel Hauraki Gulf Pelagic New Zealand 12/21
Black-bellied Storm-Petrel Gourdin Island Antarctica 1/2
Leach's Storm-Petrel Huatulco Pelagic Mexico 5/3
Black Storm-Petrel Huatulco Pelagic Mexico 5/3
White-tailed Tropicbird Hector's River Jamaica 4/18
Red-billed Tropicbird Piedras Blancas Mexico 5/11
Asian Openbill Mysore Ooty Rd Wetland India 9/21
African Openbill Mkhuze Reserve South Africa 7/19
Black Stork Ataturk Dam Bridge Turkey 6/17
Woolly-necked Stork Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Storm's Stork Menanggol River Malaysia 11/16
Maguari Stork Driveby birds Argentina 1/14
White Stork Akkaya Baraj谋 Turkey 6/14
Black-necked Stork Big Mitchell Creek Queensland, Australia 12/11
Saddle-billed Stork Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Jabiru Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Lesser Adjutant Jeram Malaysia 11/11
Marabou Stork Marabou Stork Spot South Africa 7/15
Wood Stork Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Milky Stork Pak Thale Thailand 10/31
Yellow-billed Stork Kruger NP South Africa 7/15
Painted Stork Shettykere India 9/21
Lesser Frigatebird Tangkoko Batuangus NR Indonesia 11/26
Magnificent Frigatebird Drive-by Brazil 1/27
Blue-footed Booby Pe帽贸n de San Jos茅 Panama 4/17
Peruvian Booby Algarrobo Chile 1/12
Brown Booby Manuel Antonio Costa Rica 4/24
Northern Gannet Gar冒ur--Gar冒skagi lighthouse Iceland 6/10
Cape Gannet Stony Point South Africa 7/25
Australasian Gannet Western Treatment Plant Victoria, Australia 12/16
Little Black Cormorant Nusa Dua WTP Indonesia 11/29
Brandt's Cormorant Channel Islands Harbor California, USA 5/25
Neotropic Cormorant Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
Double-crested Cormorant Tyrrell Park--Cattail Marsh Texas, USA 5/19
Indian Cormorant Bhavanisagar Dam India 9/19
Great Cormorant 厂补苍诲驳别谤冒颈--濒别颈谤补 Iceland 6/9
Cape Cormorant Stony Point South Africa 7/25
Socotra Cormorant Fujairah Port Beach United Arab Emirates 9/12
Bank Cormorant Stony Point South Africa 7/25
Pelagic Cormorant Santa Barbara Channel California, USA 5/25
Red-legged Cormorant Algarrobo Chile 1/12
Magellanic Cormorant Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Guanay Cormorant Algarrobo Chile 1/12
Pied Cormorant Kakadu Beach Queensland, Australia 12/15
Black-faced Cormorant Split Point Lighthouse Victoria, Australia 12/17
Antarctic Shag Mikkelsen Harbor Antarctica 1/1
Imperial Cormorant Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
European Shag 痴铆办耻谤 Iceland 6/10
Little Pied Cormorant Serangan Indonesia 11/29
Long-tailed Cormorant Lily Pond Ghana 6/25
Crowned Cormorant Simon's Town South Africa 7/26
Little Cormorant Munnar Headworks Dam India 9/14
Pygmy Cormorant Roadside Canal Turkey 6/15
Anhinga Transpantaneira Rd Brazil 2/1
African Darter Dibamba Pond Cameroon 7/3
Oriental Darter Thattekaad Bridge India 9/16
Australasian Darter Port Douglas Queensland, Australia 12/9
American White Pelican Playa Santa Maria Xadani Mexico 5/4
Brown Pelican Finca la Jorar谩 Colombia 4/1
Peruvian Pelican Estero San Ger贸nimo Chile 1/12
Great White Pelican Tuzla Lake West End Turkey 6/15
Australian Pelican Cairns Esplanade Queensland, Australia 12/9
Pink-backed Pelican Mkhuze Reserve South Africa 7/19
Spot-billed Pelican Shettykere India 9/21
Shoebill Mabamba Swamp Uganda 8/29
Hamerkop Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Pinnated Bittern Roadside wetland Brazil 2/5
American Bittern Fern Ridge WMA Oregon, USA 5/29
Zigzag Heron Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Yellow Bittern Pho Phra Thailand 10/31
Little Bittern 脰KA Sultansazl谋臒谋 Turkey 6/14
Cinnamon Bittern Barat Laut ricefields Malaysia 11/11
Black Bittern Keoladeo Ghana NP India 9/25
Least Bittern Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Stripe-backed Bittern Estero San Ger贸nimo Chile 1/12
Rufescent Tiger-Heron Driveby birds Argentina 1/14
Fasciated Tiger-Heron FTHE spot Peru 2/16
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron El Tigre wet fields Costa Rica 4/20
Forest Bittern Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Great Blue Heron Bayano Lake bridge Panama 4/14
Gray Heron Soletjernet Norway 6/12
Cocoi Heron Estero San Ger贸nimo Chile 1/12
Pacific Heron Land Rd Int Queensland, Australia 12/11
Black-headed Heron White Volta Crossing Ghana 6/28
Goliath Heron Kruger NP South Africa 7/13
Purple Heron 脰KA Sultansazl谋臒谋 Turkey 6/14
Great Egret R铆o Maipo Chile 1/12
Intermediate Egret Lily Pond Ghana 6/25
White-faced Heron Mitchell River Queensland, Australia 12/10
Chinese Egret Laem Phak Bia--sandspit Thailand 10/31
Little Egret Akkaya Baraj谋 Turkey 6/14
Western Reef-Heron Lily Pond Ghana 6/25
Pacific Reef-Heron Yehliu IBA Taiwan 10/18
Snowy Egret Algarrobo Chile 1/12
Little Blue Heron Ilhabela ferry Brazil 1/28
Tricolored Heron Saline Campo Brazil 2/5
Reddish Egret SFF Los Flamencos Colombia 4/2
Pied Heron Pacific Adventist University Papua New Guinea 12/1
Black Heron Sakumono Lagoon Ghana 7/2
Cattle Egret Laguna Batuco Chile 1/13
Squacco Heron 脰KA Sultansazl谋臒谋 Turkey 6/14
Indian Pond-Heron Kochin Airport Area India 9/13
Chinese Pond-Heron Old Bagan Myanmar 10/2
Javan Pond-Heron Magsaysay Rice Fields Philippines 10/24
Madagascar Pond-Heron Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Rufous-bellied Heron Lake Mburo NP Uganda 9/10
Green Heron Bayano Lake bridge Panama 4/14
Striated Heron Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Whistling Heron Driveby birds Argentina 1/14
Capped Heron Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Black-crowned Night-Heron Laguna El Peral Chile 1/12
Rufous Night-Heron Night-Heron Roost Malaysia 11/20
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Saline Campo Brazil 2/5
White-backed Night-Heron Lake Mburo NP Uganda 9/10
Malayan Night-Heron Huisan Forests Taiwan 10/17
Boat-billed Heron Pantanal Brazil 1/31
White Ibis SFF Los Flamencos Colombia 4/2
Scarlet Ibis Saline Campo Brazil 2/5
Glossy Ibis Km 10 Wetlands Colombia 4/3
White-faced Ibis Laguna Batuco Chile 1/13
Puna Ibis Laguna Milloc Peru 2/14
Madagascar Ibis Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Green Ibis San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Bare-faced Ibis Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Plumbeous Ibis Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Buff-necked Ibis Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Black-faced Ibis PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Sacred Ibis Guest House South Africa 7/12
Black-headed Ibis Mysore Ooty Rd Wetland India 9/21
Australian Ibis Sydney Airport New South Wales, Australia 11/30
Straw-necked Ibis Cairns Cemetery Queensland, Australia 12/9
Red-naped Ibis Mysore Ooty Rd Wetland India 9/21
Southern Bald Ibis Blue Bustard spot South Africa 7/17
Hadada Ibis Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Eurasian Spoonbill Tuzla Lake West End Turkey 6/15
Royal Spoonbill Port Douglas Queensland, Australia 12/9
African Spoonbill Kruger NP South Africa 7/15
Black-faced Spoonbill Qigu IBA Taiwan 10/18
Yellow-billed Spoonbill Hasties Swamp National Park Queensland, Australia 12/11
Roseate Spoonbill Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Black Vulture Algarrobo Chile 1/12
Turkey Vulture Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture Curicaca Brazil 2/1
Greater Yellow-headed Vulture Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
California Condor Pairu Dam California, USA 5/26
Andean Condor PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
King Vulture Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/17
Secretary-bird Secretarybird Field South Africa 7/12
Osprey Lago Tinajones Peru 2/19
Pearl Kite Guajira Rd Colombia 4/2
Black-shouldered Kite Bahceli Field Turkey 6/17
Australian Kite Nine Mile Rd Overlook Queensland, Australia 12/10
White-tailed Kite Saline Campo Brazil 2/5
African Harrier-Hawk Lily Pond Ghana 6/25
Palm-nut Vulture Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Lammergeier Foz de Burgi Spain 6/22
Egyptian Vulture PN de Monfrague Spain 6/21
Hook-billed Kite Kite Spot Peru 2/21
Gray-headed Kite PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
European Honey-buzzard Cabo Higer Spain 6/23
Oriental Honey-buzzard Plantation Forest India 9/17
Swallow-tailed Kite San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/21
Long-tailed Honey-buzzard Kokoda Trail Rd Papua New Guinea 12/1
Black Honey-buzzard Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
African Cuckoo-Hawk Opra Forest Ghana 6/28
Jerdon's Baza Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Pacific Baza Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Black Baza Kuala Selangor Park Malaysia 11/11
Red-headed Vulture Masinagudi India 9/21
White-headed Vulture S-39 Road South Africa 7/13
Cinereous Vulture Portilla del Tietar Spain 6/20
Lappet-faced Vulture H13 Impala Kill Area South Africa 7/14
Hooded Vulture Hut D'Eric Ghana 6/25
White-backed Vulture Mole NP Ghana 6/29
White-rumped Vulture Malabar Lark fields India 9/20
Indian Vulture Bayana Vulture Cliffs India 9/25
Slender-billed Vulture SB Vulture spot India 12/28
Rueppell's Griffon Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Himalayan Griffon Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Eurasian Griffon Ataturk Dam Bridge Turkey 6/17
Cape Griffon Cape Vulture cliffs South Africa 7/12
Sulawesi Serpent-Eagle Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/23
Crested Serpent-Eagle Thattekad India 9/17
Philippine Serpent-Eagle Subic Bay Philippines 10/21
Bateleur White Volta Crossing Ghana 6/28
Short-toed Snake-Eagle Raptor Watch Spot Turkey 6/15
Black-breasted Snake-Eagle Palm Monument South Africa 7/21
Brown Snake-Eagle H14 Road South Africa 7/13
Fasciated Snake-Eagle Banded Snake-Eagle spot South Africa 7/20
Banded Snake-Eagle Kakoge Uganda 8/30
Bat Hawk Red Chilli Uganda 8/31
Harpy Eagle Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Crowned Hawk-Eagle Crowned Eagle spot South Africa 7/19
Changeable Hawk-Eagle Mohan - Kumeria India 9/30
Crested Hawk-Eagle Edamalayar India 9/17
Mountain Hawk-Eagle Saw Road mp 35 Myanmar 10/5
Legge's Hawk-Eagle Edamalayar India 9/17
Blyth's Hawk-Eagle Kedondong Malaysia 11/7
Sulawesi Hawk-Eagle Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Philippine Hawk-Eagle Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Pinsker's Hawk-Eagle Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Wallace's Hawk-Eagle Sepilok Malaysia 11/14
Martial Eagle H14 Road 2 South Africa 7/13
Rufous-bellied Eagle Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Black Hawk-Eagle GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Ornate Hawk-Eagle Finca Alejandria Colombia 4/4
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Long-crested Eagle Tole Road Cameroon 7/10
Black Eagle Eravikulam NP India 9/14
Lesser Spotted Eagle Raptor Watch Spot Turkey 6/15
Indian Spotted Eagle Tal Chhapar Sanctuary India 9/24
Wahlberg's Eagle Malinde Airport Kenya 8/11
Booted Eagle Raptor Watch Spot Turkey 6/15
Little Eagle Railway Dam Rd Victoria, Australia 12/18
Ayres's Hawk-Eagle Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
Tawny Eagle Satara Dirt Rd South Africa 7/13
Steppe Eagle Tal Chhapar Sanctuary India 9/23
Spanish Eagle PN de Monfrague Spain 6/21
Golden Eagle GOEA nest cliff Arizona, USA 5/23
Wedge-tailed Eagle Cement Mills Queensland, Australia 12/14
Verreaux's Eagle R36-4 Cliffs South Africa 7/12
Bonelli's Eagle Kam谋艧l谋 ormanlari Turkey 6/15
Lizard Buzzard Lizard Buzzard spot Ghana 6/28
Dark Chanting-Goshawk Chanting Goshawk spot Ghana 6/28
Eastern Chanting-Goshawk Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Pale Chanting-Goshawk R355 South Africa 7/28
Gabar Goshawk Buzzard spot Ghana 6/28
Black-collared Hawk Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Snail Kite Roadside marsh Argentina 1/14
Slender-billed Kite Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Double-toothed Kite Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Mississippi Kite Cerro Azul - Maipo Panama 4/16
Plumbeous Kite Roadside wetland Argentina 1/21
Grasshopper Buzzard Buzzard spot Ghana 6/28
White-eyed Buzzard Dry Scrub Base Camp India 9/19
Gray-faced Buzzard Balang Shan Road China 10/9
Eurasian Marsh-Harrier Borrevannet Norway 6/13
African Marsh-Harrier Marsh Harrier spot South Africa 7/12
Eastern Marsh-Harrier Choshui river Estuary Taiwan 10/18
Swamp Harrier Western Treatment Plant Victoria, Australia 12/16
Long-winged Harrier Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Spotted Harrier Clarendon Boundary Road Queensland, Australia 12/14
Black Harrier Blue Bustard spot South Africa 7/17
Cinereous Harrier Laguna Batuco Chile 1/13
Northern Harrier Anahuac NWR Texas, USA 5/19
Pallid Harrier Tal Chhapar Sanctuary India 9/23
Pied Harrier Barat Laut ricefields Malaysia 11/11
Montagu's Harrier Bahceli Field Turkey 6/17
Crested Goshawk NatureZone India 9/15
Sulawesi Goshawk Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Red-chested Goshawk Hans Cottage Botel Ghana 6/26
African Goshawk Kruger NP South Africa 7/14
Shikra Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Chinese Sparrowhawk Sisanagyi Myanmar 10/2
Frances's Goshawk Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Spot-tailed Goshawk Tangkoko Batuangus NR Indonesia 11/27
Variable Goshawk Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Gray Goshawk McManus/Murchison Queensland, Australia 12/9
Brown Goshawk Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Tiny Hawk Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Semicollared Hawk Camino Montezuma Colombia 4/9
Little Sparrowhawk Kruger S40 Road South Africa 7/15
Japanese Sparrowhawk Ba Zhang River Taiwan 10/18
Besra SH-78 Hairpins India 9/19
Collared Sparrowhawk M1 Sparrowhawk Queensland, Australia 12/15
Eurasian Sparrowhawk Dokka Delta Norway 6/12
Sharp-shinned Hawk San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/23
Cooper's Hawk Rd Above Teotitlan Mexico 5/6
Bicolored Hawk Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Black Goshawk Mankon Sacred Forest Cameroon 7/7
Northern Goshawk Borrevannet Norway 6/13
Red Kite EX A1 Km 10 Spain 6/20
Black Kite EX A1 Km 10 Spain 6/20
Whistling Kite West Mary Rd Queensland, Australia 12/10
Brahminy Kite NatureZone India 9/15
White-bellied Sea-Eagle Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
African Fish-Eagle Satara Road South Africa 7/13
Madagascar Fish-Eagle Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Pallas's Fish-Eagle Mohan - Kumeria India 9/30
Bald Eagle Matagorda Co. Texas, USA 5/21
White-tailed Eagle S209 Km 146 China 10/10
Lesser Fish-Eagle Thattekaad Bridge India 9/16
Gray-headed Fish-Eagle Fish-Eagle Nest Malaysia 11/9
Crane Hawk Riverside Dirt Road Brazil 2/7
Plumbeous Hawk Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/14
Slate-colored Hawk Posada Amazonas Peru 3/5
Common Black Hawk El Dorado Rd stop 2 Colombia 4/1
Rufous Crab Hawk Saline Campo Brazil 2/5
Savanna Hawk Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Great Black Hawk Curicaca Brazil 1/31
Solitary Eagle Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge Peru 2/28
Barred Hawk Mashpi Ecuador 3/15
Roadside Hawk Driveby birds Argentina 1/14
Harris's Hawk Laguna Batuco Chile 1/13
White-rumped Hawk Caba帽as San Isidro Ecuador 3/16
White-tailed Hawk Saline Campo Brazil 2/5
Variable Hawk Miner spot Chile 1/10
Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
Mantled Hawk Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
White Hawk Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
White-browed Hawk Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/3
Gray Hawk El Tigre wet fields Costa Rica 4/21
Gray-lined Hawk Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Red-shouldered Hawk Co Rd 37 Texas, USA 5/19
Broad-winged Hawk BWHA spot Peru 2/16
Short-tailed Hawk STHA spot Brazil 2/5
Swainson's Hawk Anahuac NWR Texas, USA 5/19
Zone-tailed Hawk Rd Below Minca Colombia 3/29
Red-tailed Hawk Vibes Restaurant Jamaica 4/17
Ferruginous Hawk Klamath Marsh NWR Oregon, USA 6/1
Common Buzzard Oslo Airport Forest Norway 6/10
Himalayan Buzzard Mengbi Shan China 10/10
Eastern Buzzard Balang Shan Road China 10/9
Mountain Buzzard Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/13
Forest Buzzard D221 Road South Africa 7/22
Madagascar Buzzard Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Long-legged Buzzard Karacadag Turkey 6/14
Upland Buzzard S209 Km 170 China 10/10
Red-necked Buzzard White Volta Crossing Ghana 6/28
Augur Buzzard Taita Hills Kenya 8/9
Jackal Buzzard Jackal Buzzard spot South Africa 7/12
Great Bustard Petrola Road Spain 6/20
Kori Bustard H14 Road 2 South Africa 7/13
Australian Bustard Pennyweight Outstation Queensland, Australia 12/10
Ludwig's Bustard Road P2250 South Africa 7/28
Denham's Bustard Pevensey Road South Africa 7/23
White-bellied Bustard WB Bustard Field South Africa 7/18
Blue Bustard Wakkerstroom Overlook South Africa 7/17
Karoo Bustard Agulhas Plains South Africa 7/27
Buff-crested Bustard Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Red-crested Bustard S-39 Road South Africa 7/13
Black Bustard Agulhas Plains South Africa 7/27
Black-bellied Bustard Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Little Bustard Carretera de Falces Spain 6/21
White-breasted Mesite Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 8/1
Sunbittern Curicaca Brazil 2/1
Yellow Rail Klamath Marsh NWR Oregon, USA 6/1
Chestnut Forest-Rail Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Red-necked Crake Nine Mile Rd Overlook Queensland, Australia 12/10
Red-legged Crake Keang Krachan Thailand 11/1
Rufous-sided Crake Large Wetland Argentina 1/14
Ruddy Crake Finca Rubel Chaim Guatemala 4/29
White-throated Crake Sendero Ibe Igar Panama 4/15
Gray-breasted Crake Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Black Rail Black Rail spot Texas, USA 5/21
Red-and-white Crake PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Weka Kawau Beach New Zealand 12/21
Buff-banded Rail Penampang--rice paddies & fields Malaysia 11/19
Barred Rail Sevilla Road Philippines 10/23
Corn Crake Eikeberg Corn Crakes Norway 6/13
Ridgway's Rail Estero El Yugo Mexico 5/12
Mangrove Rail Ajuruteua Brazil 2/5
King Rail Anahuac NWR Texas, USA 5/19
Clapper Rail Bolivar--Yacht Basin Rd. Texas, USA 5/19
Virginia Rail Fern Ridge WMA Oregon, USA 5/29
Bogota Rail Gravilleras de Capilla de Siecha Colombia 3/26
Water Rail El Fondo Spain 6/19
Brown-cheeked Rail Maguri Bill India 12/30
African Rail Wakkerstroom South Africa 7/17
White-throated Rail Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 8/1
African Crake Queen Elizabeth Rd Uganda 9/4
Giant Wood-Rail Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Brown Wood-Rail Rio Silanche Ecuador 3/14
Gray-necked Wood-Rail Curicaca Brazil 2/1
Slaty-breasted Wood-Rail PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
Uniform Crake Fazenda Agua Boa Brazil 2/10
Isabelline Bush-hen Dumoga-Bone NP Indonesia 11/25
Plain Bush-hen Subic Road Philippines 10/21
White-breasted Waterhen Sonu's Fields India 9/16
Rufous-tailed Bush-hen Rose Gums Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/12
Black Crake Lily Pond Ghana 6/25
Black-tailed Crake Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Russet-crowned Crake Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Black-banded Crake Cachuela Peru 3/3
Baillon's Crake Western Treatment Plant Victoria, Australia 12/16
Australian Crake Western Treatment Plant Victoria, Australia 12/16
Sora Elim Pools Jamaica 4/19
Ruddy-breasted Crake Punggol Barat Singapore 12/27
Spotless Crake Sandy Camp Road Wetlands Queensland, Australia 12/15
White-browed Crake UP Diliman, Quezon City Philippines 10/28
Spot-flanked Gallinule Estero San Ger贸nimo Chile 1/12
Ash-throated Crake Dirt Rd to Boa Nova Brazil 2/8
Paint-billed Crake Silencio Sugarcane Fields Costa Rica 4/22
Spotted Rail Large Wetland Argentina 1/14
Blackish Rail Montezuma Lodge Colombia 4/9
Plumbeous Rail Estero San Ger贸nimo Chile 1/12
Watercock Tajau Village Malaysia 11/20
Allen's Gallinule Lily Pond Ghana 6/25
Purple Gallinule Gualaguay road Argentina 1/14
Western Swamphen Llobregat Delta Spain 6/18
Black-backed Swamphen Lake Tondano Indonesia 11/28
African Swamphen Lily Pond Ghana 6/25
South Island Takahe Tawharanui Regional Park New Zealand 12/21
Australasian Swamphen Pacific Adventist University Papua New Guinea 12/1
Gray-headed Swamphen Kukkarahalli Lake India 9/21
Eurasian Moorhen Roadside Canal Turkey 6/15
Common Gallinule Large Wetland Argentina 1/14
Dusky Moorhen Lake Tondano Indonesia 11/28
Lesser Moorhen Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Black-tailed Native-hen Serendip Sanctuary Victoria, Australia 12/16
Tasmanian Native-hen Wellington Park Tasmania 12/20
Red-knobbed Coot Joberg Wetland South Africa 7/12
Red-gartered Coot Estero San Ger贸nimo Chile 1/12
Red-fronted Coot Laguna El Peral Chile 1/12
Giant Coot Laguna Milloc Peru 2/14
Eurasian Coot Borrevannet Norway 6/13
American Coot Wetland Outside Bogota Colombia 3/24
Slate-colored Coot Junin Lake Overlook Peru 2/16
White-winged Coot Laguna Cartagena Chile 1/12
Madagascar Wood-Rail Perinet Madagascar 8/3
White-spotted Flufftail Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Buff-spotted Flufftail Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Red-chested Flufftail Bisley Road South Africa 7/24
Madagascar Flufftail Perinet Madagascar 8/3
African Finfoot Lake Mburo NP Uganda 9/9
Limpkin Roadside marsh Argentina 1/14
Pale-winged Trumpeter Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Gray Crowned-Crane Karkloof Conservancy South Africa 7/22
Blue Crane Amersfoort Road South Africa 7/17
Wattled Crane D221 Road South Africa 7/22
Siberian Crane Jinshan--Qingshui Wetland Taiwan 10/18
Sandhill Crane Klamath Marsh NWR Oregon, USA 6/1
Sarus Crane Dighal Toll India 9/22
Brolga Pandanus Lagoon Queensland, Australia 12/11
Common Crane Gard Norway 6/10
Black-necked Crane S209 Km 170 China 10/10
Snowy Sheathbill Farewell Rock Antarctica 1/1
Water Thick-knee Kruger NP South Africa 7/16
Eurasian Thick-knee Tuzla Lake West End Turkey 6/15
Indian Thick-knee Monkeyfalls Rd India 9/19
Senegal Thick-knee Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Spotted Thick-knee Strandfontein WTP South Africa 7/25
Double-striped Thick-knee Perico (peublo) Colombia 4/1
Peruvian Thick-knee Humedales de Ventanilla Peru 2/13
Bush Thick-knee Cairns Cemetery Queensland, Australia 12/9
Beach Thick-knee Serangan Indonesia 11/29
Egyptian Plover White Volta Crossing Ghana 6/28
Black-winged Stilt Akkaya Baraj谋 Turkey 6/14
Pied Stilt Port Douglas Queensland, Australia 12/9
Black-necked Stilt Laguna El Peral Chile 1/12
Banded Stilt Western Treatment Plant Victoria, Australia 12/16
Pied Avocet IBA Seyhan Deltas谋 Turkey 6/15
Red-necked Avocet Keongs Lagoon Queensland, Australia 12/14
American Avocet Estero Escopampa Mexico 5/11
Eurasian Oystercatcher 厂补苍诲驳别谤冒颈--濒别颈谤补 Iceland 6/9
Pied Oystercatcher Barron River mouth Queensland, Australia 12/13
South Island Oystercatcher Sandspit New Zealand 12/21
Variable Oystercatcher Sandspit New Zealand 12/21
Sooty Oystercatcher Sorell/Midway Pt Causeway Tasmania 12/20
American Oystercatcher Estero San Ger贸nimo Chile 1/12
African Oystercatcher Stony Point South Africa 7/25
Blackish Oystercatcher Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
Magellanic Oystercatcher Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Black Oystercatcher Anacapa Island (VEN Co.) California, USA 5/25
Black-bellied Plover R铆o Maipo Chile 1/12
European Golden-Plover Krisuvikurbjarg Iceland 6/10
American Golden-Plover Gualaguay road Argentina 1/14
Pacific Golden-Plover Hamraniyah Nursery United Arab Emirates 9/12
Northern Lapwing Strandsjoen Norway 6/10
Long-toed Lapwing Roadside Rice Fields Kenya 8/12
Blacksmith Lapwing Joberg Wetland South Africa 7/12
Spur-winged Lapwing Akkaya Baraj谋 Turkey 6/14
River Lapwing Yamuna Khadar India 9/26
Yellow-wattled Lapwing Indira Gandhi International Airport India 9/22
Black-headed Lapwing Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
White-headed Lapwing Kruger NP South Africa 7/15
Senegal Lapwing Kruger S128 Road South Africa 7/15
Black-winged Lapwing Dirkiesdorp South Africa 7/18
Crowned Lapwing Joberg Wetland South Africa 7/12
Wattled Lapwing Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Brown-chested Lapwing Lake Mburo Entrance Rd Uganda 9/9
Gray-headed Lapwing Rama II Km#78 Fish Ponds Thailand 10/31
Red-wattled Lapwing Saih al Salam United Arab Emirates 9/12
Banded Lapwing Avalon, Beach Rd Victoria, Australia 12/16
Masked Lapwing Pacific Adventist University Papua New Guinea 12/1
White-tailed Lapwing Dubai Pivot Fields United Arab Emirates 9/12
Pied Lapwing Madre de Dios River Peru 3/1
Southern Lapwing Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
Andean Lapwing Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
Red-breasted Dotterel Sandspit New Zealand 12/21
Lesser Sand-Plover Saih al Salam United Arab Emirates 9/12
Greater Sand-Plover Umm al-Qaiwain United Arab Emirates 9/12
Caspian Plover Hamraniyah Nursery United Arab Emirates 9/12
Collared Plover R铆o Maipo Chile 1/12
Two-banded Plover Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Double-banded Plover Miranda Shorebird Centre New Zealand 12/22
Kittlitz's Plover Flamingo Pond South Africa 7/16
Red-capped Plover Kakadu Beach Queensland, Australia 12/15
Malaysian Plover Laem Phak Bia--sandspit Thailand 10/31
Kentish Plover IBA Seyhan Deltas谋 Turkey 6/15
Snowy Plover Playa Santa Rosa Peru 2/19
Javan Plover Serangan Indonesia 11/29
Wilson's Plover Ajuruteua Brazil 2/5
Common Ringed Plover 厂补苍诲驳别谤冒颈--濒别颈谤补 Iceland 6/9
Semipalmated Plover Saline Campo Brazil 2/5
Long-billed Plover Qingyijiang Bridge China 10/14
Piping Plover Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary Texas, USA 5/19
Little Ringed Plover Hamar Tower Hide Norway 6/11
Three-banded Plover Satara Road South Africa 7/13
Forbes's Plover Mole NP Ghana 6/29
White-fronted Plover Kruger NP South Africa 7/13
Chestnut-banded Plover Yzerfontein South Africa 7/29
Killdeer Humedales de Ventanilla Peru 2/13
Rufous-chested Dotterel Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Red-kneed Dotterel Pennyweight Outstation Queensland, Australia 12/10
Hooded Plover Point Roadknight Victoria, Australia 12/17
Black-fronted Dotterel Pennyweight Outstation Queensland, Australia 12/10
Wrybill Miranda Shorebird Centre New Zealand 12/22
Diademed Sandpiper-Plover DSP spot Chile 1/10
Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe Pampa Curicocha Peru 2/14
Gray-breasted Seedsnipe Camino al Yeso Chile 1/10
Least Seedsnipe RN Lomas de Lachay Peru 2/13
Greater Painted-Snipe Sausage Tree Creek Tanzania 8/18
Lesser Jacana Mabamba Swamp Uganda 8/29
African Jacana Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Madagascar Jacana Bemaylaka Madagascar 7/31
Comb-crested Jacana Pacific Adventist University Papua New Guinea 12/1
Pheasant-tailed Jacana Basai Wetland India 9/22
Bronze-winged Jacana Kukkarahalli Lake India 9/21
Northern Jacana Elim Pools Jamaica 4/19
Wattled Jacana Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Terek Sandpiper Umm al-Qaiwain United Arab Emirates 9/12
Common Sandpiper Dokka Delta Norway 6/12
Spotted Sandpiper Ajuruteua Brazil 2/5
Green Sandpiper Old Landfill Rd Norway 6/10
Solitary Sandpiper Ceibas Road 2 Argentina 1/14
Gray-tailed Tattler Garceliano Beach Philippines 10/19
Wandering Tattler S谩balo Cerritos Mexico 5/11
Greater Yellowlegs Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
Common Greenshank Boggy Clearcut Norway 6/11
Nordmann's Greenshank Pak Thale Thailand 10/31
Willet Estuary Lookout Brazil 2/5
Lesser Yellowlegs Algarrobo Chile 1/12
Marsh Sandpiper Nyumba Ya Mumg Tanzania 8/23
Wood Sandpiper Dokka Delta Norway 6/12
Common Redshank 厂补苍诲驳别谤冒颈--濒别颈谤补 Iceland 6/9
Upland Sandpiper Lott Farm New York, USA 6/6
Whimbrel Estero San Ger贸nimo Chile 1/12
Far Eastern Curlew Cairns Esplanade Queensland, Australia 12/9
Eurasian Curlew Strandsjoen Norway 6/10
Long-billed Curlew Shrimp Ponds Mexico 5/15
Black-tailed Godwit 贬补蹿苍补谤蹿箩枚谤冒耻谤--脕蝉迟箩枚谤苍 Iceland 6/10
Hudsonian Godwit Humedales de Ventanilla Peru 2/26
Bar-tailed Godwit IBA Seyhan Deltas谋 Turkey 6/15
Marbled Godwit Costa del Este Panama 4/16
Ruddy Turnstone Algarrobo Chile 1/12
Black Turnstone Playa del Rey/Ballona area California, USA 5/27
Great Knot Umm al-Qaiwain United Arab Emirates 9/12
Red Knot Costa del Este Panama 4/16
Surfbird Callao Port Peru 2/26
Ruff Magadi Lake Tanzania 8/19
Broad-billed Sandpiper Hamar Tower Hide Norway 6/11
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Numundo Beef Farm Papua New Guinea 12/8
Stilt Sandpiper Humedales de Ventanilla Peru 2/26
Curlew Sandpiper L'Albufera PN Spain 6/19
Temminck's Stint Valdresflya Norway 6/12
Long-toed Stint Rama II Km#78 Fish Ponds Thailand 10/31
Spoon-billed Sandpiper Pak Thale Thailand 11/3
Red-necked Stint Qigu IBA Taiwan 10/18
Sanderling Estero San Ger贸nimo Chile 1/12
Dunlin Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary Texas, USA 5/19
Purple Sandpiper Gar冒ur--Gar冒skagi lighthouse Iceland 6/10
Baird's Sandpiper R铆o Maipo Chile 1/12
Little Stint Mida Creek Kenya 8/11
Least Sandpiper Campos de Quatipuru Brazil 2/4
White-rumped Sandpiper Tyrrell Park--Cattail Marsh Texas, USA 5/19
Pectoral Sandpiper Ceibas Road 2 Argentina 1/14
Semipalmated Sandpiper Ajuruteua Brazil 2/5
Western Sandpiper Shorebird Spot Colombia 4/3
Short-billed Dowitcher Ajuruteua Brazil 2/5
Long-billed Dowitcher Del Rey Lagoon Park California, USA 5/27
Asian Dowitcher Khok Kham Salt Pans Thailand 10/31
Latham's Snipe Walindi Plantations Papua New Guinea 12/7
Wilson's Snipe Lost Lake Oregon, USA 6/1
Common Snipe 贬补蹿苍补谤蹿箩枚谤冒耻谤--脕蝉迟箩枚谤苍 Iceland 6/10
South American Snipe Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
Puna Snipe Bosque Unchog Peru 2/17
Noble Snipe PNN Sumapaz Colombia 3/27
Giant Snipe Snipe Spot Brazil 2/9
Pin-tailed Snipe Wamm Farms United Arab Emirates 9/12
African Snipe Flamingo Pond South Africa 7/16
Eurasian Woodcock Pine Forest Campsite Norway 6/10
American Woodcock Michigan Hollow Lake New York, USA 6/6
Wilson's Phalarope Humedales de Ventanilla Peru 2/13
Red-necked Phalarope Huatulco Pelagic Mexico 5/3
Small Buttonquail Queen Elizabeth II NP Uganda 9/5
Red-backed Buttonquail Palu Indonesia 11/21
Yellow-legged Buttonquail Tal Chhapar Sanctuary India 9/23
Spotted Buttonquail University Philippines Philippines 10/22
Barred Buttonquail Bhavanisagar Dam India 9/19
Madagascar Buttonquail Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Painted Buttonquail Collins Rd (Beverley) Western Australia 12/26
Crab Plover Mida Creek Kenya 8/11
Cream-colored Courser Saih al Salam United Arab Emirates 9/12
Somali Courser Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Burchell's Courser Road P2250 South Africa 7/28
Temminck's Courser Edge of Serengeti Plains Tanzania 8/20
Double-banded Courser Small Serengeti Circuit Tanzania 8/18
Three-banded Courser Sandai Resort Jct Kenya 8/14
Bronze-winged Courser BW Courser spot South Africa 7/13
Collared Pratincole L'Albufera PN Spain 6/19
Oriental Pratincole Mailiao ORPR spot Taiwan 10/18
Rock Pratincole Twifo Praso--Pra River Ghana 6/27
Small Pratincole Small Pratincole flyover India 9/25
Chilean Skua At sea E of Beagle Channel Argentina 1/8
South Polar Skua Farewell Rock Antarctica 1/1
Brown Skua Mikkelsen Harbor Antarctica 1/1
Pomarine Jaeger Huatulco Pelagic Mexico 5/3
Parasitic Jaeger Ajuruteua Brazil 2/5
Common Murre Santa Barbara Channel California, USA 5/25
Thick-billed Murre Krisuvikurbjarg Iceland 6/10
Razorbill Krisuvikurbjarg Iceland 6/10
Pigeon Guillemot Santa Barbara Channel California, USA 5/25
Marbled Murrelet Yaquina Head Oregon, USA 5/30
Cassin's Auklet Santa Barbara Channel California, USA 5/25
Rhinoceros Auklet Boiler Bay State Wayside Oregon, USA 5/31
Atlantic Puffin Krisuvikurbjarg Iceland 6/10
Tufted Puffin Cape Kiwanda SP Oregon, USA 5/30
Black-legged Kittiwake 厂补苍诲驳别谤冒颈--濒别颈谤补 Iceland 6/9
Slender-billed Gull IBA Seyhan Deltas谋 Turkey 6/15
Bonaparte's Gull Santa Barbara Channel California, USA 5/25
Andean Gull Embalse El Yeso Chile 1/10
Brown-hooded Gull Laguna El Peral Chile 1/12
Black-billed Gull Miranda Shorebird Centre New Zealand 12/22
Red-billed Gull Sandspit New Zealand 12/21
Silver Gull Cairns Esplanade Queensland, Australia 12/9
Gray-hooded Gull Playa Santa Rosa Peru 2/19
Hartlaub's Gull Black River bridge South Africa 7/24
Black-headed Gull 厂补苍诲驳别谤冒颈--濒别颈谤补 Iceland 6/9
Brown-headed Gull Waqiexiang China 10/10
Dolphin Gull Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Gray Gull Estero San Ger贸nimo Chile 1/12
Laughing Gull Ajuruteua Brazil 2/5
Franklin's Gull Laguna El Peral Chile 1/12
Mediterranean Gull IBA Seyhan Deltas谋 Turkey 6/15
Pallas's Gull Yamuna Khadar India 9/26
Audouin's Gull Llobregat Delta Spain 6/18
Belcher's Gull Chancay Ocean Overlook Peru 2/13
Pacific Gull Seaholme Beach Victoria, Australia 12/16
Heermann's Gull S谩balo Cerritos Mexico 5/11
Mew Gull Nes Norway 6/10
Ring-billed Gull Playa Norte Mexico 5/11
Western Gull Arnold Rd California, USA 5/25
California Gull Glendale Ponds Arizona, USA 5/22
Herring Gull Quito airport pond Ecuador 3/11
Yellow-legged Gull IBA Seyhan Deltas谋 Turkey 6/15
Armenian Gull Ataturk Dam Bridge Turkey 6/17
Iceland Gull 厂补苍诲驳别谤冒颈--濒别颈谤补 Iceland 6/9
Lesser Black-backed Gull 厂补苍诲驳别谤冒颈--濒别颈谤补 Iceland 6/9
Glaucous-winged Gull Zuma Beach and Lagoon California, USA 5/27
Glaucous Gull Gar冒ur--Gar冒skagi lighthouse Iceland 6/10
Great Black-backed Gull Stewart Park New York, USA 6/5
Kelp Gull Mikkelsen Harbor Antarctica 1/1
Black Noddy Restorf Island Papua New Guinea 12/8
Gray Noddy Maori Rocks New Zealand 12/21
Bridled Tern Fujairah Port Beach United Arab Emirates 9/12
Little Tern Roadside Canal Turkey 6/15
Least Tern Parottee Pond Jamaica 4/19
Yellow-billed Tern Campos de Quatipuru Brazil 2/4
Fairy Tern Western Treatment Plant Victoria, Australia 12/16
Saunders's Tern Fujairah Port Beach United Arab Emirates 9/12
Large-billed Tern Camino del Consorcio Argentina 1/15
Gull-billed Tern Ajuruteua Brazil 2/5
Caspian Tern Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary Texas, USA 5/19
Inca Tern Callao Port Peru 2/26
Black Tern Huatulco Pelagic Mexico 5/3
White-winged Tern Nyumba Ya Mumg Tanzania 8/23
Whiskered Tern Akkaya Baraj谋 Turkey 6/14
White-fronted Tern Hauraki Gulf Pelagic New Zealand 12/21
Black-naped Tern Restorf Island Papua New Guinea 12/8
Common Tern Laguna Cartagena Chile 1/12
Arctic Tern 厂补苍诲驳别谤冒颈--濒别颈谤补 Iceland 6/9
South American Tern Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Antarctic Tern Mikkelsen Harbor Antarctica 1/1
Forster's Tern Playa El Verde Camacho Mexico 5/11
River Tern Gopalpura India 9/24
White-cheeked Tern Fujairah Port Beach United Arab Emirates 9/12
Royal Tern Ajuruteua Brazil 2/5
Great Crested Tern Strandfontein WTP South Africa 7/25
Sandwich Tern Laguna Cartagena Chile 1/12
Elegant Tern R铆o Maipo Chile 1/12
Lesser Crested Tern Fujairah Port Beach United Arab Emirates 9/12
Black Skimmer R铆o Maipo Chile 1/12
African Skimmer Queen Elizabeth II NP Uganda 9/4
Pin-tailed Sandgrouse Lark Fields Spain 6/22
Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse Small Serengeti Circuit Tanzania 8/18
Black-bellied Sandgrouse Kizilkuyu Turkey 6/16
Yellow-throated Sandgrouse Tarangire NP Tanzania 8/18
Black-faced Sandgrouse Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse Masafi Wadi United Arab Emirates 9/12
Double-banded Sandgrouse Satara Dirt Rd South Africa 7/13
Painted Sandgrouse Sandgrouse Hill India 9/24
Rock Pigeon Aeropuerto Ezeiza Argentina 1/9
Speckled Pigeon White Volta Rd Ghana 6/28
Stock Dove Nes Norway 6/10
Common Wood-Pigeon Nes Norway 6/10
Afep Pigeon Murchison Falls NP Uganda 8/31
Rameron Pigeon Eshowe--Dlinza Forest South Africa 7/21
Delegorgue's Pigeon Eshowe--Dlinza Forest South Africa 7/21
Bronze-naped Pigeon Opra Forest Ghana 6/28
Lemon Dove Eshowe--Dlinza Forest South Africa 7/21
Speckled Wood-Pigeon Mt Emei Km 33.5 China 10/13
Ashy Wood-Pigeon Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Nilgiri Wood-Pigeon Valley Outside Munnar India 9/15
White-headed Pigeon O'Reilly's Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/15
Pale-vented Pigeon San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/21
Scaled Pigeon Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Picazuro Pigeon Urban Buenos Aires Argentina 1/14
Bare-eyed Pigeon Ebanal Colombia 4/1
Spot-winged Pigeon Driveby birds Argentina 1/14
White-crowned Pigeon Robins Bay Jamaica 4/17
Red-billed Pigeon Sarchi Costa Rica 4/20
Plain Pigeon Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Band-tailed Pigeon Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/17
Ring-tailed Pigeon Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Peruvian Pigeon Maranon Valley Peru 2/21
Plumbeous Pigeon Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Ruddy Pigeon Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Short-billed Pigeon Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Dusky Pigeon Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/14
European Turtle-Dove Daripinari Turkey 6/14
Dusky Turtle-Dove Nyahururu Wheat Field Kenya 8/14
Oriental Turtle-Dove Kainchi Dham India 9/27
Island Collared-Dove Nusa Dua WTP Indonesia 11/29
Eurasian Collared-Dove Morro Mazatlan Mexico 5/4
African Collared-Dove Ambury Regional Park (general) New Zealand 12/22
Mourning Collared-Dove Satara Road South Africa 7/13
Red-eyed Dove Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Ring-necked Dove Tamboti Camp Rd South Africa 7/13
Vinaceous Dove Buzzard spot Ghana 6/28
Red Collared-Dove Tal Chhapar Sanctuary India 9/24
Madagascar Turtle-Dove Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Spotted Dove Chengulam Reservoir India 9/14
Laughing Dove Laughing Dove spot Turkey 6/15
Brown Cuckoo-Dove Nine Mile Rd Queensland, Australia 12/11
Slender-billed Cuckoo-Dove Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Philippine Cuckoo-Dove Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
Black-billed Cuckoo-Dove Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/2
Little Cuckoo-Dove Bukit Fraser Malaysia 11/10
Great Cuckoo-Dove Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
White-faced Cuckoo-Dove Tangkoko Batuangas NR Indonesia 11/27
Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove S125 Rd South Africa 7/14
Black-billed Wood-Dove Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Blue-spotted Wood-Dove Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Tambourine Dove Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Blue-headed Wood-Dove Opra Forest Ghana 6/28
Namaqua Dove H14 Road South Africa 7/13
Emerald Dove Valley Outside Munnar India 9/15
Stephan's Dove Tangkoko Batuangus NR Indonesia 11/26
Common Bronzewing Mt Cotton Rd Queensland, Australia 12/15
Brush Bronzewing You Yangs Park Victoria, Australia 12/16
Crested Pigeon No. 1 Dam Queensland, Australia 12/10
Squatter Pigeon Hurricane Rd Queensland, Australia 12/10
Wonga Pigeon Gold Creek Reservoir Queensland, Australia 12/14
Zebra Dove Sabang Philippines 10/19
Peaceful Dove Kokoda Trail Rd Papua New Guinea 12/1
Bar-shouldered Dove Pacific Adventist University Papua New Guinea 12/1
Inca Dove Road Near Sarchi Costa Rica 4/20
Common Ground-Dove Campos de Quatipuru Brazil 2/4
Plain-breasted Ground-Dove Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Ruddy Ground-Dove Puerto Iguaz煤 Argentina 1/21
Scaled Dove Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Picui Ground-Dove Estero San Ger贸nimo Chile 1/12
Croaking Ground-Dove Chancay Roadside Peru 2/13
Blue Ground-Dove Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Maroon-chested Ground-Dove Parque Zunil Guatemala 4/28
Black-winged Ground-Dove El Yeso Valley Chile 1/10
Long-tailed Ground-Dove Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Crested Quail-Dove Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Ruddy Quail-Dove PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
Olive-backed Quail-Dove La Selva Costa Rica 4/21
White-tipped Dove Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Caribbean Dove Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Gray-chested Dove Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Gray-headed Dove Cerro Marin Rd Mexico 5/8
Gray-fronted Dove River crossing Argentina 1/21
Pallid Dove Rio Silanche Ecuador 3/14
Buff-fronted Quail-Dove Savegre Mt Lodge Costa Rica 4/23
White-faced Quail-Dove Pluma Hidalgo Mexico 5/3
White-throated Quail-Dove Pululacua Hostal Ecuador 3/12
Lined Quail-Dove Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/21
Chiriqui Quail-Dove Monteverde Costa Rica 4/25
West Peruvian Dove Lima Urban Birds Peru 2/13
White-winged Dove Vibes Restaurant Jamaica 4/17
Zenaida Dove Discovery Bay Jamaica 4/17
Eared Dove Drive-by birds Chile 1/10
Mourning Dove Xela Dump Area Guatemala 4/27
Nicobar Pigeon Restorf Island Papua New Guinea 12/8
Luzon Bleeding-heart Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
White-eared Brown-Dove Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Amethyst Brown-Dove Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
Little Green-Pigeon Kinabatangan River cruise Malaysia 11/17
Pink-necked Pigeon Millennium Park Malaysia 11/7
Sri Lanka Green-Pigeon Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Gray-fronted Green-Pigeon Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Thick-billed Pigeon Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Gray-cheeked Pigeon Tangkoko Batuangas NR Indonesia 11/26
Yellow-footed Pigeon Mysore Ooty Rd Wetland India 9/21
Bruce's Green-Pigeon Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Madagascar Green-Pigeon Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 8/1
Pin-tailed Pigeon Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
African Green-Pigeon Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Wedge-tailed Pigeon Mishmi Lower India 12/29
Yellow-breasted Fruit-Dove Magsaysay Park Philippines 10/24
Red-eared Fruit-Dove Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Jambu Fruit-Dove Krau Forest Malaysia 11/8
Maroon-chinned Fruit-Dove Dumoga-Bone NP Indonesia 11/25
Wompoo Fruit-Dove Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Pink-spotted Fruit-Dove Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Superb Fruit-Dove Tangkoko Batuangus NR Indonesia 11/27
Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove Cairns Esplanade Queensland, Australia 12/9
Beautiful Fruit-Dove Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
White-breasted Fruit-Dove Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Orange-bellied Fruit-Dove Kokoda Trail Rd Papua New Guinea 12/1
Knob-billed Fruit-Dove Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Black-naped Fruit-Dove Maleo Nesting Site Indonesia 11/24
Dwarf Fruit-Dove Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Madagascar Blue-Pigeon Perinet Madagascar 8/3
White-bellied Imperial-Pigeon Tangkoko Batuangas NR Indonesia 11/26
Green Imperial-Pigeon Imperial Pigeon spot India 9/16
Red-knobbed Imperial-Pigeon Walindi Dive Resort Papua New Guinea 12/6
Finsch's Imperial-Pigeon Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Rufescent Imperial-Pigeon Rondon Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/5
Island Imperial-Pigeon Restorf Island Papua New Guinea 12/8
Zoe Imperial-Pigeon Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Mountain Imperial-Pigeon Valparai India 9/18
Torresian Imperial-Pigeon Pacific Adventist University Papua New Guinea 12/1
Silver-tipped Imperial-Pigeon Tangkoko Batuangas NR Indonesia 11/26
Topknot Pigeon Rose Gums Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/12
New Zealand Pigeon Sandspit New Zealand 12/21
Papuan Mountain-Pigeon Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Great Blue Turaco Campo Ma'an NP Cameroon 7/3
Guinea Turaco Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Livingstone's Turaco St Lucia South Africa 7/20
Schalow's Turaco Ngorongoro Area Tanzania 8/22
Knysna Turaco Benvie Farm South Africa 7/22
Black-billed Turaco Murchison Falls NP Uganda 8/31
White-crested Turaco Masindi Ranchlands Uganda 8/30
Fischer's Turaco Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Yellow-billed Turaco Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Bannerman's Turaco Lake Awing Cameroon 7/7
Hartlaub's Turaco Taita Hills Kenya 8/9
Purple-crested Turaco Mkhuze Reserve South Africa 7/19
Violet Turaco Mole NP Ghana 6/30
Ross's Turaco Wobulenzi Hwy Uganda 8/30
Bare-faced Go-away-bird Small Serengeti Circuit Tanzania 8/18
Gray Go-away-bird Tamboti Camp Rd South Africa 7/13
White-bellied Go-away-bird Mombasa Road Kenya 8/7
Western Plantain-eater Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Eastern Plantain-eater Entebbe Intl Airport Uganda 8/29
Hoatzin Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Pied Cuckoo Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Levaillant's Cuckoo Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/11
Chestnut-winged Cuckoo Gomantong Cave Malaysia 11/15
Great Spotted Cuckoo Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Large Hawk-Cuckoo Bukit Fraser Malaysia 11/10
Common Hawk-Cuckoo NH 49 Km 87 India 9/13
Moustached Hawk-Cuckoo Menanggol River Malaysia 11/16
Malaysian Hawk-Cuckoo Poring Hot Springs Malaysia 11/17
Red-chested Cuckoo Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Indian Cuckoo Selangor--The Gap Rd. Malaysia 11/10
Common Cuckoo Pine Forest Campsite Norway 6/10
African Cuckoo Masindi Ranchlands Uganda 8/30
Oriental Cuckoo Saw Road mp 33 Myanmar 10/5
Lesser Cuckoo Old Bagan Myanmar 10/2
Dusky Long-tailed Cuckoo Murchison Falls NP Uganda 8/31
Olive Long-tailed Cuckoo Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo Bwindi-Impenetrable NP Uganda 9/8
Pallid Cuckoo Oyster Cove (Putalina) Tasmania 12/20
White-crowned Koel Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Banded Bay Cuckoo Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/17
Plaintive Cuckoo Old Bagan Myanmar 10/2
Brush Cuckoo Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo Churchill Creek Rd Queensland, Australia 12/13
Fan-tailed Cuckoo Rondon Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/5
Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo Mosquito Creek Rd Queensland, Australia 12/14
Shining Bronze-Cuckoo Possum Valley Queensland, Australia 12/12
Rufous-throated Bronze-Cuckoo Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/3
Little Bronze-Cuckoo Mitchell River Queensland, Australia 12/10
Violet Cuckoo Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Klaas's Cuckoo Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
African Emerald Cuckoo Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
Dideric Cuckoo Ebekawopa Reserve Ghana 6/27
Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo Sitabani Forest India 9/30
Fork-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Philippine Drongo-Cuckoo Sevilla Road Philippines 10/23
Black-billed Koel Maleo Nesting Site Indonesia 11/24
Asian Koel Dry Scrub Base Camp India 9/19
Pacific Koel Mitchell River Queensland, Australia 12/10
Channel-billed Cuckoo Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Yellowbill Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Black-bellied Malkoha Sepilok Malaysia 11/14
Chestnut-bellied Malkoha Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Blue-faced Malkoha Monkeyfalls Rd India 9/19
Green-billed Malkoha Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
Raffles's Malkoha Krau Forest Malaysia 11/8
Red-billed Malkoha Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Yellow-billed Malkoha Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Chestnut-breasted Malkoha Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Red-faced Malkoha Siharaja Reserve Sri Lanka 11/6
Red-crested Malkoha Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Scale-feathered Malkoha Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
Coral-billed Ground-Cuckoo Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/30
Coquerel's Coua Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Red-fronted Coua Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Red-capped Coua Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Crested Coua Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Blue Coua Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Bay Coucal Dumoga-Bone NP Indonesia 11/25
Rufous Coucal Subic Bay Philippines 10/21
Black-faced Coucal Sevilla Road Philippines 10/23
Violaceous Coucal Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Pied Coucal Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Pheasant Coucal Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Greater Coucal NH 49 Km 87 India 9/13
Philippine Coucal Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Madagascar Coucal Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Black Coucal Nyasoso Cameroon 7/9
Green-billed Coucal Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Lesser Coucal Sabang Philippines 10/19
Black-throated Coucal Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
Blue-headed Coucal Nyasoso Cameroon 7/9
Senegal Coucal Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
White-browed Coucal S-12 Rd South Africa 7/13
Little Cuckoo Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Dwarf Cuckoo Sonso Entrance Rd Colombia 4/5
Squirrel Cuckoo Squirrel Cuckoo flyby Argentina 1/21
Black-bellied Cuckoo Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/8
Dark-billed Cuckoo Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Las Gaviotas Colombia 4/1
Mangrove Cuckoo Saline Campo Brazil 2/5
Black-billed Cuckoo Summerhill SF New York, USA 6/6
Chestnut-bellied Cuckoo Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Jamaican Lizard-Cuckoo Hardware Gap Jamaica 4/18
Guira Cuckoo Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Striped Cuckoo Camino del Consorcio Argentina 1/15
Pheasant Cuckoo Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Lesser Ground-Cuckoo Guacimo Road Costa Rica 4/24
Lesser Roadrunner Reserva Heloderma Guatemala 4/29
Greater Roadrunner San Rafael Road Mexico 5/18
Rufous-vented Ground-Cuckoo Cerro Azul - Maipo Panama 4/16
Greater Ani River crossing Argentina 1/21
Smooth-billed Ani Puerto Iguaz煤 Argentina 1/21
Groove-billed Ani LV Field Peru 2/19
Australian Masked-Owl Woodward Place Park (Pullenvale) Queensland, Australia 12/14
Golden Masked-Owl Walindi Dive Resort Papua New Guinea 12/7
Australasian Grass-Owl Kedron Brook Wetlands Reserve Queensland, Australia 12/15
African Grass-Owl Pholela River Bridge South Africa 7/23
Barn Owl Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/18
Oriental Bay-Owl Menanggol River Malaysia 11/15
White-fronted Scops-Owl Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Serendib Scops-Owl Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Sokoke Scops-Owl Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Mountain Scops-Owl Paradise Home Stay India 9/27
Indian Scops-Owl Nadettuchaal India 9/17
Collared Scops-Owl Lingyansi Mtn Park China 10/14
Giant Scops-Owl Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/25
Philippine Scops-Owl Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Everett's Scops-Owl Simply Butterflies Center Philippines 10/23
Sulawesi Scops-Owl Tangkoko Hill Indonesia 11/25
European Scops-Owl Alada臒lar MP Turkey 6/14
African Scops-Owl Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Pallid Scops-Owl IBA Karkamis Turkey 6/16
Mindanao Scops-Owl Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/25
Oriental Scops-Owl Nadettuchaal India 9/17
Malagasy Scops-Owl Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Torotoroka Scops-Owl Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 8/1
Flammulated Owl Angeles Crest Highway California, USA 5/24
Western Screech-Owl Mt. Wilson Road California, USA 5/24
Eastern Screech-Owl Bentsen-Rio Grande Val. SP Texas, USA 5/20
Whiskered Screech-Owl Reserva de la Chara Pinta Mexico 5/12
Tropical Screech-Owl San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/21
Peruvian Screech-Owl ACP Chaparr铆 Peru 2/19
Koepcke's Screech-Owl El Chillo Lodge Peru 2/21
Colombian Screech-Owl Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/12
Cinnamon Screech-Owl Reserva Huembo Peru 2/24
Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/1
Montane Forest Screech-Owl Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/18
Vermiculated Screech-Owl Rainforest Center Panama 4/16
Bare-shanked Screech-Owl Bare-shanked Spot Costa Rica 4/21
White-throated Screech-Owl ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/24
Northern White-faced Owl Sandai Resort Jct Kenya 8/14
Crested Owl Posada Amazonas Peru 3/4
Spectacled Owl Esparza Costa Rica 4/24
Tawny-browed Owl Boa Nova Brazil 2/8
Band-bellied Owl Waqanki Peru 2/24
Great Horned Owl CL-Regi贸n Metropolitana-Santiago Chile 1/11
Eurasian Eagle-Owl Euphrates Overlook Turkey 6/16
Rock Eagle-Owl Edge of Dry Forest India 9/19
Cape Eagle-Owl Cape Eagle-Owl Cliff Kenya 8/13
Spotted Eagle-Owl Spotted Eagle-Owl spot South Africa 7/27
Grayish Eagle-Owl Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Fraser's Eagle-Owl Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
Usambara Eagle-Owl East Usambara Mts Tanzania 8/27
Barred Eagle-Owl Menanggol River Malaysia 11/15
Verreaux's Eagle-Owl Lake Baringo Shores Kenya 8/15
Dusky Eagle-Owl Dighal Village India 9/23
Brown Fish-Owl Brown Fish-Owl spot Turkey 6/14
Buffy Fish-Owl Menanggol River Malaysia 11/15
Collared Owlet Sigri India 9/28
Pearl-spotted Owlet Mole NP Ghana 6/30
Northern Pygmy-Owl Finca Rubel Chaim Guatemala 4/29
Andean Pygmy-Owl Reserva Yanacocha Ecuador 3/6
Central American Pygmy-Owl Atlantic Km 81 Mexico 5/7
Colima Pygmy-Owl Huatulco NP Mexico 5/2
Amazonian Pygmy-Owl GUNMA Brazil 2/4
Least Pygmy-Owl Boa Nova Brazil 2/10
Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Austral Pygmy-Owl PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Peruvian Pygmy-Owl Bosque de P贸mac Peru 2/20
Red-chested Owlet Kibale Forest NP Uganda 9/3
Asian Barred Owlet Sattal India 9/28
Javan Owlet Bali Handara Golf Indonesia 11/29
Jungle Owlet EcoTones Lodge India 9/13
Chestnut-backed Owlet Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
African Barred Owlet Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Long-whiskered Owlet Fundo Alto Nieva Peru 2/23
Elf Owl Tucson Mountain Park Arizona, USA 5/23
Burrowing Owl Laguna Batuco Chile 1/13
Spotted Owlet Bhavanisagar Dam India 9/19
Little Owl Little Owl spot Turkey 6/15
Mottled Owl Boa Nova Brazil 2/8
Black-and-white Owl Rainforest Center Panama 4/16
Black-banded Owl Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Rufous-banded Owl Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Spotted Wood-Owl Sheridan ATV Track Philippines 10/20
Mottled Wood-Owl Eldhos Guesthouse India 9/17
Brown Wood-Owl Glen View India 9/20
Tawny Owl 脴sterudveien Rd Site Norway 6/12
Himalayan Owl Sigri India 9/28
Spotted Owl Mt. Wilson Road California, USA 5/24
Barred Owl Sapsucker Woods Rd. New York, USA 6/5
Fulvous Owl Parque Zunil Guatemala 4/28
Great Gray Owl La Pine SP Oregon, USA 6/1
African Wood-Owl Eshowe Guesthouse South Africa 7/20
Long-eared Owl Abert Rim Canyon Oregon, USA 6/2
Madagascar Long-eared Owl Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Stygian Owl Stygian Owl spot Colombia 3/31
Short-eared Owl Summer Lake Wildlife Area Oregon, USA 6/2
Striped Owl Striped Owl spot Costa Rica 4/23
Jamaican Owl Frenchman's Cove Jamaica 4/17
Northern Saw-whet Owl Reserva de la Chara Pinta Mexico 5/13
Buff-fronted Owl Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/18
Powerful Owl Newstead Grove Victoria, Australia 12/18
Southern Boobook The Gravel Pit and Track Queensland, Australia 12/14
Brown Boobook Periyar River Forest India 9/17
Northern Boobook Lingyansi Mtn Park China 10/14
Chocolate Boobook Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Luzon Boobook Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Papuan Boobook Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/2
Speckled Boobook Dumoga-Bone NP Indonesia 11/25
New Britain Boobook Kilu Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/8
Australian Owlet-nightjar The Gravel Pit and Track Queensland, Australia 12/14
Barred Owlet-nightjar Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Tawny Frogmouth Mt. Carbine Park Queensland, Australia 12/10
Marbled Frogmouth The Gravel Pit and Track Queensland, Australia 12/14
Papuan Frogmouth Pacific Adventist University Papua New Guinea 12/1
Philippine Frogmouth Sevilla Road Philippines 10/23
Sri Lanka Frogmouth Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Hodgson's Frogmouth Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/4
Palawan Frogmouth Lions Cave Trail Philippines 10/19
Archbold's Nightjar Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/2
Malaysian Nightjar Bukit Fraser Malaysia 11/10
Great Eared-Nightjar Sevilla Road Philippines 10/23
Collared Nightjar Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Nacunda Nighthawk Ceibas Road 2 Argentina 1/14
Least Nighthawk Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/1
Sand-colored Nighthawk Laguna Viejacocha Peru 2/25
Lesser Nighthawk Chiclayo Peru 2/19
Common Nighthawk RN Laguna de Sonso Colombia 4/5
Antillean Nighthawk Nighthawk spot Jamaica 4/18
Short-tailed Nighthawk San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Rufous-bellied Nighthawk Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/12
Band-tailed Nighthawk Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Blackish Nightjar GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Pygmy Nightjar Boa Nova Brazil 2/8
Band-winged Nightjar Pululacua Hostal Ecuador 3/12
Common Pauraque Ubatuba Brazil 1/28
Scrub Nightjar ACP Chaparr铆 Peru 2/19
Swallow-tailed Nightjar Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Lyre-tailed Nightjar Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/16
Little Nightjar Gualaguay road Argentina 1/14
Ladder-tailed Nightjar Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Scissor-tailed Nightjar Gualaguay road Argentina 1/14
Ocellated Poorwill Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/1
Choco Poorwill RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/6
Common Poorwill Ojo de Agua del Cazador Mexico 5/16
Chuck-will's-widow Boykin Springs Texas, USA 5/19
Rufous Nightjar Minca Colombia 3/29
Buff-collared Nightjar Reserva Heloderma Guatemala 4/28
Eastern Whip-poor-will CR17 sand pits, Constantia New York, USA 6/7
Dusky Nightjar Bare-shanked Spot Costa Rica 4/21
Mexican Whip-poor-will Xela Dump Area Guatemala 4/27
Pennant-winged Nightjar Murchison Airstrip Uganda 9/1
Standard-winged Nightjar Mole Airstrip Ghana 6/28
Red-necked Nightjar Monfrague RNNI spot Spain 6/20
Jungle Nightjar Jungle Nightjar outcrop India 9/20
Gray Nightjar Bidadari Singapore 12/27
Eurasian Nightjar Camping Monfrague Spain 6/20
Large-tailed Nightjar Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/1
Jerdon's Nightjar Nadettuchaal India 9/17
Philippine Nightjar UP Diliman Campus Philippines 10/28
Sulawesi Nightjar Tangkoko Batuangus NR Indonesia 11/26
Black-shouldered Nightjar Lake Mburo NP Uganda 9/9
Fiery-necked Nightjar Kruger Night Drive South Africa 7/15
Abyssinian Nightjar Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/13
Montane Nightjar Ruhija Picnic Spot Uganda 9/7
Indian Nightjar Bhavanisagar Dam India 9/19
Madagascar Nightjar Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Swamp Nightjar Lake Mburo NP Uganda 9/9
Savanna Nightjar Dongshih Taiwan 10/15
Freckled Nightjar Lake Mburo NP Uganda 9/10
Long-tailed Nightjar Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Slender-tailed Nightjar Sandai Resort Jct Kenya 8/14
Square-tailed Nightjar Queen Elizabeth Rd Uganda 9/4
Great Potoo Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Common Potoo GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Northern Potoo Elaine's Bar Jamaica 4/18
Andean Potoo Andean Potoo Spot Peru 2/27
Rufous Potoo Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/8
Oilbird Ca帽贸n Quiscarrumi Peru 2/24
Black Swift Teotitlan del Valle Mexico 5/6
Rothschild's Swift San Antonio Argentina 1/16
Great Dusky Swift Iguazu Falls Argentina 1/21
Chestnut-collared Swift Camino Atuen Peru 2/21
White-collared Swift Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/19
White-naped Swift Panuco Road Mexico 5/12
Biscutate Swift Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/1
Malagasy Spinetail Andasibe-Mantadia NP Madagascar 8/4
White-rumped Needletail Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Mottled Spinetail Campo Ma'an NP Cameroon 7/4
Silver-rumped Needletail Bukit Fraser Malaysia 11/10
Sabine's Spinetail Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Cassin's Spinetail Opra Forest Ghana 6/28
Chimney Swift Boykin Springs Texas, USA 5/19
Vaux's Swift Monteverde Costa Rica 4/25
Chapman's Swift Montezuma Lodge Colombia 4/10
Sick's Swift San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/21
Short-tailed Swift Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Band-rumped Swift GUNMA Brazil 2/4
Costa Rican Swift Talari Mountain Lodge Costa Rica 4/23
Gray-rumped Swift Puerto Iguaz煤 Argentina 1/21
Pale-rumped Swift Posada Amazonas Peru 3/5
White-throated Needletail Nine Mile Rd Overlook Queensland, Australia 12/10
Silver-backed Needletail Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Brown-backed Needletail Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Purple Needletail Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Glossy Swiftlet Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Cave Swiftlet Bali Handara Golf Indonesia 11/29
Bornean Swiftlet Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Pygmy Swiftlet Sabang Philippines 10/19
Indian Swiftlet Swiftlet Spot India 9/13
Sulawesi Swiftlet Dumoga-Bone NP Indonesia 11/25
Philippine Swiftlet Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Mountain Swiftlet Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/3
Australian Swiftlet Cairns Esplanade Queensland, Australia 12/9
Himalayan Swiftlet Saw Road mp 35 Myanmar 10/3
Ameline Swiftlet Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Uniform Swiftlet Bandar Udara Internasional Indonesia 11/21
Mossy-nest Swiftlet Kinabatangan River cruise Malaysia 11/16
Black-nest Swiftlet Gomantong Cave Malaysia 11/16
White-nest Swiftlet Gomantong Cave Malaysia 11/16
Germain's Swiftlet Puerto Princesa River NP Philippines 10/20
Scarce Swift East Usambara Mts Tanzania 8/27
Alpine Swift Daripinari Turkey 6/14
Mottled Swift Kapcheluguny Wetlands Kenya 8/14
Common Swift Oslo Airport Forest Norway 6/10
Nyanza Swift West Usamburu Mtn Stream Tanzania 8/24
Pallid Swift IBA Karkamis Turkey 6/16
African Swift H14 Road 2 South Africa 7/13
Madagascar Swift Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Cook's Swift Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Little Swift IBA Karkamis Turkey 6/16
House Swift Old Bagan Myanmar 10/2
White-rumped Swift Castillo de Monfrague Spain 6/20
Bates's Swift Nyasoso Cameroon 7/9
White-throated Swift Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
White-tipped Swift WT Swift spot Peru 2/22
Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Asian Palm-Swift Thattekaad Bridge India 9/16
African Palm-Swift Brimsu Reservoir Ghana 6/25
Antillean Palm-Swift Montego Bay roadside Jamaica 4/17
Fork-tailed Palm-Swift Cuiaba neighborhood Brazil 1/29
Crested Treeswift Plantation Forest India 9/17
Gray-rumped Treeswift Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/3
Whiskered Treeswift Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Moustached Treeswift Walindi Dive Resort Papua New Guinea 12/8
Fiery Topaz Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
White-necked Jacobin Koepke's Feeders Peru 2/25
Black Jacobin Jardin de Picaflores Argentina 1/24
White-tipped Sicklebill Cerro Azul Panama 4/16
Saw-billed Hermit Parque Estado Ilhabela Brazil 1/28
Bronzy Hermit RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/5
Rufous-breasted Hermit Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Band-tailed Barbthroat RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/6
Pale-tailed Barbthroat Comunidade Menino Jesus Brazil 2/7
White-bearded Hermit Posada Amazonas Peru 3/5
White-whiskered Hermit Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/12
Green Hermit OB Falcon spot Peru 2/24
Tawny-bellied Hermit Lower Tandayapa Rd Ecuador 3/12
Koepcke's Hermit Koepke's Feeders Peru 2/25
Straight-billed Hermit Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/11
Long-billed Hermit Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Long-tailed Hermit Comunidade Menino Jesus Brazil 2/7
Great-billed Hermit Reserva Brazil 2/12
Pale-bellied Hermit Minca Colombia 3/29
Cinnamon-throated Hermit Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Black-throated Hermit Waqanki Peru 2/24
Stripe-throated Hermit Side Rd Above Minca Colombia 3/30
Gray-chinned Hermit WildSumaco Lodge Ecuador 3/17
Reddish Hermit Ubatuba Brazil 1/29
Planalto Hermit Jardin de Picaflores Argentina 1/24
Scale-throated Hermit Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Green-fronted Lancebill Bosque de Arena Blanca Peru 2/23
Blue-fronted Lancebill Bosque de Arena Blanca Peru 2/23
Wedge-billed Hummingbird Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/12
Brown Violetear Pacha Quinde Reserve Ecuador 3/6
Green Violetear Museo Leimebamba y Kentikafe Peru 2/21
Sparkling Violetear Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/17
White-vented Violetear Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/3
Horned Sungem Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/1
Purple-crowned Fairy Rio Silanche Ecuador 3/14
Black-eared Fairy Capitao Trail Brazil 2/11
White-tailed Goldenthroat Curicaca Brazil 1/31
Ruby-topaz Hummingbird Boa Nova Brazil 2/8
Green-breasted Mango Rancho Naturalista Costa Rica 4/22
Black-throated Mango Puerto Iguaz煤 Argentina 1/21
Jamaican Mango Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Amethyst-throated Sunangel Andamarca Area Peru 2/15
Gorgeted Sunangel Bellavista Forest Ecuador 3/6
Tourmaline Sunangel Guango Lodge Ecuador 3/16
Purple-throated Sunangel Museo Leimebamba y Kentikafe Peru 2/21
Wire-crested Thorntail WildSumaco Lodge Ecuador 3/17
Green Thorntail Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/12
Rufous-crested Coquette Waqanki Peru 2/24
Festive Coquette PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Black-crested Coquette Reserva El Tapir Costa Rica 4/21
Ecuadorian Piedtail WildSumaco Lodge Ecuador 3/17
Speckled Hummingbird Museo Leimebamba y Kentikafe Peru 2/21
Santa Marta Blossomcrown Santa Marta-Cerro Kenedy Colombia 3/31
Long-tailed Sylph Reserva Huembo Peru 2/23
Violet-tailed Sylph Bellavista Forest Ecuador 3/6
Red-tailed Comet Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/17
Bronze-tailed Comet Santa Euralia Canyon Rd Peru 2/14
Ecuadorian Hillstar Papallacta Ecuador 3/15
White-sided Hillstar Upper El Yeso Valley Chile 1/10
Black-breasted Hillstar Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Black-tailed Trainbearer Hotel Puerto Pumas Peru 2/23
Green-tailed Trainbearer Hotel Puerto Pumas Peru 2/23
Blue-mantled Thornbill Bosque Unchog Peru 2/17
Bronze-tailed Thornbill PNN Sumapaz Colombia 3/27
Rainbow-bearded Thornbill Reserva Yanacocha Ecuador 3/6
Buffy Helmetcrest Los Nevados 2 Colombia 4/12
Green-bearded Helmetcrest PNN Sumapaz Colombia 3/27
Bearded Mountaineer Manu Rd stop Peru 2/27
Tyrian Metaltail Andamarca Area Peru 2/15
Viridian Metaltail Papallacta Ecuador 3/15
Coppery Metaltail Bosque Unchog Peru 2/17
Black Metaltail Santa Euralia Canyon 3 Peru 2/14
Greenish Puffleg Fundo Alto Nieva Peru 2/24
Glowing Puffleg Bosque Guajira Colombia 3/26
Black-thighed Puffleg PNN Los Nevados--Paramo Colombia 4/12
Sapphire-vented Puffleg Softtail spot Peru 2/22
Golden-breasted Puffleg Reserva Yanacocha Ecuador 3/6
Emerald-bellied Puffleg ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/23
Marvelous Spatuletail Reserva Huembo Peru 2/23
Shining Sunbeam Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Bronzy Inca Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Brown Inca Pacha Quinde Reserve Ecuador 3/6
Black Inca Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/21
Collared Inca Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Violet-throated Starfrontlet Andamarca Area Peru 2/15
Rainbow Starfrontlet Museo Leimebamba y Kentikafe Peru 2/21
White-tailed Starfrontlet RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/30
Buff-winged Starfrontlet Reserva Yanacocha Ecuador 3/6
Golden-bellied Starfrontlet PN Chicaque Colombia 3/27
Blue-throated Starfrontlet Monte Redondo 2 Colombia 3/25
Mountain Velvetbreast Andamarca Area Peru 2/15
Sword-billed Hummingbird ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/23
Great Sapphirewing Reserva Yanacocha Ecuador 3/6
Buff-tailed Coronet Bellavista Forest Ecuador 3/6
Chestnut-breasted Coronet Museo Leimebamba y Kentikafe Peru 2/21
Velvet-purple Coronet Sachatamia Lodge Ecuador 3/6
Booted Racket-tail RT Tyrant stop Peru 2/24
White-tailed Hillstar Pacha Quinde Reserve Ecuador 3/6
Purple-bibbed Whitetip Bellavista Forest Ecuador 3/6
Rufous-vented Whitetip WildSumaco Lodge Ecuador 3/17
Black-throated Brilliant Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Gould's Jewelfront Koepke's Feeders Peru 2/25
Fawn-breasted Brilliant ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/23
Green-crowned Brilliant Sachatamia Lodge Ecuador 3/6
Empress Brilliant Sachatamia Lodge Ecuador 3/6
Violet-fronted Brilliant Reserva Huembo Peru 2/23
Brazilian Ruby Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Giant Hummingbird Roadside stop Chile 1/11
Magnificent Hummingbird Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Long-billed Starthroat Bosque de Arena Blanca Peru 2/23
Plain-capped Starthroat PN Carara Costa Rica 4/24
Fiery-throated Hummingbird Cerro de La Muerte Costa Rica 4/22
Green-throated Mountain-gem Parque Zunil Guatemala 4/28
Amethyst-throated Hummingbird Xela Dump Area Guatemala 4/27
Blue-throated Hummingbird Benito Juarez Mexico 5/6
White-bellied Mountain-gem Catarata del Toro Costa Rica 4/20
Purple-throated Mountain-gem Rd Near Sarchi 2 Costa Rica 4/20
White-throated Mountain-gem Savegre Mt Lodge Costa Rica 4/23
Garnet-throated Hummingbird Parque Zunil Guatemala 4/28
Purple-collared Woodstar Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Peruvian Sheartail Barranco--Puente de los Suspiros Peru 2/26
White-bellied Woodstar Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Gorgeted Woodstar Caba帽as San Isidro Ecuador 3/16
Santa Marta Woodstar Santa Marta-Cerro Kenedy Colombia 3/31
Short-tailed Woodstar LV Field Peru 2/19
Slender-tailed Woodstar Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/17
Slender Sheartail Road Near Coban Guatemala 4/29
Lucifer Hummingbird Behrstocks' Arizona, USA 5/23
Beautiful Hummingbird 脕rea a la Conservaci贸n Mexico 5/5
Magenta-throated Woodstar Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Purple-throated Woodstar Bellavista Forest Ecuador 3/6
Amethyst Woodstar PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Letney Boat Ramp Texas, USA 5/19
Black-chinned Hummingbird Lost Maples SNA Texas, USA 5/20
Vervain Hummingbird Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Anna's Hummingbird Doubletree Parking Lot Arizona, USA 5/22
Costa's Hummingbird Intl Wildlife Museum Arizona, USA 5/24
Bumblebee Hummingbird San Isidro Jct Mexico 5/8
Broad-tailed Hummingbird Mesa de las Tables Mexico 5/18
Rufous Hummingbird Creswell House Oregon, USA 5/28
Allen's Hummingbird Eaton Canyon Park California, USA 5/26
Volcano Hummingbird Cerro de La Muerte Costa Rica 4/22
Scintillant Hummingbird Rd Near Sarchi 2 Costa Rica 4/20
Calliope Hummingbird Angeles Crest Hwy California, USA 5/26
Western Emerald Club Campestre de Cali Colombia 4/4
Red-billed Emerald Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/20
Golden-crowned Emerald GC Emerald spot Mexico 5/3
Canivet's Emerald Reserva Heloderma Guatemala 4/29
Garden Emerald Biomuseo Panama 4/17
Glittering-bellied Emerald Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Blue-chinned Sapphire Dirt Road Brazil 2/4
Dusky Hummingbird El Manguito Mexico 5/5
Broad-billed Hummingbird Laguna Sicaruu Mexico 5/4
Violet-headed Hummingbird WildSumaco Lodge Ecuador 3/17
Scaly-breasted Hummingbird Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Wedge-tailed Sabrewing Cerro Marin Rd Mexico 5/8
Long-tailed Sabrewing Cerro Metate Mexico 5/8
Gray-breasted Sabrewing GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Rufous Sabrewing Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Violet Sabrewing Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Lazuline Sabrewing RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/30
Napo Sabrewing WildSumaco Lodge Ecuador 3/17
Swallow-tailed Hummingbird Jardin de Picaflores Argentina 1/24
White-vented Plumeleteer RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer Sendero Ibe Igar Panama 4/15
Mexican Woodnymph El Ojo de Agua Colibris Mexico 5/14
Crowned Woodnymph Sachatamia Lodge Ecuador 3/6
Fork-tailed Woodnymph Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Violet-capped Woodnymph San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Stripe-tailed Hummingbird Savegre Mt Lodge Costa Rica 4/23
Blue-capped Hummingbird Pluma Hidalgo Mexico 5/3
Black-bellied Hummingbird Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Coppery-headed Emerald Catarata del Toro Costa Rica 4/20
Snowcap Reserva El Tapir Costa Rica 4/21
Sombre Hummingbird Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Many-spotted Hummingbird WildSumaco Lodge Ecuador 3/17
White-throated Hummingbird San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Buffy Hummingbird Flamencos Rd Colombia 4/2
Spot-throated Hummingbird Chacanto Peru 2/22
White-bellied Hummingbird Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/16
Green-and-white Hummingbird Oxapampa Road Peru 2/16
Chestnut-bellied Hummingbird RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Amazilia Hummingbird Chiclayo Peru 2/19
White-bellied Emerald Atlantic Km 71 Mexico 5/7
Plain-bellied Emerald Saline Campo Brazil 2/5
Versicolored Emerald Jardin de Picaflores Argentina 1/24
Andean Emerald Reserva Huembo Peru 2/23
Glittering-throated Emerald Ubatuba Brazil 1/29
Sapphire-spangled Emerald Boa Nova Brazil 2/8
Blue-chested Hummingbird Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/14
Charming Hummingbird Los Cusingos Costa Rica 4/23
Purple-chested Hummingbird Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/13
Mangrove Hummingbird Guacalillo Costa Rica 4/24
Azure-crowned Hummingbird Panajachel House Guatemala 4/27
Berylline Hummingbird Pluma Hidalgo Mexico 5/3
Steely-vented Hummingbird Minca Colombia 3/29
Indigo-capped Hummingbird RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Green-bellied Hummingbird Buenavista Colombia 3/25
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Pacha Quinde Reserve Ecuador 3/6
Buff-bellied Hummingbird Camino Plan de las Flores Mexico 5/9
Cinnamon Hummingbird Cerro Lodge Costa Rica 4/24
Violet-crowned Hummingbird Carretera 175/Oaxaca-Tuxtepec Mexico 5/7
Green-fronted Hummingbird El Manguito Mexico 5/5
Golden-tailed Sapphire Waqanki Peru 2/24
Violet-capped Hummingbird Cerro Azul Yard Panama 4/15
Streamertail Frenchman's Cove Jamaica 4/17
Sapphire-throated Hummingbird 罢辞谤迟铆 Panama 4/14
Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird Via Parque Isla de Salamanca Colombia 4/3
Shining-green Hummingbird Flamencos Rd Colombia 4/2
Violet-bellied Hummingbird Rainforest Center Panama 4/16
Blue-throated Goldentail Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Rufous-throated Sapphire GUNMA Brazil 2/6
White-chinned Sapphire Ubatuba Brazil 1/29
Gilded Hummingbird Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Blue-headed Sapphire Finca Alejandria Colombia 4/4
White-eared Hummingbird Panajachel House Guatemala 4/27
Speckled Mousebird Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
White-headed Mousebird Same Dry Forest Tanzania 8/23
White-backed Mousebird West Coast NP South Africa 7/29
Blue-naped Mousebird Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Red-faced Mousebird Red-faced Mousebird spot South Africa 7/16
Cuckoo-Roller Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 8/1
Eared Quetzal Cienega de Los Caballos Mexico 5/17
Golden-headed Quetzal Manu Rd Peru 2/27
Resplendent Quetzal Cerro de La Muerte Costa Rica 4/22
White-tipped Quetzal RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/30
Crested Quetzal Finca Alejandria Colombia 4/4
Lattice-tailed Trogon Reserva El Tapir Costa Rica 4/21
Slaty-tailed Trogon Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Blue-tailed Trogon Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/13
Black-tailed Trogon Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Black-headed Trogon PN Carara Costa Rica 4/24
Citreoline Trogon Huatulco NP Mexico 5/2
White-tailed Trogon Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/13
Green-backed Trogon PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Baird's Trogon Los Cusingos Costa Rica 4/23
Gartered Trogon Side Rd 2 Colombia 3/30
Amazonian Trogon Comunidade Menino Jesus Brazil 2/7
Blue-crowned Trogon Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Surucua Trogon San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Black-throated Trogon San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Elegant Trogon Reserva Heloderma Guatemala 4/29
Mountain Trogon Parque Zunil Guatemala 4/28
Orange-bellied Trogon La Mariposa Costa Rica 4/25
Collared Trogon Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Masked Trogon Bellavista Forest Ecuador 3/6
Narina Trogon Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Bar-tailed Trogon Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
Malabar Trogon Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Red-naped Trogon Hutan Lipur Sungai Chongkak Malaysia 11/13
Diard's Trogon Sugud Reserve Malaysia 11/20
Philippine Trogon Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
Whitehead's Trogon Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Scarlet-rumped Trogon Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Red-headed Trogon Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
Orange-breasted Trogon Khao Kwie Road Thailand 10/30
Eurasian Hoopoe Daripinari Turkey 6/14
Madagascar Hoopoe Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Green Woodhoopoe White Volta Rd 3 Ghana 6/28
White-headed Woodhoopoe Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
Forest Woodhoopoe Ebekawopa Reserve Ghana 6/27
Black Scimitar-bill Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Common Scimitar-bill Satara Road South Africa 7/13
Abyssinian Scimitar-bill Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Abyssinian Ground-Hornbill Murchison Falls Rd Uganda 8/31
Southern Ground-Hornbill Satara Road South Africa 7/13
Red-billed Dwarf Hornbill Ebekawopa Reserve Ghana 6/27
Crowned Hornbill Sugarcane FTWI South Africa 7/18
African Pied Hornbill Brimsu Reservoir Ghana 6/25
Hemprich's Hornbill Parmolok Island Kenya 8/15
African Gray Hornbill Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill YB Hornbill spot South Africa 7/12
Jackson's Hornbill Tumbili Cliff Lodge Kenya 8/14
Von der Decken's Hornbill Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Southern Red-billed Hornbill Tamboti Camp Rd South Africa 7/13
Tanzanian Red-billed Hornbill Karamoja Apalis Spot Tanzania 8/20
Northern Red-billed Hornbill Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
White-crowned Hornbill Gomantong Cave Malaysia 11/15
White-crested Hornbill Opra Forest Ghana 6/28
Black-casqued Hornbill Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Silvery-cheeked Hornbill Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/12
Black-and-white-casqued Hornbill Campo Ma'an NP Cameroon 7/4
Brown-cheeked Hornbill Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
White-thighed Hornbill Murchison Falls NP Uganda 8/31
Trumpeter Hornbill Mkhuze Reserve South Africa 7/19
Piping Hornbill Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Rhinoceros Hornbill Berjaya Hills Malaysia 11/8
Great Hornbill Valparai India 9/18
Bushy-crested Hornbill Bukit Fraser Malaysia 11/10
Indian Gray Hornbill Mysore Ooty Rd Wetland India 9/21
Malabar Gray Hornbill Thattekaad Bridge India 9/16
Sri Lanka Gray Hornbill Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Black Hornbill Krau Forest Malaysia 11/8
Oriental Pied-Hornbill Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Palawan Hornbill Sabang Philippines 10/19
Knobbed Hornbill Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/23
Wreathed Hornbill Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Blyth's Hornbill Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Sulawesi Hornbill Maleo Nesting Site Indonesia 11/24
Wrinkled Hornbill Genting Km 16 Malaysia 11/8
Luzon Hornbill Subic Bay Philippines 10/21
Samar Hornbill Sevilla Road Philippines 10/23
Mindanao Hornbill Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Jamaican Tody Frenchman's Cove Jamaica 4/17
Tody Motmot Arroyo de Banco Mexico 5/8
Blue-throated Motmot Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Russet-crowned Motmot Reserva Heloderma Guatemala 4/29
Blue-crowned Motmot 鲍箩补谤谤谩蝉 Costa Rica 4/22
Whooping Motmot Parque Man谩 Dulce Colombia 3/28
Amazonian Motmot Chapada House Brazil 2/1
Andean Motmot Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Rufous Motmot RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Rufous-capped Motmot PP Cruce Caballero Argentina 1/24
Keel-billed Motmot Arenal Costa Rica 4/26
Broad-billed Motmot RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Turquoise-browed Motmot PN Carara Costa Rica 4/24
Common Kingfisher L'Albufera PN Spain 6/19
Half-collared Kingfisher East Usambara Mts Tanzania 8/27
Shining-blue Kingfisher Bigodi Swamp Uganda 9/4
Blue-eared Kingfisher Kolam Pancing Lombong Melintang Malaysia 11/14
Blue-banded Kingfisher Hutan Lipur Sungai Chongkak Malaysia 11/13
Small Blue Kingfisher Serangan Indonesia 11/29
Azure Kingfisher Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Indigo-banded Kingfisher Makiling Gardens Philippines 10/22
Northern Silvery-Kingfisher Silvery Kingfisher bridge Philippines 10/23
Black-backed Dwarf-Kingfisher Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Rufous-backed Dwarf-Kingfisher Hutan Lipur Sungai Chongkak Malaysia 11/13
Sulawesi Dwarf-Kingfisher Tangkoko Batuangus NR Indonesia 11/27
New Britain Dwarf-Kingfisher Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Malachite Kingfisher Lily Pond Ghana 6/25
Malagasy Kingfisher Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
African Pygmy-Kingfisher Brimsu Reservoir Ghana 6/25
Banded Kingfisher Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Laughing Kookaburra Nine Mile Store Queensland, Australia 12/9
Blue-winged Kookaburra Dingo Hill Queensland, Australia 12/10
Rufous-bellied Kookaburra Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Lilac-cheeked Kingfisher Dumoga-Bone NP Indonesia 11/25
Stork-billed Kingfisher NH 49 Km 87 India 9/13
Great-billed Kingfisher Tangkoko Batuangus NR Indonesia 11/26
Ruddy Kingfisher Sheridan ATV Track Philippines 10/20
Chocolate-backed Kingfisher Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
White-throated Kingfisher Roadside Canal Turkey 6/15
Brown-breasted Kingfisher Mountain Woods Hotel Philippines 10/21
Gray-headed Kingfisher Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Black-capped Kingfisher 3423 Canal Thailand 10/31
Javan Kingfisher Jalan Teleng Fields Indonesia 11/29
Woodland Kingfisher Cape Coast Ghana 6/26
Mangrove Kingfisher Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Blue-breasted Kingfisher Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Brown-hooded Kingfisher H13 Road 2 South Africa 7/14
Striped Kingfisher Kruger S3 Road South Africa 7/16
Rufous-lored Kingfisher Magsaysay Park Philippines 10/24
Forest Kingfisher Nine Mile Store Queensland, Australia 12/9
New Britain Kingfisher Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Torresian Kingfisher Cairns Esplanade Queensland, Australia 12/9
Sacred Kingfisher Walindi Plantations Papua New Guinea 12/8
Collared Kingfisher Garceliano Beach Philippines 10/19
Beach Kingfisher Restorf Island Papua New Guinea 12/8
Rufous-collared Kingfisher Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Spotted Kingfisher Mountain Woods Hotel Philippines 10/21
Blue-capped Kingfisher Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Green-backed Kingfisher Tangkoko Batuangus NR Indonesia 11/26
Scaly-breasted Kingfisher Gunung Mahawu Indonesia 11/27
Yellow-billed Kingfisher Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Brown-headed Paradise-Kingfisher Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Buff-breasted Paradise-Kingfisher Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Giant Kingfisher Limbe Garden Cameroon 7/11
Crested Kingfisher Thafi India 9/27
Ringed Kingfisher Gualaguay road Argentina 1/14
Belted Kingfisher Shorebird Spot Colombia 4/3
Pied Kingfisher Roadside Canal Turkey 6/15
Amazon Kingfisher River crossing Argentina 1/21
Green Kingfisher Gualaguay road Argentina 1/14
Green-and-rufous Kingfisher Pantanal Brazil 1/31
American Pygmy Kingfisher Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Red-bearded Bee-eater Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Blue-bearded Bee-eater Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Black Bee-eater Kibale Forest NP Uganda 9/3
Red-throated Bee-eater Mole NP Ghana 6/29
White-fronted Bee-eater WF Bee-eater Spot South Africa 7/12
Little Bee-eater Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Blue-breasted Bee-eater Mabamba Swamp Uganda 8/29
Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater Peris Academy Bridge Kenya 8/12
Swallow-tailed Bee-eater Murchison Falls NP Uganda 9/1
Somali Bee-eater Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
White-throated Bee-eater Sakumono Lagoon Ghana 7/2
Green Bee-eater Dubai Pivot Fields United Arab Emirates 9/12
Blue-throated Bee-eater Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Rufous-crowned Bee-eater Subic Bay Philippines 10/21
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Bee-eater Colony Turkey 6/17
Madagascar Bee-eater Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Blue-tailed Bee-eater Mysore Ooty Rd Wetland India 9/21
Rainbow Bee-eater Pacific Adventist University Papua New Guinea 12/1
European Bee-eater European Bee-eater spot Turkey 6/15
Chestnut-headed Bee-eater Thattekad India 9/17
Northern Carmine Bee-eater Murchison Falls NP Uganda 9/1
European Roller Firat Nehri'nin batisinda bankalar Turkey 6/16
Abyssinian Roller White Volta Rd 3 Ghana 6/28
Lilac-breasted Roller LB Roller spot South Africa 7/12
Rufous-crowned Roller White Volta Rd Ghana 6/28
Indian Roller Hamraniyah Nursery United Arab Emirates 9/12
Purple-winged Roller Tangkoko Batuangas NR Indonesia 11/26
Blue-bellied Roller BB Roller spot Ghana 6/28
Broad-billed Roller Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Blue-throated Roller Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Dollarbird Border of Salim Ali BS India 9/17
Scaly Ground-Roller Andasibe-Mantadia NP Madagascar 8/4
White-necked Puffbird Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/8
Black-breasted Puffbird RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/5
Pied Puffbird GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Chestnut-capped Puffbird Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Spotted Puffbird Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Collared Puffbird Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Barred Puffbird Guira Tanager spot Colombia 3/20
Western Puffbird Posada Amazonas Peru 3/4
White-eared Puffbird Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Spot-backed Puffbird Caatinga Access Road Brazil 2/9
Russet-throated Puffbird Ebanal Colombia 4/1
Crescent-chested Puffbird Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
White-whiskered Puffbird Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Black-streaked Puffbird WildSumaco Lodge Ecuador 3/17
Moustached Puffbird Santa Marta-Cerro Kenedy Colombia 3/31
Lanceolated Monklet RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/5
Rusty-breasted Nunlet PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Rufous-capped Nunlet Saona Lodge Peru 3/4
Black-fronted Nunbird Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
White-fronted Nunbird Comunidade Menino Jesus Brazil 2/7
Yellow-billed Nunbird RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Swallow-winged Puffbird Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
White-eared Jacamar WE Jacamar spot Ecuador 3/7
Purus Jacamar Camino Pastora Peru 3/3
White-throated Jacamar Piscifactor铆a La Cachuela Peru 3/3
Brown Jacamar Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Yellow-billed Jacamar Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Blue-cheeked Jacamar Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Rufous-tailed Jacamar Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Bluish-fronted Jacamar BWHA spot Peru 2/16
Purplish Jacamar Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/8
Paradise Jacamar Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Great Jacamar Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Yellow-billed Barbet Campo Ma'an NP Cameroon 7/4
Crested Barbet Kruger NP South Africa 7/13
Red-and-yellow Barbet Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
D'Arnaud's Barbet Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Gray-throated Barbet Kibale Forest Uganda 9/2
Naked-faced Barbet Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
White-eared Barbet Western Shores South Africa 7/20
Green Barbet Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Speckled Tinkerbird Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Green Tinkerbird Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Moustached Tinkerbird Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/12
Western Tinkerbird Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Red-rumped Tinkerbird Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Yellow-throated Tinkerbird Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird Brimsu Reservoir Ghana 6/25
Red-fronted Tinkerbird False Bay Park South Africa 7/20
Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Yellow-spotted Barbet Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
Hairy-breasted Barbet Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Red-fronted Barbet Parmolok Island Kenya 8/15
Pied Barbet Mkhuze Environmental Camp South Africa 7/19
Spot-flanked Barbet Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Black-throated Barbet Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Vieillot's Barbet Mole NP Ghana 6/29
White-headed Barbet Peris Academy Bridge Kenya 8/12
Red-faced Barbet Lake Mburo Entrance Rd Uganda 9/9
Black-billed Barbet Murchison Falls NP Uganda 9/1
Black-collared Barbet H13 Road 2 South Africa 7/14
Brown-breasted Barbet West Usambara Mtns Tanzania 8/25
Double-toothed Barbet Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Bearded Barbet Buzzard spot Ghana 6/28
Sooty Barbet Awana Genting Malaysia 11/7
Brown Barbet Menanggol River Malaysia 11/16
Malabar Barbet Munnar India 9/15
Coppersmith Barbet Monkeyfalls Rd India 9/19
Blue-eared Barbet Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Bornean Barbet Crocker Range NP Malaysia 11/19
Fire-tufted Barbet Bukit Fraser Malaysia 11/10
Great Barbet Sattal India 9/27
Red-crowned Barbet Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Red-throated Barbet Poring Hot Springs Malaysia 11/17
Golden-naped Barbet Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Yellow-crowned Barbet Poring Hot Springs Malaysia 11/17
Flame-fronted Barbet Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali Indonesia 11/29
Green-eared Barbet Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Lineated Barbet Mohan - Kumeria India 9/29
Brown-headed Barbet SH-78 Hairpins India 9/19
White-cheeked Barbet NH 49 Km 87 India 9/13
Yellow-fronted Barbet Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Golden-throated Barbet Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Mountain Barbet Crocker Range NP Malaysia 11/19
Gold-whiskered Barbet Berjaya Hills Malaysia 11/8
Gold-faced Barbet Poring Hot Springs Malaysia 11/17
Moustached Barbet Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Taiwan Barbet Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/17
Blue-throated Barbet Sattal India 9/27
Black-browed Barbet Berjaya Hills Club Malaysia 11/8
Scarlet-crowned Barbet Shiripuno River dock Ecuador 3/7
Orange-fronted Barbet Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/14
White-mantled Barbet Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/22
Five-colored Barbet RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/6
Gilded Barbet Bosque Alto Mayo Peru 2/24
Lemon-throated Barbet Posada Amazonas Peru 3/5
Red-headed Barbet Pacha Quinde Reserve Ecuador 3/6
Prong-billed Barbet Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Toucan Barbet Tandayapa Ecuador 3/12
Emerald Toucanet ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/23
Groove-billed Toucanet Santa Marta-Cerro Kenedy Colombia 3/30
Chestnut-tipped Toucanet Sumaco Road Ecuador 3/17
Crimson-rumped Toucanet Tandayapa Ecuador 3/12
Blue-banded Toucanet Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan Cock-of-the-Rock lek Ecuador 3/6
Black-billed Mountain-Toucan Bosque Guajira Colombia 3/26
Lettered Aracari Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Collared Aracari Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/12
Fiery-billed Aracari Talari Mountain Lodge Costa Rica 4/23
Black-necked Aracari Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Chestnut-eared Aracari Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Many-banded Aracari Rio Shiripuno section Ecuador 3/7
Ivory-billed Aracari RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Curl-crested Aracari Posada Amazonas Peru 3/5
Red-necked Aracari Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Yellow-eared Toucanet Cerro Azul Panama 4/16
Golden-collared Toucanet Koepke's Feeders Peru 2/25
Gould's Toucanet GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Spot-billed Toucanet PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Toco Toucan Toucan Flyby Argentina 1/21
Yellow-throated Toucan Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/12
White-throated Toucan Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Keel-billed Toucan Minca Colombia 3/29
Choco Toucan Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/12
Channel-billed Toucan Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Red-breasted Toucan PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
Green-backed Honeyguide Gibbs Farm Tanzania 8/22
Wahlberg's Honeyguide Tala Game Reserve South Africa 7/24
Dwarf Honeyguide Bwindi-Impenetrable NP Uganda 9/8
Willcocks's Honeyguide Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
Pallid Honeyguide Peris Academy Bridge Kenya 8/12
Thick-billed Honeyguide Murchison Falls NP Uganda 8/31
Lesser Honeyguide West Coast NP South Africa 7/29
Scaly-throated Honeyguide Eshowe--Dlinza Forest South Africa 7/21
Yellow-rumped Honeyguide Mayodia Km 9-17 India 12/29
Greater Honeyguide Tarangire NP Tanzania 8/18
Eurasian Wryneck Fornebu Norway 6/13
Rufous-necked Wryneck Wetlands Hotel South Africa 7/18
Speckled Piculet Eravikulam NP Gate India 9/14
Golden-spangled Piculet Boa Nova Brazil 2/10
Scaled Piculet El Dorado Rd stop 2 Colombia 4/1
White-bellied Piculet Saline Campo Brazil 2/5
Spotted Piculet Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Speckle-chested Piculet Reserva Huembo Peru 2/23
White-barred Piculet Camino del Consorcio Argentina 1/15
Ochre-collared Piculet San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
White-wedged Piculet Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Olivaceous Piculet Laguna de Tabacal Colombia 3/24
Grayish Piculet RN Laguna de Sonso Colombia 4/5
Chestnut Piculet Guajira Rd Colombia 4/1
Rufous Piculet Sepilok Malaysia 11/15
White-browed Piculet Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
White Woodpecker Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Lewis's Woodpecker Entrada/Awbrey Hall Burn Oregon, USA 6/1
Red-headed Woodpecker Letney Boat Ramp Texas, USA 5/19
Acorn Woodpecker ACWO spot Colombia 4/12
Golden-naped Woodpecker Manuel Antonio Costa Rica 4/24
Yellow-tufted Woodpecker Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Yellow-fronted Woodpecker PN Iguaz煤 Argentina 1/21
Beautiful Woodpecker RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/20
Black-cheeked Woodpecker Rio Silanche Ecuador 3/14
White-fronted Woodpecker Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Jamaican Woodpecker Frenchman's Cove Jamaica 4/17
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker Huatulco NP Mexico 5/2
Gray-breasted Woodpecker Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/5
Red-crowned Woodpecker RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Gila Woodpecker Las Palomas Ranch Mexico 5/11
Hoffmann's Woodpecker Sarchi Costa Rica 4/20
Golden-fronted Woodpecker Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Red-bellied Woodpecker Boykin Springs Texas, USA 5/19
Williamson's Sapsucker North Wickiup Boat Ramp Oregon, USA 6/3
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Summerhill SF New York, USA 6/6
Red-naped Sapsucker Chandler Wayside SP Oregon, USA 6/2
Red-breasted Sapsucker Grassy Hollow California, USA 5/26
Fine-spotted Woodpecker Mole Airstrip Ghana 6/29
Nubian Woodpecker Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Bennett's Woodpecker S125 Rd South Africa 7/14
Golden-tailed Woodpecker Kruger NP South Africa 7/13
Mombasa Woodpecker Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Knysna Woodpecker Tides Lodge South Africa 7/27
Green-backed Woodpecker Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Tullberg's Woodpecker Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/12
Buff-spotted Woodpecker Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Ground Woodpecker Wakkerstroom Overlook South Africa 7/17
Cardinal Woodpecker Dschang Cameroon 7/6
Melancholy Woodpecker Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Gabon Woodpecker Max's Trail Cameroon 7/9
Bearded Woodpecker Satara Dirt Rd South Africa 7/13
Fire-bellied Woodpecker Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Golden-crowned Woodpecker Murchison Falls NP Uganda 8/31
Elliot's Woodpecker Nyasoso Road 2 Cameroon 7/10
African Gray Woodpecker Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Mountain Gray Woodpecker Arusha Coffee Farm Tanzania 8/17
Olive Woodpecker Marutswa Forest South Africa 7/23
Sulawesi Woodpecker Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Philippine Woodpecker University Philippines Philippines 10/22
Brown-capped Woodpecker Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Sunda Woodpecker Kuala Selangor Channel Malaysia 11/11
Gray-capped Woodpecker Sitabani Forest India 9/30
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Daripinari Turkey 6/14
Brown-fronted Woodpecker Sattal India 9/27
Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker Sitabani Forest India 9/30
Freckle-breasted Woodpecker Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali Indonesia 11/29
Yellow-crowned Woodpecker Malabar Lark fields India 9/21
Rufous-bellied Woodpecker RB Woodpecker spot India 9/28
Crimson-breasted Woodpecker Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
Darjeeling Woodpecker Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Middle Spotted Woodpecker Daripinari Turkey 6/14
White-backed Woodpecker Selva de Irati Spain 6/23
Great Spotted Woodpecker Strandsjoen Norway 6/10
Syrian Woodpecker Korucak Turkey 6/14
Himalayan Woodpecker Sigri India 9/28
Ladder-backed Woodpecker Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/6
Nuttall's Woodpecker Eaton Canyon Park California, USA 5/26
Downy Woodpecker Galveston Texas, USA 5/21
Smoky-brown Woodpecker Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/17
Hairy Woodpecker Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Arizona Woodpecker Reserva de la Chara Pinta Mexico 5/13
Red-cockaded Woodpecker W.G. Jones Forest Texas, USA 5/18
White-headed Woodpecker Grassy Hollow California, USA 5/26
Black-backed Woodpecker PCT Near Big Lake Oregon, USA 6/1
Red-rumped Woodpecker Rio Silanche Ecuador 3/14
White-spotted Woodpecker San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Checkered Woodpecker Reserva Las Piedras Argentina 1/15
Striped Woodpecker Algarrobo Chile 1/12
Little Woodpecker Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Scarlet-backed Woodpecker Chiclayo Peru 2/19
Yellow-vented Woodpecker Camino Montezuma Colombia 4/9
Bar-bellied Woodpecker Carpish Tunnel Peru 2/18
Red-stained Woodpecker GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Rufous-winged Woodpecker La Selva Costa Rica 4/20
Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker Cerro Azul - Maipo Panama 4/15
Yellow-throated Woodpecker Comunidade Menino Jesus Brazil 2/7
Golden-green Woodpecker Posada Amazonas Peru 3/5
White-browed Woodpecker Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Golden-olive Woodpecker Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/17
Gray-crowned Woodpecker Pluma Hidalgo Mexico 5/3
Crimson-mantled Woodpecker Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Black-necked Woodpecker Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Spot-breasted Woodpecker Santa Elena roadside Peru 2/24
Green-barred Woodpecker Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Northern Flicker Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Gilded Flicker Saguaro Patch Arizona, USA 5/22
Chilean Flicker El Yeso Valley Chile 1/10
Andean Flicker Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
Campo Flicker Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Cinnamon Woodpecker Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/14
Waved Woodpecker Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Scale-breasted Woodpecker RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Chestnut-colored Woodpecker La Selva Costa Rica 4/21
Chestnut Woodpecker Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Pale-crested Woodpecker Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Blond-crested Woodpecker PN Iguaz煤 Argentina 1/21
Cream-colored Woodpecker Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Rufous-headed Woodpecker Saona Lodge Peru 3/4
Ringed Woodpecker Reserva Particular Brazil 2/11
Lineated Woodpecker San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Pileated Woodpecker W.G. Jones Forest Texas, USA 5/18
White-bellied Woodpecker Singara India 9/21
Black Woodpecker Gravberget Norway 6/11
Powerful Woodpecker San Lorenzo Peru 2/23
Red-necked Woodpecker Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Robust Woodpecker San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Crimson-crested Woodpecker Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Pale-billed Woodpecker La Selva Costa Rica 4/21
Guayaquil Woodpecker Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/14
Magellanic Woodpecker PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Banded Woodpecker Sepilok Malaysia 11/15
Lesser Yellownape Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Crimson-winged Woodpecker Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Greater Yellownape Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Checker-throated Woodpecker Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Streak-breasted Woodpecker Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
Laced Woodpecker Khao Yai Bungalows Thailand 10/30
Streak-throated Woodpecker Chengulam Reservoir India 9/14
Eurasian Green Woodpecker Borrevannet Norway 6/13
Gray-headed Woodpecker Sattal India 9/27
Himalayan Flameback Mohan - Kumeria India 9/29
Common Flameback Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
Black-rumped Flameback Chengulam Reservoir India 9/14
Rufous Woodpecker Plantation Forest India 9/17
Buff-rumped Woodpecker Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Black-and-buff Woodpecker Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Buff-necked Woodpecker Krau Forest Malaysia 11/8
Greater Flameback NH 49 Km 87 India 9/13
Luzon Flameback Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Buff-spotted Flameback Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Red-headed Flameback Puerto Princesa River NP Philippines 10/20
Crimson-backed Flameback Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
White-naped Woodpecker Malabar Lark fields India 9/21
Maroon Woodpecker Sugud Reserve Malaysia 11/20
Bay Woodpecker Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Orange-backed Woodpecker Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Gray-and-buff Woodpecker Sepilok Malaysia 11/15
Heart-spotted Woodpecker Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Ashy Woodpecker Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Northern Sooty-Woodpecker Subic Bay Philippines 10/21
Great Slaty Woodpecker Sabang Philippines 10/19
Red-legged Seriema Soybean Fields Brazil 2/1
Barred Forest-Falcon San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Collared Forest-Falcon San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Buckley's Forest-Falcon Laguna Viejacocha Peru 2/25
Black Caracara Santa Elena Rice Fields Peru 2/24
Red-throated Caracara Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Carunculated Caracara Papallacta Ecuador 3/15
Mountain Caracara Farellones--Acantilados Chile 1/11
White-throated Caracara Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
Striated Caracara Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Crested Caracara Parque Man谩 Dulce Colombia 3/28
Southern Caracara Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
Yellow-headed Caracara San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/21
Chimango Caracara Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
Laughing Falcon Ubatuba Brazil 1/29
Pygmy Falcon Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Collared Falconet Sitabani Forest India 9/30
Black-thighed Falconet Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/3
White-fronted Falconet Sepilok Malaysia 11/14
Philippine Falconet Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Lesser Kestrel Nizip Turkey 6/16
Eurasian Kestrel Oslo Airport Forest Norway 6/10
Rock Kestrel Verloren Valei Reserve South Africa 7/12
Madagascar Kestrel Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Spotted Kestrel Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Australian Kestrel Port Douglas Queensland, Australia 12/9
Greater Kestrel Kruger S128 Road South Africa 7/15
American Kestrel Roadside stop Chile 1/10
Gray Kestrel Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Red-necked Falcon Murchison Falls NP Uganda 9/1
Amur Falcon Sisanagyi Myanmar 10/2
Merlin Guajira Rd Colombia 4/1
Eurasian Hobby Akkaya Baraji Turkey 6/14
African Hobby Entebbe Botanical Garden Uganda 8/29
Australian Hobby AUHO spot Queensland, Australia 12/10
Brown Falcon Pennyweight Outstation Queensland, Australia 12/10
Aplomado Falcon Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/17
Bat Falcon Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Orange-breasted Falcon OB Falcon spot Peru 2/24
Lanner Falcon H14 Road South Africa 7/13
Laggar Falcon Tal Chhapar Sanctuary India 9/23
Saker Falcon S209 Km 65 China 10/10
Peregrine Falcon PEFA roadside sighting Chile 1/12
Prairie Falcon Fort Rock SP Oregon, USA 6/2
New Zealand Kaka Hauturu New Zealand 12/21
Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Dingo Hill Queensland, Australia 12/10
Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo Duck Creek Rd Queensland, Australia 12/15
Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo Skeet Memorial Park Western Australia 12/26
Baudin's Black-Cockatoo Gleneagles Rest Area Western Australia 12/26
Gang-gang Cockatoo Great Otway NP Victoria, Australia 12/17
Galah Mt. Carbine Park Queensland, Australia 12/10
Long-billed Corella You Yangs Park Victoria, Australia 12/16
Western Corella New Norcia Western Australia 12/24
Little Corella Mosquito Creek Rd Queensland, Australia 12/14
Tanimbar Corella Changi Village Singapore 12/27
Philippine Cockatoo Sabang Philippines 10/19
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo 44 Deep Creek Queensland, Australia 12/9
Blue-eyed Cockatoo Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Cockatiel Mosquito Creek Rd Queensland, Australia 12/14
Greater Vasa-Parrot Mantadia Road Madagascar 8/4
Lesser Vasa-Parrot Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Buff-faced Pygmy-Parrot Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Regent Parrot Anstey Rd Drain Western Australia 12/26
Australian King-Parrot Rose Gums Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/12
Papuan King-Parrot Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Red-winged Parrot Mitchell River Queensland, Australia 12/10
Golden-mantled Racquet-tail Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Mindanao Racquet-tail Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Blue-headed Racquet-tail Puerto Princesa River NP Philippines 10/20
Yellow-breasted Racquet-tail Dumoga-Bone NP Indonesia 11/25
Green Racquet-tail Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Eclectus Parrot Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Red-cheeked Parrot Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Singing Parrot Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Alexandrine Parakeet Surajpur Wetlands India 9/26
Rose-ringed Parakeet Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Slaty-headed Parakeet Sattal India 9/27
Gray-headed Parakeet Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Plum-headed Parakeet Chengulam Reservoir India 9/14
Malabar Parakeet NH 49 Km 87 India 9/13
Layard's Parakeet Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Red-breasted Parakeet 2090 Km 16 Thailand 10/29
Long-tailed Parakeet Kinabatangan River cruise Malaysia 11/17
Brehm's Tiger-Parrot Tari Gap Papua New Guinea 12/3
Blue-naped Parrot Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Azure-rumped Parrot Maleo Nesting Site Indonesia 11/24
Ground Parrot Snug Tiers Nature Area Tasmania 12/20
Yellow-billed Lorikeet Tari Gap Papua New Guinea 12/3
Bourke's Parrot Paynes Find Road Western Australia 12/25
Blue-winged Parrot Great Otway NP Victoria, Australia 12/17
Elegant Parrot Anstey Rd Drain Western Australia 12/26
Swift Parrot Mt Nelson Oval Tasmania 12/20
Red-crowned Parakeet Burgess Island New Zealand 12/21
Port Lincoln Parrot Dalwallinu Western Australia 12/24
Green Rosella Wellington Park Tasmania 12/20
Crimson Rosella O'Reilly's Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/15
Eastern Rosella Durikai State Forest Queensland, Australia 12/14
Pale-headed Rosella Mt. Carbine Park Queensland, Australia 12/10
Western Rosella Weirne Rd Wondoos Western Australia 12/26
Greater Bluebonnet Mosquito Creek Rd Queensland, Australia 12/14
Red-rumped Parrot Mosquito Creek Rd Queensland, Australia 12/14
Mulga Parrot Paynes Find Road Western Australia 12/25
Red-capped Parrot Weirne Rd Wondoos Western Australia 12/26
Double-eyed Fig-Parrot Cairns Cemetery Queensland, Australia 12/9
Guaiabero Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Plum-faced Lorikeet Tari Gap Papua New Guinea 12/3
Red-flanked Lorikeet Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Papuan Lorikeet Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Purple-bellied Lory Walindi Dive Resort Papua New Guinea 12/6
Black-capped Lory Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Musk Lorikeet Sherwood Dr Victoria, Australia 12/16
Little Lorikeet Cement Mills Queensland, Australia 12/14
Purple-crowned Lorikeet Serendip Sanctuary Victoria, Australia 12/16
Goldie's Lorikeet Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Ornate Lorikeet Dumoga-Bone NP Indonesia 11/25
Rainbow Lorikeet Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Yellow-and-green Lorikeet Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet Jim Weir Rd Queensland, Australia 12/11
Vernal Hanging-Parrot Hanging Parrot spot India 9/13
Sri Lanka Hanging-Parrot Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Philippine Hanging-Parrot Subic Bay--Cubi (area) Philippines 10/21
Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot Bukit Fraser Malaysia 11/10
Sulawesi Hanging-Parrot Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/23
Yellow-throated Hanging-Parrot Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali Indonesia 11/29
Gray-headed Lovebird Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Red-headed Lovebird Mole NP Ghana 6/30
Rosy-faced Lovebird Encanto Park Arizona, USA 5/22
Fischer's Lovebird Edge of Serengeti Plains Tanzania 8/20
Yellow-collared Lovebird Tarangire NP Tanzania 8/17
Gray Parrot Douala Outskirts Cameroon 7/3
Red-fronted Parrot Bonkro Village Ghana 6/27
Meyer's Parrot Sausage Tree Creek Tanzania 8/18
Brown-headed Parrot Kruger NP South Africa 7/13
Red-bellied Parrot Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Senegal Parrot White Volta Rd 3 Ghana 6/28
Blue-fronted Parrotlet Cerro Azul Panama 4/16
Sapphire-rumped Parrotlet Comunidade Menino Jesus Brazil 2/7
Golden-tailed Parrotlet Reserva Particular Brazil 2/11
Mountain Parakeet El Yeso Road stop Chile 1/10
Barred Parakeet Cerro de La Muerte Costa Rica 4/22
Rufous-fronted Parakeet Carretera Nevado del Ruiz Colombia 4/12
Monk Parakeet Urban Santiago birds Chile 1/10
Plain Parakeet Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
White-winged Parakeet Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Yellow-chevroned Parakeet Puerto Iguaz煤 Argentina 1/21
Orange-chinned Parakeet RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Cobalt-winged Parakeet Santa Elena roadside Peru 2/24
Golden-winged Parakeet Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Brown-hooded Parrot Sendero Ibe Igar Panama 4/15
Saffron-headed Parrot RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/20
Orange-cheeked Parrot Posada Amazonas Peru 3/5
Vulturine Parrot GUNMA Brazil 2/7
Dusky Parrot GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Red-billed Parrot BBFL spot Peru 2/24
Scaly-headed Parrot San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/21
Speckle-faced Parrot Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Blue-headed Parrot Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
White-crowned Parrot Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Bronze-winged Parrot Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/12
Vinaceous-breasted Parrot PP Araucaria Argentina 1/23
Red-crowned Parrot Weslaco Parrot Trees Texas, USA 5/20
Red-lored Parrot Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Yellow-naped Parrot Guacalillo Costa Rica 4/24
Yellow-crowned Parrot Posada Amazonas Peru 3/5
Turquoise-fronted Parrot Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Black-billed Parrot Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
White-fronted Parrot La Mariposa Costa Rica 4/25
Yellow-billed Parrot Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Mealy Parrot Ilhabela House Brazil 1/27
Orange-winged Parrot Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Scaly-naped Parrot Andean Potoo Spot Peru 2/27
Green-rumped Parrotlet Las Gaviotas Colombia 4/1
Blue-winged Parrotlet Ilhabela House Brazil 1/27
Spectacled Parrotlet PC Tanager spot Colombia 3/18
Dusky-billed Parrotlet Posada Amazonas Peru 3/5
Pacific Parrotlet Chiclayo Peru 2/19
Black-headed Parrot RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
White-bellied Parrot GUNMA Brazil 2/7
Maroon-bellied Parakeet River crossing Argentina 1/21
Santa Marta Parakeet RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/31
Maroon-tailed Parakeet Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/8
Black-capped Parakeet Posada Amazonas Peru 3/5
Brown-breasted Parakeet Monterredondo Colombia 3/25
Sulphur-winged Parakeet Savegre Mt Lodge Costa Rica 4/23
Austral Parakeet PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Hyacinth Macaw Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Maroon-fronted Parrot Mesa de las Tables Mexico 5/18
Olive-throated Parakeet Frenchman's Cove Jamaica 4/17
Orange-fronted Parakeet Cerro Lodge Costa Rica 4/24
Peach-fronted Parakeet Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Brown-throated Parakeet Buenavista Colombia 3/25
Cactus Parakeet Boa Nova Brazil 2/8
Dusky-headed Parakeet Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Nanday Parakeet Reserva Costanera Sur Argentina 1/16
Golden-capped Parakeet Boa Nova Brazil 2/10
Red-bellied Macaw Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/1
Blue-winged Macaw Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/3
Blue-headed Macaw Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Yellow-collared Macaw Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Blue-and-yellow Macaw Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Military Macaw Loreto Road Ecuador 3/17
Great Green Macaw La Selva Costa Rica 4/20
Scarlet Macaw Posada Amazonas Peru 3/4
Red-and-green Macaw Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/1
Chestnut-fronted Macaw Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Golden-plumed Parakeet Carpish Tunnel Peru 2/18
Blue-crowned Parakeet Guajira Rd Colombia 4/1
Red-shouldered Macaw Cuiaba neighborhood Brazil 1/29
Green Parakeet Canal Road Mexico 5/5
Pacific Parakeet Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Crimson-fronted Parakeet Sarchi Costa Rica 4/20
Scarlet-fronted Parakeet SF Parakeet spot Peru 2/22
Mitred Parakeet San Antonio Argentina 1/16
Red-masked Parakeet ACP Chaparr铆 Peru 2/19
White-eyed Parakeet San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/21
Rifleman Tiritiri Matangi New Zealand 12/23
African Broadbill East Usambara Mts Tanzania 8/27
Rufous-sided Broadbill Bonkro Village Ghana 6/27
Whitehead's Broadbill Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Black-and-red Broadbill Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/3
Long-tailed Broadbill Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Silver-breasted Broadbill Soraipong India 12/31
Banded Broadbill Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Black-and-yellow Broadbill Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Dusky Broadbill Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Grauer's Broadbill School House Trail Uganda 9/7
Sapayoa Sendero Ibe Igar Panama 4/15
Velvet Asity Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Schlegel's Asity Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 8/1
Sunbird Asity Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Black-crowned Pitta Sepilok Malaysia 11/15
Garnet Pitta Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Eared Pitta Keang Krachan NP Thailand 11/1
Malayan Banded-Pitta Krau Forest Malaysia 11/8
Green-breasted Pitta Kibale Forest NP Uganda 9/3
Indian Pitta Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Hooded Pitta Lions Cave Trail Philippines 10/19
Azure-breasted Pitta Magsaysay Park Philippines 10/24
Noisy Pitta Kingfisher Park Lodge Queensland, Australia 12/9
Elegant Pitta Tangkoko Batuangus NR Indonesia 11/26
Fasciated Antshrike Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/1
Bamboo Antshrike Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Spot-backed Antshrike San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Giant Antshrike PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Tufted Antshrike San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Great Antshrike Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Black-crested Antshrike Ebanal Colombia 4/1
Silvery-cheeked Antshrike Caatinga Road Birding Brazil 2/9
White-bearded Antshrike PP Cruce Caballero Argentina 1/24
Barred Antshrike Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Rufous-capped Antshrike Reserva Otamendi Argentina 1/15
Rufous-winged Antshrike Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Chapman's Antshrike Abra Porculla Peru 2/20
Bar-crested Antshrike Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/20
Lined Antshrike Bosque de Arena Blanca Peru 2/23
Chestnut-backed Antshrike GUNMA Brazil 2/4
Collared Antshrike Chiclayo Peru 2/19
Black-crowned Antshrike Rio Silanche Ecuador 3/14
Black-hooded Antshrike Los Cusingos Costa Rica 4/23
Plain-winged Antshrike Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Mouse-colored Antshrike RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Black Antshrike Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Northern Slaty-Antshrike Jaen Dry Forest Road Peru 2/21
Planalto Slaty-Antshrike Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Sooretama Slaty-Antshrike Reserva Particular Brazil 2/11
Variable Antshrike Reserva Las Piedras Argentina 1/15
Uniform Antshrike Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/22
White-shouldered Antshrike Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Black-backed Antshrike Rd Below Minca Colombia 3/29
Amazonian Antshrike GUNMA Brazil 2/4
Star-throated Antwren Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Pearly Antshrike RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Russet Antshrike Los Cusingos Costa Rica 4/23
Spot-breasted Antvireo Ubatuba Brazil 1/29
Plain Antvireo San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Streak-crowned Antvireo Arenal Observatory Costa Rica 4/26
Spot-crowned Antvireo Sendero Ibe Igar Panama 4/15
Bicolored Antvireo Camino Montezuma Colombia 4/8
White-streaked Antvireo WildSumaco Lodge Ecuador 3/17
Dusky-throated Antshrike Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/1
Cinereous Antshrike GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Bluish-slate Antshrike Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Spiny-faced Antshrike Sendero Ibe Igar Panama 4/15
Plain-throated Antwren GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Spot-winged Antshrike Comunidade Menino Jesus Brazil 2/7
Checker-throated Antwren Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
White-eyed Antwren Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/1
Stipple-throated Antwren Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Brown-backed Antwren Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/8
Foothill Antwren Manu Rd Bamboo Patch Peru 2/28
Ornate Antwren Posada Amazonas Peru 3/5
Rufous-tailed Antwren Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/10
Pygmy Antwren Koepke's Feeders Peru 2/25
Moustached Antwren Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/8
Sclater's Antwren Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Amazonian Streaked-Antwren Riverside Dirt Road Brazil 2/7
Pacific Antwren Rio Silanche Ecuador 3/14
Stripe-chested Antwren Sumaco Road Ecuador 3/17
White-flanked Antwren GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Slaty Antwren Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/12
Long-winged Antwren GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Band-tailed Antwren Reserva Particular Brazil 2/11
Gray Antwren GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Banded Antbird Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/3
Stripe-backed Antbird Boa Nova Brazil 2/8
Caatinga Antwren Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Bahia Antwren Reserva Particular Brazil 2/11
Ancient Antwren RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Large-billed Antwren Curicaca Brazil 2/1
Yellow-breasted Antwren Bosque Alto Mayo Peru 2/24
Rufous-winged Antwren San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Dot-winged Antwren Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Narrow-billed Antwren Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
White-fringed Antwren Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Black-bellied Antwren Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Rusty-backed Antwren Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Ferruginous Antbird PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Bertoni's Antbird San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Ochre-rumped Antbird Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Dusky-tailed Antbird PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Scaled Antbird Ubatuba Brazil 1/28
Striated Antbird Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/3
Santa Marta Antbird Side Rd 2 Colombia 3/30
Streak-headed Antbird Carpish Tunnel Peru 2/18
Peruvian Warbling-Antbird Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Yellow-breasted Warbling-Antbird Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Rondonia Warbling-Antbird Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Yellow-browed Antbird RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Streak-capped Antwren PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Willis's Antbird GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Parker's Antbird Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/21
Dusky Antbird RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/6
Black Antbird Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/3
Blackish Antbird Bosque Alto Mayo Peru 2/24
Riparian Antbird Rio Shiripuno 2 Ecuador 3/7
Manu Antbird Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Gray Antbird GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Rio de Janeiro Antbird Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Mato Grosso Antbird Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Jet Antbird Parque Man谩 Dulce Colombia 3/28
White-backed Fire-eye Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
White-shouldered Fire-eye San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Slender Antbird Boa Nova Brazil 2/8
White-browed Antbird Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Black-faced Antbird Koepke's Feeders Peru 2/25
Band-tailed Antbird Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Bare-crowned Antbird Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Silvered Antbird Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
White-lined Antbird Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Spot-winged Antbird Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/10
White-bellied Antbird Laguna de Tabacal Colombia 3/24
Chestnut-backed Antbird Rio Silanche Ecuador 3/14
White-bibbed Antbird Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Squamate Antbird Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Dull-mantled Antbird Sendero Ibe Igar Panama 4/15
Magdalena Antbird RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/20
Esmeraldas Antbird Mashpi Ecuador 3/15
Stub-tailed Antbird RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/5
Chestnut-tailed Antbird Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Zimmer's Antbird RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Black-throated Antbird Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
White-shouldered Antbird Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/8
Goeldi's Antbird Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Plumbeous Antbird Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/1
Sooty Antbird Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/11
Zeledon's Antbird Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/12
Blue-lored Antbird Laguna de Tabacal Colombia 3/24
Bicolored Antbird Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
White-throated Antbird Saona Lodge Peru 3/4
Lunulated Antbird Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/10
Spotted Antbird Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Spot-backed Antbird Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Dot-backed Antbird Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/8
Common Scale-backed Antbird Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/8
Xingu Scale-backed Antbird Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Black-spotted Bare-eye Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Ocellated Antbird Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Collared Crescentchest Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/3
Olive-crowned Crescentchest Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/19
Elegant Crescentchest ACP Chaparr铆 Peru 2/19
Rufous Gnateater San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Chestnut-crowned Gnateater WildSumaco Lodge Ecuador 3/17
Black-cheeked Gnateater Parque Estado Ilhabela Brazil 1/28
Black-crowned Antpitta Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Undulated Antpitta Bosque Unchog Peru 2/17
Giant Antpitta Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/13
Variegated Antpitta San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/21
Moustached Antpitta Cock-of-the-Rock lek Ecuador 3/6
Scaled Antpitta Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/13
Plain-backed Antpitta Mashpi Ecuador 3/15
Chestnut-crowned Antpitta Abra Porculla Peru 2/20
Santa Marta Antpitta RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/30
Cundinamarca Antpitta Monterredondo Colombia 3/25
Bicolored Antpitta Reserva Rio Blanco Colombia 4/11
Chestnut-naped Antpitta Reserva Rio Blanco Colombia 4/11
Pale-billed Antpitta San Lorenzo Peru 2/23
Yellow-breasted Antpitta Old Nono-Mindo Rd Ecuador 3/12
White-bellied Antpitta Caba帽as San Isidro Ecuador 3/16
Rusty-tinged Antpitta San Lorenzo Peru 2/23
Bay Antpitta Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Rufous Antpitta Andamarca Area Peru 2/15
Chestnut Antpitta Carpish Tunnel Peru 2/18
Tawny Antpitta Reserva Yanacocha Ecuador 3/6
Brown-banded Antpitta Reserva Rio Blanco Colombia 4/10
Streak-chested Antpitta RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/5
Thicket Antpitta RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/5
Amazonian Antpitta Infierno Road Peru 3/5
Speckle-breasted Antpitta San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Thrush-like Antpitta Koepke's Feeders Peru 2/25
Ochre-breasted Antpitta Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/13
Rusty-breasted Antpitta Side Rd 2 Colombia 3/30
Slate-crowned Antpitta Caba帽as San Isidro Ecuador 3/17
Moustached Turca El Yeso Valley Chile 1/10
White-throated Tapaculo Roadside stop Chile 1/11
Rusty-belted Tapaculo Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/1
Ocellated Tapaculo Reserva Yanacocha Ecuador 3/6
Ash-colored Tapaculo Reserva Rio Blanco Colombia 4/10
White-breasted Tapaculo Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Bahia Tapaculo Fazenda Agua Boa Brazil 2/10
Blackish Tapaculo Tapaculo stop Peru 2/22
Junin Tapaculo JUTA spot Peru 2/15
Trilling Tapaculo San Lorenzo Peru 2/23
Mouse-colored Tapaculo Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Planalto Tapaculo San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Santa Marta Tapaculo Side Rd Above Minca Colombia 3/30
Long-tailed Tapaculo Caba帽as San Isidro Ecuador 3/16
Rufous-vented Tapaculo Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
White-crowned Tapaculo Bosque Alto Mayo Peru 2/24
Choco Tapaculo Camino Montezuma Colombia 4/9
Magdalena Tapaculo Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/21
Stiles's Tapaculo RN La Romera Colombia 4/13
Nari脙卤o Tapaculo Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/13
Brown-rumped Tapaculo RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/30
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo Rd Near Sarchi 2 Costa Rica 4/20
Spillmann's Tapaculo Cock-of-the-Rock lek Ecuador 3/6
Magellanic Tapaculo PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Pale-bellied Tapaculo Monte Redondo 2 Colombia 3/25
Neblina Tapaculo Bosque Unchog Peru 2/17
Tschudi's Tapaculo Bosque Unchog Peru 2/17
Zimmer's Tapaculo Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/17
Dusky Tapaculo Dusky Tapaculo spot Chile 1/11
Paramo Tapaculo Papallacta Ecuador 3/16
Rufous-capped Antthrush Parque Estado Ilhabela Brazil 1/28
Black-faced Antthrush Comunidade Menino Jesus Brazil 2/7
Rufous-fronted Antthrush Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/3
Rufous-breasted Antthrush Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/13
Short-tailed Antthrush San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Such's Antthrush Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Tawny-throated Leaftosser Finca Alejandria Colombia 4/4
Short-billed Leaftosser Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/11
Black-tailed Leaftosser Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/3
Gray-throated Leaftosser RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/31
Rufous-breasted Leaftosser San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Coastal Miner RN Lomas de Lachay Peru 2/13
Common Miner Junin Lake Overlook Peru 2/16
Thick-billed Miner RN Lomas de Lachay Peru 2/13
Rufous-banded Miner Camino al Yeso Chile 1/10
Grayish Miner RN Lomas de Lachay Peru 2/13
Dark-winged Miner Pampa Curicocha Peru 2/14
Creamy-rumped Miner Miner spot Chile 1/10
Olivaceous Woodcreeper PN Iguaz煤 Argentina 1/21
Tyrannine Woodcreeper Bosque Guajira Colombia 3/26
Tawny-winged Woodcreeper Los Cusingos Costa Rica 4/23
Plain-brown Woodcreeper Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Plain-winged Woodcreeper PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Cinnamon-throated Woodcreeper Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/1
Long-billed Woodcreeper Shiripuno Upriver Ecuador 3/11
Northern Barred-Woodcreeper Cerro Azul Panama 4/16
Amazonian Barred-Woodcreeper Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Black-banded Woodcreeper Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/8
Strong-billed Woodcreeper San Lorenzo Peru 2/24
White-throated Woodcreeper Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Great Rufous Woodcreeper Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Striped Woodcreeper Comunidade Menino Jesus Brazil 2/7
Lesser Woodcreeper San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Ocellated Woodcreeper Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Elegant Woodcreeper Posada Amazonas Peru 3/5
Spix's Woodcreeper Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Cocoa Woodcreeper RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/20
Buff-throated Woodcreeper Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Ivory-billed Woodcreeper Huatulco Road Mexico 5/3
Black-striped Woodcreeper Rio Silanche Ecuador 3/14
Spotted Woodcreeper Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/12
Olive-backed Woodcreeper Caba帽as San Isidro Ecuador 3/17
Straight-billed Woodcreeper Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Red-billed Scythebill Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Black-billed Scythebill Scythebill Spot Brazil 2/9
Brown-billed Scythebill Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/22
Scimitar-billed Woodcreeper Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Streak-headed Woodcreeper ACP Chaparr铆 Peru 2/19
Narrow-billed Woodcreeper Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
White-striped Woodcreeper Las Salinas Mexico 5/6
Spot-crowned Woodcreeper Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Montane Woodcreeper Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Scalloped Woodcreeper PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
Layard's Woodcreeper GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Plain Xenops Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Streaked Xenops PP Cruce Caballero Argentina 1/24
Point-tailed Palmcreeper Campos de Quatipuru Brazil 2/4
White-throated Treerunner PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Rock Earthcreeper Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
Crag Chilia El Yeso Valley Chile 1/10
Buffy Tuftedcheek Savegre Mt Lodge Costa Rica 4/23
Streaked Tuftedcheek Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Rusty-winged Barbtail Mindo Loma Ecuador 3/13
Wing-banded Hornero WBHO spot Brazil 2/8
Pale-legged Hornero Curicaca Brazil 2/1
Rufous Hornero Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
Wren-like Rushbird R铆o Maipo Chile 1/12
Curve-billed Reedhaunter Large Wetland Argentina 1/14
Striated Earthcreeper Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Scale-throated Earthcreeper El Yeso Road stop Chile 1/10
Buff-breasted Earthcreeper Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
Buff-winged Cinclodes Camino al Yeso Chile 1/10
Blackish Cinclodes Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Chestnut-winged Cinclodes Papallacta Ecuador 3/15
Cream-winged Cinclodes Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
Gray-flanked Cinclodes DSP spot Chile 1/10
Stout-billed Cinclodes Papallacta Ecuador 3/15
White-bellied Cinclodes Laguna Milloc Peru 2/14
White-winged Cinclodes Santa Euralia Canyon Rd Peru 2/14
Dark-bellied Cinclodes PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Surf Cinclodes El Salto del Fraile Peru 2/26
Seaside Cinclodes Algarrobo Chile 1/12
Dusky-cheeked Foliage-gleaner Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
White-collared Foliage-gleaner Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Pale-browed Treehunter Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Black-capped Foliage-gleaner Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner PP Cruce Caballero Argentina 1/24
Cinnamon-rumped Foliage-gleaner Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/12
Montane Foliage-gleaner Sumaco Road Ecuador 3/17
White-browed Foliage-gleaner PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
Ochre-breasted Foliage-gleaner San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Lineated Foliage-gleaner Tandayapa Ecuador 3/12
Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/16
Peruvian Recurvebill Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/3
Chestnut-winged Hookbill Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/8
Ruddy Foliage-gleaner Montezuma Lodge Colombia 4/7
Santa Marta Foliage-gleaner Side Rd 2 Colombia 3/30
Uniform Treehunter Camino Montezuma Colombia 4/9
Flammulated Treehunter RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/31
Rufous-backed Treehunter Camino Atuen Peru 2/21
Streak-capped Treehunter Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/13
Black-billed Treehunter Carretera a Man煤 Peru 2/27
Chestnut-crowned Foliage-gleaner Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner ACR Cordillera Escalera Peru 2/25
Striped Woodhaunter Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Olive-backed Foliage-gleaner Posada Amazonas Peru 3/4
Para Foliage-gleaner GUNMA Brazil 2/6
White-eyed Foliage-gleaner San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Spotted Barbtail Mashpi Ecuador 3/15
Ruddy Treerunner Cerro de La Muerte Costa Rica 4/22
Pearled Treerunner Bosque Unchog Peru 2/17
Thorn-tailed Rayadito PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Brown-capped Tit-Spinetail Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
Tawny Tit-Spinetail Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
Plain-mantled Tit-Spinetail El Yeso Valley Chile 1/10
Rusty-crowned Tit-Spinetail Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Andean Tit-Spinetail Papallacta Ecuador 3/15
Araucaria Tit-Spinetail PP Araucaria Argentina 1/23
Rufous-fronted Thornbird Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Little Thornbird Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Chestnut-backed Thornbird Maranon Valley stop Peru 2/22
Spot-breasted Thornbird Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/17
Freckle-breasted Thornbird Large Wetland Argentina 1/14
Greater Thornbird Curicaca Brazil 2/1
Orange-eyed Thornbird Ubatuba Brazil 1/28
White-browed Spinetail Monte Redondo 2 Colombia 3/25
Firewood-gatherer Camino del Consorcio Argentina 1/15
Lark-like Brushrunner Gualaguay road Argentina 1/14
Short-billed Canastero Ceibas Road 2 Argentina 1/14
Many-striped Canastero Andamarca Valley Peru 2/15
Junin Canastero Laguna Milloc Peru 2/14
Streak-throated Canastero Pampa Curicocha Peru 2/14
Cordilleran Canastero Upper El Yeso Valley Chile 1/10
Sharp-billed Canastero El Yeso Road stop Chile 1/10
Canyon Canastero Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Rusty-fronted Canastero Manu Rd stop Peru 2/27
Maquis Canastero Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
White-chinned Thistletail Bosque Unchog Peru 2/17
Pink-legged Graveteiro Boa Nova Brazil 2/10
Orange-fronted Plushcrown Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/10
Double-banded Graytail RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Striated Softtail Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Russet-mantled Softtail Softtail spot Peru 2/22
Straight-billed Reedhaunter Reserva Otamendi Argentina 1/15
Rusty-backed Spinetail Curicaca Brazil 1/31
Sulphur-throated Spinetail Large Wetland Argentina 1/14
Stripe-crowned Spinetail Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Pallid Spinetail PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Gray-headed Spinetail Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Creamy-crested Spinetail Andamarca Area Peru 2/15
Red-faced Spinetail Cock-of-the-Rock lek Ecuador 3/6
Streak-capped Spinetail Side Rd 2 Colombia 3/30
Ash-browed Spinetail PN Chicaque Colombia 3/27
Baron's Spinetail Bosque Unchog Peru 2/17
Dusky-tailed Canastero Farellones road pullout Chile 1/11
Cactus Canastero RN Lomas de Lachay Peru 2/13
Caatinga Cacholote Pasturelands Brazil 2/8
Rufous Cacholote Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Brown Cacholote Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Chotoy Spinetail Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Yellow-chinned Spinetail Large Wetland Argentina 1/14
Rufous-capped Spinetail San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Bahia Spinetail Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Gray-bellied Spinetail San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Silvery-throated Spinetail Parque La Florida Colombia 3/24
Sooty-fronted Spinetail Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Azara's Spinetail Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/17
Pale-breasted Spinetail Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Dark-breasted Spinetail Bosque de Arena Blanca Peru 2/23
Spix's Spinetail Reserva Otamendi Argentina 1/15
Cinereous-breasted Spinetail Marshy Wet Pond Brazil 2/10
Ruddy Spinetail RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Rufous Spinetail Carpish Tunnel Peru 2/18
Rusty-headed Spinetail RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/30
Slaty Spinetail Rio Silanche Ecuador 3/14
Dusky Spinetail WildSumaco Lodge Ecuador 3/17
Cabanis's Spinetail Manu Rd Bamboo Patch Peru 2/28
Plain-crowned Spinetail Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
White-lored Spinetail Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Ochre-cheeked Spinetail Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Rufous-breasted Spinetail Finca Las Nubes Guatemala 4/30
White-whiskered Spinetail Guajira Rd Colombia 4/1
Necklaced Spinetail ACP Chaparr铆 Peru 2/19
Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet Cerro Metate Mexico 5/8
Brown-capped Tyrannulet Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/14
White-lored Tyrannulet Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/8
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet Reserva Heloderma Guatemala 4/29
Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet Reserva Las Piedras Argentina 1/15
Suiriri Flycatcher Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Chapada Flycatcher Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/3
White-tailed Tyrannulet Carpish Tunnel Peru 2/18
Buff-banded Tyrannulet Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/17
White-banded Tyrannulet Upper Satipo Rd Peru 2/15
White-throated Tyrannulet Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/16
Sulphur-bellied Tyrannulet Caba帽as San Isidro Ecuador 3/16
Black-crested Tit-Tyrant Inca-Finch stakeout Peru 2/18
Pied-crested Tit-Tyrant Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Yellow-billed Tit-Tyrant Manu Rd stop Peru 2/27
Tufted Tit-Tyrant PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Agile Tit-Tyrant Papallacta Ecuador 3/16
Mouse-colored Tyrannulet Curicaca Brazil 2/1
Yellow Tyrannulet PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
Subtropical Doradito Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/19
Warbling Doradito Medanos Argentina 1/14
Ticking Doradito R铆o Maipo Chile 1/12
Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Forest Elaenia Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Gray Elaenia San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Jamaican Elaenia Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Greenish Elaenia PN Iguaz煤 Argentina 1/21
Yellow-bellied Elaenia Puerto Iguaz煤 Argentina 1/21
Large Elaenia Camino del Consorcio Argentina 1/15
White-crested Elaenia PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Small-billed Elaenia Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Slaty Elaenia Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/17
Plain-crested Elaenia Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Lesser Elaenia Rd Above Minca Colombia 4/1
Mountain Elaenia RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Greater Antillean Elaenia Hardware Gap Jamaica 4/18
Highland Elaenia Reserva Huembo Peru 2/23
Sierran Elaenia WB HU spot Peru 2/17
Torrent Tyrannulet SPSA spot Peru 2/16
Sooty Tyrannulet Large Wetland Argentina 1/14
White-crested Tyrannulet Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Streak-necked Flycatcher Fundo Alto Nieva Peru 2/24
Olive-striped Flycatcher Mashpi Ecuador 3/15
Ochre-bellied Flycatcher Comunidade Menino Jesus Brazil 2/7
McConnell's Flycatcher GUNMA Brazil 2/7
Gray-hooded Flycatcher Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Sepia-capped Flycatcher San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Slaty-capped Flycatcher Apaya-Mariposa Peru 2/15
Rufous-breasted Flycatcher Caba帽as San Isidro Ecuador 3/16
Inca Flycatcher Manu Rd Peru 2/27
Variegated Bristle-Tyrant Loreto Road Ecuador 3/17
Marble-faced Bristle-Tyrant Mindo Loma Ecuador 3/13
Southern Bristle-Tyrant PP Cruce Caballero Argentina 1/24
Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/17
Bahia Tyrannulet Boa Nova Brazil 2/10
Yellow-green Tyrannulet Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Oustalet's Tyrannulet PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Bay-ringed Tyrannulet PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Greenish Tyrannulet Parque Estado Ilhabela Brazil 1/28
Sclater's Tyrannulet Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/20
Planalto Tyrannulet PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
Sooty-headed Tyrannulet Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/13
Black-capped Tyrannulet Reserva Huembo Peru 2/24
Ashy-headed Tyrannulet Lower Tandayapa Rd Ecuador 3/12
Tawny-rumped Tyrannulet Monte Redondo 2 Colombia 3/25
Gray-capped Tyrannulet PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Paltry Tyrannulet Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Choco Tyrannulet Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/13
Mishana Tyrannulet RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Guianan Tyrannulet GUNMA Brazil 2/4
Golden-faced Tyrannulet Loreto Road Ecuador 3/17
Peruvian Tyrannulet ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/23
Northern Scrub-Flycatcher Guajira Rd Colombia 4/1
Slender-billed Tyrannulet Flamencos Rd Colombia 4/2
Pale-tipped Tyrannulet Ebanal Colombia 4/1
Ornate Flycatcher Bosque Alto Mayo Peru 2/24
Many-colored Rush Tyrant R铆o Maipo Chile 1/12
Bronze-olive Pygmy-Tyrant Mashpi Ecuador 3/15
Rufous-headed Pygmy-Tyrant Carpish Tunnel Peru 2/18
Ringed Antpipit Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/10
Southern Antpipit San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Tawny-crowned Pygmy-Tyrant Camino del Consorcio Argentina 1/15
Rufous-sided Pygmy-Tyrant Stone City Overlook Brazil 2/3
Gray-and-white Tyrannulet Chiclayo Peru 2/19
Eared Pygmy-Tyrant San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/5
Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Double-banded Pygmy-Tyrant Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/8
Long-crested Pygmy-Tyrant Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Helmeted Pygmy-Tyrant Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Pale-eyed Pygmy-Tyrant Parque Man谩 Dulce Colombia 3/28
Northern Bentbill PN Carara Costa Rica 4/24
Southern Bentbill RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Flammulated Pygmy-Tyrant Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/3
Drab-breasted Pygmy-Tyrant San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
White-eyed Tody-Tyrant Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
White-bellied Tody-Tyrant Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/3
Eye-ringed Tody-Tyrant Ubatuba Brazil 1/29
Stripe-necked Tody-Tyrant Chapada House Brazil 2/2
Hangnest Tody-Tyrant PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Pearly-vented Tody-Tyrant Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Black-throated Tody-Tyrant ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/23
Fork-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Rufous-crowned Tody-Flycatcher Reserva Yanacocha Ecuador 3/6
Johnson's Tody-Flycatcher ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/24
Ochre-faced Tody-Flycatcher PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
Smoky-fronted Tody-Flycatcher Marshy Wet Pond Brazil 2/10
Rusty-fronted Tody-Flycatcher Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher Riverside Dirt Road Brazil 2/7
Black-backed Tody-Flycatcher Manu Rd Bamboo Patch Peru 2/28
Black-chested Tyrant Comunidade Menino Jesus Brazil 2/7
Spotted Tody-Flycatcher Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Gray-headed Tody-Flycatcher Ubatuba Brazil 1/28
Common Tody-Flycatcher Campos de Quatipuru Brazil 2/4
Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Yellow-browed Tody-Flycatcher Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Eye-ringed Flatbill PN Carara Costa Rica 4/24
Olivaceous Flatbill Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Pacific Flatbill RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/6
Fulvous-breasted Flatbill WildSumaco Lodge Ecuador 3/17
Yellow-olive Flycatcher San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Yellow-margined Flycatcher GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Gray-crowned Flycatcher Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Yellow-breasted Flycatcher Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Stub-tailed Spadebill Cerro Marin Rd Mexico 5/8
White-throated Spadebill San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Golden-crowned Spadebill Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/3
Royal Flycatcher Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher Posada Amazonas Peru 3/4
Cinnamon Flycatcher Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Cliff Flycatcher Jujuy Airport Argentina 1/16
Handsome Flycatcher Caba帽as San Isidro Ecuador 3/16
Ochraceous-breasted Flycatcher Bosque Unchog Peru 2/17
Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/12
Whiskered Flycatcher Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Black-tailed Flycatcher Los Cusingos Costa Rica 4/23
Flavescent Flycatcher Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/21
Olive-chested Flycatcher WildSumaco Lodge Ecuador 3/17
Bran-colored Flycatcher Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Euler's Flycatcher Reserva Las Piedras Argentina 1/15
Tawny-chested Flycatcher Rancho Naturalista Costa Rica 4/22
Belted Flycatcher Road Near Coban Guatemala 4/29
Pileated Flycatcher Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/6
Tufted Flycatcher Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Olive-sided Flycatcher RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/20
Greater Pewee Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Dark Pewee Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Smoke-colored Pewee Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/16
Western Wood-Pewee Bosque de Arena Blanca Peru 2/23
Eastern Wood-Pewee Saona Lodge Peru 3/4
Tropical Pewee San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Jamaican Pewee Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Fuscous Flycatcher Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Rancho Naturalista Costa Rica 4/22
Acadian Flycatcher RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Alder Flycatcher Finca Las Nubes Guatemala 4/30
Willow Flycatcher Apollo Park California, USA 5/25
White-throated Flycatcher Silencio Sugarcane Fields Costa Rica 4/21
Least Flycatcher Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Hammond's Flycatcher Road Near Coban Guatemala 4/29
Gray Flycatcher Entrada/Awbrey Hall Burn Oregon, USA 6/1
Dusky Flycatcher Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/9
Pine Flycatcher Cienega de Los Caballos Mexico 5/17
Pacific-slope Flycatcher La Ca帽ada Flintridge California, USA 5/25
Cordilleran Flycatcher Las Salinas Mexico 5/6
Yellowish Flycatcher Savegre Mt Lodge Costa Rica 4/23
Buff-breasted Flycatcher Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Black-capped Flycatcher PN Los Quetzales Costa Rica 4/22
Black Phoebe Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/16
Eastern Phoebe Lost Maples SNA Texas, USA 5/20
Say's Phoebe Ojo de Agua del Cazador Mexico 5/16
Vermilion Flycatcher Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Austral Negrito Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
Andean Negrito Junin Lake Overlook Peru 2/16
Rufous-tailed Tyrant Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Crested Black-Tyrant Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Plumbeous Black-Tyrant Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/17
Spectacled Tyrant R铆o Maipo Chile 1/12
Drab Water Tyrant Madre de Dios River Peru 3/1
Yellow-browed Tyrant Medanos Argentina 1/14
Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant Mid El Yeso Road Chile 1/10
Puna Ground-Tyrant Pampa Curicocha Peru 2/14
Cinereous Ground-Tyrant Valle Nevado Chile 1/11
White-fronted Ground-Tyrant Pampa Curicocha Peru 2/14
Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant Valle de las Termas del Plomo Chile 1/10
Rufous-naped Ground-Tyrant Mid El Yeso Road Chile 1/10
Dark-faced Ground-Tyrant Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
White-browed Ground-Tyrant El Yeso Road stop Chile 1/10
Plain-capped Ground-Tyrant Papallacta Ecuador 3/15
Black-fronted Ground-Tyrant Camino al Yeso Chile 1/10
Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant Upper El Yeso Valley Chile 1/10
Great Shrike-Tyrant Great Shrike-Tyrant spot Chile 1/11
Fire-eyed Diucon Roadside stop Chile 1/11
Gray Monjita Soybean Fields Brazil 2/1
White-rumped Monjita Pantanal Brazil 1/30
White Monjita Ceibas Road 2 Argentina 1/14
Streak-throated Bush-Tyrant Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/16
Santa Marta Bush-Tyrant RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/31
Smoky Bush-Tyrant Carpish Tunnel Peru 2/18
Rufous-webbed Bush-Tyrant Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
Pied Water-Tyrant Via Parque Isla de Salamanca Colombia 4/3
Black-backed Water-Tyrant Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Masked Water-Tyrant Ilhabela town Brazil 1/27
White-headed Marsh Tyrant Transpantaneira Rd Brazil 2/1
Tumbes Tyrant ACP Chaparr铆 Peru 2/19
Crowned Chat-Tyrant Reserva Yanacocha Ecuador 3/6
Yellow-bellied Chat-Tyrant Pululacua Hostal Ecuador 3/12
Slaty-backed Chat-Tyrant Manu Rd Peru 2/27
Rufous-breasted Chat-Tyrant Upper Satipo Rd Peru 2/15
Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant Bosque Unchog Peru 2/17
d'Orbigny's Chat-Tyrant Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Piura Chat-Tyrant Abra Porculla Peru 2/20
White-browed Chat-Tyrant Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
Long-tailed Tyrant San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Short-tailed Field Tyrant LV Field Peru 2/19
Cattle Tyrant Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Large-headed Flatbill PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Rufous-tailed Flatbill RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Dusky-tailed Flatbill Posada Amazonas Peru 3/5
Rufous-tailed Attila Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Cinnamon Attila Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Citron-bellied Attila RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Dull-capped Attila Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Gray-hooded Attila Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Bright-rumped Attila Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Sibilant Sirystes San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Rufous Casiornis Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Rufous Mourner RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Grayish Mourner Boa Nova Brazil 2/10
Rufous Flycatcher Chiclayo Peru 2/19
Sad Flycatcher Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Dusky-capped Flycatcher Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/17
Swainson's Flycatcher Reserva Las Piedras Argentina 1/15
Panama Flycatcher Minca Colombia 3/30
Short-crested Flycatcher San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/21
Apical Flycatcher Parque Man谩 Dulce Colombia 3/28
Sooty-crowned Flycatcher ACP Chaparr铆 Peru 2/19
Pale-edged Flycatcher ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/24
Ash-throated Flycatcher Cerro Marin Rd Mexico 5/8
Nutting's Flycatcher Cerro Lodge Costa Rica 4/24
Great Crested Flycatcher Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Brown-crested Flycatcher Saline Campo Brazil 2/5
Rufous-tailed Flycatcher Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Stolid Flycatcher Elim Pools Jamaica 4/19
Flammulated Flycatcher Laguna Sicaruu Mexico 5/4
Lesser Kiskadee Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Great Kiskadee Roadside marsh Argentina 1/14
Boat-billed Flycatcher San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/21
Rusty-margined Flycatcher Curicaca Brazil 1/31
Social Flycatcher River crossing Argentina 1/21
Gray-capped Flycatcher Waqanki Peru 2/24
White-ringed Flycatcher Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Lemon-browed Flycatcher Caba帽as San Isidro Ecuador 3/16
Golden-bellied Flycatcher Monteverde Forest Costa Rica 4/25
Golden-crowned Flycatcher Apaya-Mariposa Peru 2/15
Baird's Flycatcher Chaparri Peru 2/19
Streaked Flycatcher Camino del Consorcio Argentina 1/15
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Piratic Flycatcher Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/20
Variegated Flycatcher San Antonio Argentina 1/16
Crowned Slaty Flycatcher Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Sulphury Flycatcher Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Snowy-throated Kingbird ACP Chaparr铆 Peru 2/19
White-throated Kingbird Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Tropical Kingbird Driveby birds Argentina 1/14
Couch's Kingbird Finca Las Nubes Guatemala 4/30
Cassin's Kingbird Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/5
Thick-billed Kingbird Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/6
Western Kingbird Dos Arbolitos Mexico 5/4
Eastern Kingbird Saona Lodge Peru 3/4
Gray Kingbird Discovery Bay Jamaica 4/17
Loggerhead Kingbird Montego Bay Airport Jamaica 4/17
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher San Crist贸bal Verapaz Guatemala 5/1
Fork-tailed Flycatcher Driveby birds Argentina 1/14
Sharpbill Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Hooded Berryeater Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Black-headed Berryeater Boa Nova Brazil 2/10
Green-and-black Fruiteater ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/23
Barred Fruiteater Bosque Unchog Peru 2/17
Golden-breasted Fruiteater RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/30
Orange-breasted Fruiteater Mashpi Ecuador 3/15
Masked Fruiteater Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Scaled Fruiteater Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/13
White-cheeked Cotinga Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Peruvian Plantcutter Chiclayo Peru 2/19
White-tipped Plantcutter Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Rufous-tailed Plantcutter San Carlos de Apoquindo Chile 1/10
Red-crested Cotinga Andamarca Area Peru 2/15
Chestnut-crested Cotinga San Lorenzo Peru 2/24
Black-necked Red-Cotinga Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Andean Cock-of-the-rock Bosque Alto Mayo Peru 2/24
Olivaceous Piha Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/13
Purple-throated Fruitcrow Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Red-ruffed Fruitcrow PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Amazonian Umbrellabird Apaya-Mariposa Peru 2/15
Turquoise Cotinga General Viejo Costa Rica 4/23
Blue Cotinga Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Plum-throated Cotinga Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Spangled Cotinga GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Dusky Piha Reserva Rio Blanco Colombia 4/11
Rufous Piha Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Screaming Piha GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Cinnamon-vented Piha Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Three-wattled Bellbird Monteverde Costa Rica 4/25
Bare-throated Bellbird PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Black-tipped Cotinga RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/5
Snowy Cotinga La Selva Costa Rica 4/21
White-winged Cotinga Reserva Particular Brazil 2/11
Bare-necked Fruitcrow Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/8
Dwarf Tyrant-Manakin GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Yellow-headed Manakin RN La Romera Colombia 4/13
Helmeted Manakin Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Lance-tailed Manakin Parque Man谩 Dulce Colombia 3/28
Long-tailed Manakin Monteverde Costa Rica 4/25
Blue-backed Manakin Comunidade Menino Jesus Brazil 2/7
Yungas Manakin Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge Peru 2/28
Swallow-tailed Manakin PN Iguaz煤 Argentina 1/21
Pin-tailed Manakin Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Golden-winged Manakin Mindo Loma Ecuador 3/13
White-ruffed Manakin Cerro Azul - Maipo Panama 4/16
White-bibbed Manakin RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Blue-crowned Manakin Koepke's Feeders Peru 2/25
Opal-crowned Manakin GUNMA Brazil 2/6
White-collared Manakin La Selva Costa Rica 4/20
Orange-collared Manakin Los Cusingos Costa Rica 4/23
Golden-collared Manakin Club Campestre de Cali Colombia 4/4
White-bearded Manakin Ubatuba Brazil 1/29
Wire-tailed Manakin Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/10
Band-tailed Manakin Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Club-winged Manakin Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/12
Striped Manakin Fazenda Agua Boa Brazil 2/10
Fiery-capped Manakin Chapada House Brazil 2/2
White-crowned Manakin Fazenda Agua Boa Brazil 2/10
Red-capped Manakin Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Golden-headed Manakin Koepke's Feeders Peru 2/25
Red-headed Manakin Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Round-tailed Manakin Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/3
Wing-barred Piprites San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Black-tailed Tityra Tityra spot Argentina 1/21
Black-crowned Tityra PP Cruce Caballero Argentina 1/24
Masked Tityra Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Northern Schiffornis Hotel Villablanca Costa Rica 4/26
Russet-winged Schiffornis Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Brown-winged Schiffornis Comunidade Menino Jesus Brazil 2/7
Greenish Schiffornis San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Cinereous Mourner Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Speckled Mourner Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
White-browed Purpletuft RN Allpahuayo Mishana Peru 2/26
Buff-throated Purpletuft Boa Nova Brazil 2/10
White-naped Xenopsaris Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Green-backed Becard Caatinga Access Road Brazil 2/9
Barred Becard ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/23
Cinereous Becard Forest Fragment Brazil 2/4
Cinnamon Becard Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/13
Chestnut-crowned Becard San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
White-winged Becard Reserva Las Piedras Argentina 1/15
Black-and-white Becard Lower Tandayapa Rd Ecuador 3/12
Gray-collared Becard Finca Rubel Chaim Guatemala 5/1
Black-capped Becard Ubatuba Brazil 1/29
Rose-throated Becard PN Carara Costa Rica 4/24
Jamaican Becard Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
One-colored Becard Puente del R铆o Mono Panama 4/14
Pink-throated Becard Comunidade Menino Jesus Brazil 2/7
Crested Becard Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/17
Albert's Lyrebird O'Reilly's Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/15
Superb Lyrebird Toolangi Black Range Victoria, Australia 12/19
Spotted Catbird Nine Mile Rd Queensland, Australia 12/11
Green Catbird O'Reilly's Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/15
Tooth-billed Catbird Wongabel Forest Queensland, Australia 12/11
Archbold's Bowerbird Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Macgregor's Bowerbird Elaipa Track Papua New Guinea 12/3
Golden Bowerbird Possum Valley Queensland, Australia 12/12
Regent Bowerbird O'Reilly's Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/15
Satin Bowerbird Possum Valley Queensland, Australia 12/12
Great Bowerbird Mt. Carbine Park Queensland, Australia 12/10
Yellow-breasted Bowerbird Rondon Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/5
Fawn-breasted Bowerbird Pacific Adventist University Papua New Guinea 12/1
White-throated Treecreeper Possum Valley Queensland, Australia 12/12
White-browed Treecreeper Paynes Find Western Australia 12/25
Red-browed Treecreeper Duck Creek Rd Queensland, Australia 12/15
Brown Treecreeper Hurricane Rd Queensland, Australia 12/10
Rufous Treecreeper Fieldwren spot Western Australia 12/24
Southern Emuwren Eumeralla Flora Reserve Victoria, Australia 12/17
Orange-crowned Fairywren Elaipa Track Papua New Guinea 12/3
Red-winged Fairywren Caraholly/River Int Western Australia 12/26
Blue-breasted Fairywren Weirne Rd Wondoos Western Australia 12/26
Variegated Fairywren Gold Creek Reservoir Queensland, Australia 12/14
Lovely Fairywren Wetherby Station Queensland, Australia 12/10
Splendid Fairywren Paynes Find Road Western Australia 12/25
Superb Fairywren Mosquito Creek Rd Queensland, Australia 12/14
White-winged Fairywren Lake Coolmunda Queensland, Australia 12/14
Red-backed Fairywren No. 1 Dam Queensland, Australia 12/10
White-shouldered Fairywren Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Dark-eared Myza Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Eastern Spinebill Rose Gums Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/12
Western Spinebill Bungendore Park Western Australia 12/26
Tui Sandspit New Zealand 12/21
New Zealand Bellbird Hauturu New Zealand 12/21
Yellow-spotted Honeyeater Pinnacle Rd, Julatten Queensland, Australia 12/11
Lewin's Honeyeater Rose Gums Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/12
Forest Honeyeater Rondon Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/5
Graceful Honeyeater Kingfisher Park Lodge Queensland, Australia 12/9
Yellow Honeyeater Mitchell River Queensland, Australia 12/10
White-gaped Honeyeater Mitchell River Queensland, Australia 12/10
White-fronted Honeyeater Sandstone Rd S220 Western Australia 12/25
Yellow-faced Honeyeater Jim Weir Rd Queensland, Australia 12/11
Black-throated Honeyeater Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Yellow-tufted Honeyeater Durikai State Forest Queensland, Australia 12/14
Bell Miner Gold Creek Reservoir Queensland, Australia 12/14
Noisy Miner Wondecla State Forest Queensland, Australia 12/12
Yellow-throated Miner Mosquito Creek Rd Queensland, Australia 12/14
Ornate Melidectes Rondon Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/5
Belford's Melidectes Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Yellow-browed Melidectes Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/2
Bridled Honeyeater Jim Weir Rd Queensland, Australia 12/11
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Mosquito Creek Rd Queensland, Australia 12/14
Little Wattlebird Kakadu Beach Queensland, Australia 12/15
Western Wattlebird Caraholly/River Int Western Australia 12/26
Red Wattlebird Serendip Sanctuary Victoria, Australia 12/16
Yellow Wattlebird Wellington Park Tasmania 12/20
Varied Honeyeater Cairns Esplanade Queensland, Australia 12/9
Mangrove Honeyeater Nudgee Rd Cycle Track Queensland, Australia 12/15
Singing Honeyeater Point Roadknight Victoria, Australia 12/17
Yellow-plumed Honeyeater Weirne Rd Wondoos Western Australia 12/26
White-plumed Honeyeater Cement Mills Queensland, Australia 12/14
Fuscous Honeyeater Kaban Road Queensland, Australia 12/12
Brown-backed Honeyeater Rifle Creek Queensland, Australia 12/10
Bar-breasted Honeyeater No. 1 Dam Queensland, Australia 12/10
Rufous-banded Honeyeater Pacific Adventist University Papua New Guinea 12/1
Rufous-throated Honeyeater No. 1 Dam Queensland, Australia 12/10
Crimson Chat Paynes Find Road Western Australia 12/25
White-fronted Chat Western Treatment Plant Victoria, Australia 12/16
Smoky Honeyeater Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/2
Ashy Myzomela Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Dusky Myzomela Rifle Creek Queensland, Australia 12/10
Red-headed Myzomela Dauli Papua New Guinea 12/3
Sulawesi Myzomela Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Scarlet Myzomela Mitchell River Queensland, Australia 12/10
Sclater's Myzomela Restorf Island Papua New Guinea 12/8
Red-collared Myzomela Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/2
Tawny-crowned Honeyeater Kensington Bushland Western Australia 12/27
Rufous-backed Honeyeater Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Gray-streaked Honeyeater Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Banded Honeyeater No. 1 Dam Queensland, Australia 12/10
Brown Honeyeater Cairns Cemetery Queensland, Australia 12/9
Crescent Honeyeater Otway NP Victoria, Australia 12/17
New Holland Honeyeater Serendip Sanctuary Victoria, Australia 12/16
White-cheeked Honeyeater Rose Gums Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/12
White-eared Honeyeater Eumeralla Flora Reserve Victoria, Australia 12/17
Yellow-throated Honeyeater Oyster Cove (Putalina) Tasmania 12/20
Blue-faced Honeyeater Warri Park Wetland Queensland, Australia 12/9
White-throated Honeyeater Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Gilbert's Honeyeater Gleneagles Rest Area Western Australia 12/26
White-naped Honeyeater Kaban Road Queensland, Australia 12/12
Black-headed Honeyeater Wellington Park Tasmania 12/20
Brown-headed Honeyeater Durikai State Forest Queensland, Australia 12/14
Black-chinned Honeyeater Durikai State Forest Queensland, Australia 12/14
Strong-billed Honeyeater Oyster Cove (Putalina) Tasmania 12/20
Macleay's Honeyeater Rifle Creek Queensland, Australia 12/10
Striped Honeyeater Jondaryan stock reserve Queensland, Australia 12/14
Painted Honeyeater Jondaryan stock reserve Queensland, Australia 12/14
Little Friarbird Hurricane Rd Queensland, Australia 12/10
Helmeted Friarbird Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
New Britain Friarbird Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Noisy Friarbird Mitchell River Queensland, Australia 12/10
Rufous Bristlebird Point Addis Victoria, Australia 12/17
Spotted Pardalote Durikai State Forest Queensland, Australia 12/14
Forty-spotted Pardalote Peter Murrell Reserves Tasmania 12/20
Striated Pardalote You Yangs Park Victoria, Australia 12/16
Pilotbird Toolangi Black Range Victoria, Australia 12/19
Fernwren Possum Valley Queensland, Australia 12/12
Rusty Mouse-Warbler Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Mountain Mouse-Warbler Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Yellow-throated Scrubwren Wongabel Forest Queensland, Australia 12/11
White-browed Scrubwren Rose Gums Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/12
Tasmanian Scrubwren Wellington Park Tasmania 12/20
Atherton Scrubwren Wongabel Forest Queensland, Australia 12/11
Large Scrubwren Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Large-billed Scrubwren Kingfisher Park Lodge Queensland, Australia 12/9
Buff-faced Scrubwren Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/2
Papuan Scrubwren Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Pale-billed Scrubwren Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Scrubtit Snug Tiers Nature Area Tasmania 12/20
Redthroat Fieldwren spot Western Australia 12/24
Speckled Warbler Durikai State Forest Queensland, Australia 12/14
Rufous Fieldwren Fieldwren spot Western Australia 12/24
Striated Fieldwren Western Treatment Plant Victoria, Australia 12/16
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Great Otway NP Victoria, Australia 12/17
Shy Heathwren Greater Bendigo NP Victoria, Australia 12/18
Buff-rumped Thornbill John Shephard Lookout Queensland, Australia 12/15
Western Thornbill Weirne Rd Western Australia 12/26
Mountain Thornbill Possum Valley Queensland, Australia 12/12
Brown Thornbill Gold Creek Reservoir Queensland, Australia 12/14
Tasmanian Thornbill Wellington Park Tasmania 12/20
Inland Thornbill Mosquito Creek Rd Queensland, Australia 12/14
Yellow-rumped Thornbill Mosquito Creek Rd Queensland, Australia 12/14
Chestnut-rumped Thornbill Greater Bendigo NP Victoria, Australia 12/18
Slaty-backed Thornbill Paynes Find Western Australia 12/25
Yellow Thornbill Mosquito Creek Rd Queensland, Australia 12/14
Gray Thornbill Dauli Papua New Guinea 12/3
Striated Thornbill You Yangs Park Victoria, Australia 12/16
Weebill Hurricane Rd Queensland, Australia 12/10
Green-backed Gerygone Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Fairy Gerygone Wetherby Station Queensland, Australia 12/10
White-throated Gerygone Hurricane Rd Queensland, Australia 12/10
Large-billed Gerygone Mary Jane Rd Queensland, Australia 12/13
Brown Gerygone Clacherty Rd Queensland, Australia 12/11
Golden-bellied Gerygone La Mesa Ecopark Philippines 10/28
Brown-breasted Gerygone Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/3
Western Gerygone Durikai State Forest Queensland, Australia 12/14
Mangrove Gerygone Nudgee Rd Cycle Track Queensland, Australia 12/15
Gray Gerygone Sandspit New Zealand 12/21
Southern Whiteface Paynes Find Western Australia 12/25
Gray-crowned Babbler Hurricane Rd Queensland, Australia 12/10
White-browed Babbler Greater Bendigo NP Victoria, Australia 12/18
Australian Logrunner O'Reilly's Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/15
Chowchilla Rose Gums Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/12
Loria's Satinbird Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/2
Black Berrypecker Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Mid-mountain Berrypecker Tari Gap Papua New Guinea 12/3
Fan-tailed Berrypecker Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/3
Yellow-bellied Longbill Rondon Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/5
Slaty-chinned Longbill Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/4
Pygmy Longbill Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Whitehead Tiritiri Matangi New Zealand 12/23
Tit Berrypecker Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Crested Berrypecker Tari Gap Papua New Guinea 12/3
North Island Kokako Tiritiri Matangi New Zealand 12/23
North Island Saddleback Hauturu New Zealand 12/21
Stitchbird Tiritiri Matangi New Zealand 12/23
Eastern Whipbird Wongabel Forest Queensland, Australia 12/11
Chiming Wedgebill Paynes Find Road Western Australia 12/25
Spotted Jewel-babbler Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Brown-throated Wattle-eye Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Chestnut Wattle-eye Murchison Falls NP Uganda 8/31
West African Wattle-eye Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
Red-cheeked Wattle-eye Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Black-necked Wattle-eye Max's Trail Cameroon 7/9
Short-tailed Batis Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Ruwenzori Batis Ruhija Farm Scrub Uganda 9/7
Cape Batis Benvie Farm South Africa 7/22
Woodward's Batis St Lucia South Africa 7/20
Chinspot Batis WF Bee-eater Spot South Africa 7/12
Pale Batis Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Pririt Batis Skitterykloof South Africa 7/28
Senegal Batis Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Black-headed Batis South Pare Mtns Tanzania 8/24
Pygmy Batis Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
White Helmetshrike S145 Dirt Rd South Africa 7/14
Red-billed Helmetshrike Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
Retz's Helmetshrike Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Chestnut-fronted Helmetshrike Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
African Shrike-flycatcher Kibale Forest NP Uganda 9/3
Black-and-white Shrike-flycatcher Brimsu Reservoir Ghana 6/25
Malabar Woodshrike Edamalayar India 9/17
Large Woodshrike Digboi Oilfields India 12/31
Common Woodshrike Monkeyfalls Rd India 9/19
Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike Eravikulam Track India 9/14
Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Rufous-winged Philentoma Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Maroon-breasted Philentoma Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Common Newtonia Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Dark Newtonia Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Tylas Vanga Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Red-tailed Vanga Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Nuthatch-Vanga Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Chabert Vanga Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Crossley's Vanga Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Blue Vanga Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Hook-billed Vanga Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 8/1
Ward's Flycatcher Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Rufous Vanga Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Sickle-billed Vanga Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 8/1
White-headed Vanga Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 8/1
Van Dam's Vanga Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Brubru Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Northern Puffback Opra Forest Ghana 6/28
Pringle's Puffback Same Dry Forest Tanzania 8/23
Black-backed Puffback Satara Road South Africa 7/13
Red-eyed Puffback Mankon Sacred Forest Cameroon 7/7
Pink-footed Puffback Buhoma Camp Uganda 9/5
Sabine's Puffback Opra Forest Ghana 6/28
Marsh Tchagra Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Black-crowned Tchagra Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Brown-crowned Tchagra Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Three-streaked Tchagra Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Southern Tchagra Bisley Valley Reserve South Africa 7/24
Luehder's Bushshrike Mankon Sacred Forest Cameroon 7/7
Tropical Boubou Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Zanzibar Boubou Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Southern Boubou Kruger NP South Africa 7/15
Yellow-crowned Gonolek Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Black-headed Gonolek Kakoge Uganda 8/30
Papyrus Gonolek Murchison Falls NP Uganda 9/1
Yellow-breasted Boubou Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Slate-colored Boubou Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Lowland Sooty Boubou Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Willard's Sooty Boubou Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
Mountain Sooty Boubou Mt. Cameroon Cameroon 7/5
Fuelleborn's Boubou W Usambara Mtns Tanzania 8/25
Rosy-patched Bushshrike Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Bokmakierie Verloren Valei Rd South Africa 7/12
Gray-green Bushshrike Mankon Sacred Forest Cameroon 7/7
Sulphur-breasted Bushshrike Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Olive Bushshrike Upper Linwood Trail South Africa 7/24
Many-colored Bushshrike Max's Trail Cameroon 7/9
Black-fronted Bushshrike W Usambara Mtns Tanzania 8/25
Mt. Kupe Bushshrike Mt. Kupe Cameroon 7/9
Four-colored Bushshrike Mkhuze Reserve South Africa 7/19
Doherty's Bushshrike Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/13
Fiery-breasted Bushshrike Opra Forest Ghana 6/28
Gray-headed Bushshrike Mole Airstrip Ghana 6/29
Black-breasted Boatbill Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Yellow-breasted Boatbill Clacherty Rd Queensland, Australia 12/11
Ashy Woodswallow Thattekaad Bridge India 9/16
Ivory-backed Woodswallow Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Great Woodswallow Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/2
White-breasted Woodswallow Subic Bay Philippines 10/21
Masked Woodswallow Cement Mills Queensland, Australia 12/14
White-browed Woodswallow Cement Mills Queensland, Australia 12/14
Black-faced Woodswallow Fieldwren spot Western Australia 12/24
Dusky Woodswallow Wondecla State Forest Queensland, Australia 12/12
Little Woodswallow Cement Mills Queensland, Australia 12/14
Black-backed Butcherbird Kokoda Trail Rd Papua New Guinea 12/1
Gray Butcherbird Wondecla State Forest Queensland, Australia 12/12
Hooded Butcherbird Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Pied Butcherbird Dingo Hill Queensland, Australia 12/10
Black Butcherbird Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Australian Magpie Mt. Carbine Park Queensland, Australia 12/10
Pied Currawong Rose Gums Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/12
Black Currawong Wellington Park Tasmania 12/20
Gray Currawong Brisbane Ranges Rd Victoria, Australia 12/17
Common Iora Sonu's Fields India 9/16
Green Iora Sepilok Malaysia 11/15
Great Iora Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
White-bellied Minivet Malabar Lark fields India 9/20
Fiery Minivet Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Small Minivet Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Gray-chinned Minivet Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
Short-billed Minivet Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
Long-tailed Minivet Sattal India 9/28
Orange Minivet Eravikulam NP Gate India 9/14
Scarlet Minivet Kaladungi Road India 9/29
Ashy Minivet Makiling Gardens Philippines 10/22
Brown-rumped Minivet Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Rosy Minivet Sitabani Forest India 9/30
Ashy Cuckooshrike Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Gray Cuckooshrike Eshowe--Dlinza Forest South Africa 7/21
Stout-billed Cuckooshrike Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Cerulean Cuckooshrike Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/23
Barred Cuckooshrike Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Boyer's Cuckooshrike Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Black-faced Cuckooshrike Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
White-bellied Cuckooshrike Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Large Cuckooshrike Nadettuchaal India 9/17
Bar-bellied Cuckooshrike Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Sunda Cuckooshrike Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Javan Cuckooshrike Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali Indonesia 11/29
White-rumped Cuckooshrike Tangkoko Batuangus NR Indonesia 11/26
Black Cuckooshrike Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Petit's Cuckooshrike Kibale Forest Uganda 9/2
Red-shouldered Cuckooshrike Mole NP Ghana 6/29
McGregor's Cuckooshrike Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
White-shouldered Triller Bandar Udara Internasional Indonesia 11/21
White-winged Triller Hurricane Rd Queensland, Australia 12/10
Varied Triller Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
White-rumped Triller Tangkoko Batuangus NR Indonesia 11/27
Pied Triller Garceliano Beach Philippines 10/20
Black-winged Cuckooshrike Sitabani Forest India 9/30
Black-headed Cuckooshrike Siharaja Reserve Sri Lanka 11/6
Pygmy Cuckooshrike Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Blackish Cuckooshrike Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Black-bellied Cicadabird Tari Gap Papua New Guinea 12/3
Sulawesi Cicadabird Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/23
Common Cicadabird Rose Gums Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/12
Black Cicadabird Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Black Sittella Tari Gap Papua New Guinea 12/3
Varied Sittella Rondon Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/5
Wattled Ploughbill Rondon Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/6
Crested Shrike-tit Collins Rd (Beverley) Western Australia 12/26
Rusty Pitohui Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Little Shrikethrush Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Gray Shrikethrush Kaban Road Queensland, Australia 12/12
Bower's Shrikethrush Possum Valley Queensland, Australia 12/12
Maroon-backed Whistler Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Olive Whistler Great Otway NP Victoria, Australia 12/17
Gilbert's Whistler Greater Bendigo NP Victoria, Australia 12/18
Regent Whistler Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Sclater's Whistler Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/4
Golden Whistler Possum Valley Queensland, Australia 12/12
Black-tailed Whistler Restorf Island Papua New Guinea 12/8
Yellow-bellied Whistler Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
Bornean Whistler Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Sulphur-bellied Whistler Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Mangrove Whistler Puerto Princesa River NP Philippines 10/20
Gray Whistler Kingfisher Park Lodge Queensland, Australia 12/10
Rufous Whistler Hurricane Rd Queensland, Australia 12/10
Mottled Berryhunter Tari Gap Papua New Guinea 12/2
Crested Bellbird Muckleford Forest Victoria, Australia 12/18
Rufous-naped Bellbird Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/3
Tiger Shrike Berjaya Hills Club Malaysia 11/8
Red-backed Shrike Red-backed Shrike spot Norway 6/11
Red-tailed Shrike Wamm Farms United Arab Emirates 9/12
Isabelline Shrike Basai Wetland India 9/22
Brown Shrike Taminekhen Bridge Myanmar 10/6
Burmese Shrike Bagan Temples Area Myanmar 10/2
Bay-backed Shrike Bhavanisagar Dam India 9/19
Long-tailed Shrike Chengulam Reservoir India 9/14
Gray-backed Shrike Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
Loggerhead Shrike Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/9
Northern Shrike Boggy Clearcut Norway 6/11
Southern Gray Shrike Fields Near Ablitas Spain 6/22
Lesser Gray Shrike Akkaya Baraji Turkey 6/14
Chinese Gray Shrike S209 Km 170 China 10/10
Gray-backed Fiscal Baringo Side Road Kenya 8/16
Long-tailed Fiscal Mombasa Road Kenya 8/7
Taita Fiscal Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Mackinnon's Shrike Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Northern Fiscal Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Southern Fiscal Verloren Valei Rd South Africa 7/12
Masked Shrike Korucak Turkey 6/14
Woodchat Shrike Nemrut Da臒谋 MP Turkey 6/17
Yellow-billed Shrike Mole Airstrip Ghana 6/29
Magpie Shrike Magpie Shrike spot South Africa 7/12
White-rumped Shrike Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
White-crowned Shrike Kruger NP South Africa 7/13
Black-headed Shrike-Babbler Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Himalayan Shrike-Babbler Sattal India 9/27
Blyth's Shrike-Babbler Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Green Shrike-Babbler Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Black-eared Shrike-Babbler Bukit Fraser Malaysia 11/10
White-bellied Erpornis Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Slaty Vireo Rd Near Benito Juarez Mexico 5/6
White-eyed Vireo W.G. Jones Forest Texas, USA 5/18
Mangrove Vireo Tarcoles Neighborhood Costa Rica 4/24
Jamaican Vireo Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Bell's Vireo Cassin's Sparrow fields Texas, USA 5/20
Black-capped Vireo Lost Maples SNA Texas, USA 5/20
Dwarf Vireo Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/6
Gray Vireo Oak Flat CG Arizona, USA 5/22
Blue Mountain Vireo Hardware Gap Jamaica 4/18
Yellow-throated Vireo Letney Boat Ramp Texas, USA 5/19
Plumbeous Vireo Pine Oak Near Coban Guatemala 5/1
Cassin's Vireo Creswell Oregon, USA 5/29
Blue-headed Vireo Finca Las Nubes Guatemala 4/30
Yellow-winged Vireo Savegre Valley Costa Rica 4/23
Hutton's Vireo Parque Zunil Guatemala 4/28
Golden Vireo Huatulco Road Mexico 5/3
Choco Vireo Mashpi Ecuador 3/15
Warbling Vireo Atitlan Viewpoint Guatemala 4/27
Brown-capped Vireo Reserva Huembo Peru 2/24
Philadelphia Vireo Bosque Del Tolomuco Costa Rica 4/23
Red-eyed Vireo Reserva de Vicente L贸pez Argentina 1/16
Yellow-green Vireo Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Black-whiskered Vireo Flamencos Rd Colombia 4/2
Rufous-crowned Greenlet PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
Gray-eyed Greenlet Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Lemon-chested Greenlet Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Gray-chested Greenlet Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Ashy-headed Greenlet Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Scrub Greenlet Parque Man谩 Dulce Colombia 3/28
Olivaceous Greenlet Bosque Alto Mayo Peru 2/24
Tawny-crowned Greenlet Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Rufous-naped Greenlet Sumaco Road Ecuador 3/17
Golden-fronted Greenlet Pozo Azul Colombia 4/1
Dusky-capped Greenlet Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/1
Lesser Greenlet Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/13
Chestnut-sided Shrike-Vireo Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Green Shrike-Vireo Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Yellow-browed Shrike-Vireo RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/20
Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Rufous-browed Peppershrike Camino del Consorcio Argentina 1/15
Black-billed Peppershrike Mashpi Ecuador 3/15
Hooded Pitohui Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Variable Pitohui Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Brown Oriole Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Olive-backed Oriole Hurricane Rd woodland Queensland, Australia 12/10
Green Oriole Redden Island Queensland, Australia 12/9
Dark-throated Oriole Puerto Princesa River NP Philippines 10/20
Philippine Oriole Magsaysay Park Philippines 10/24
Eurasian Golden Oriole Akkaya Baraj谋 Turkey 6/14
Indian Golden Oriole Tal Chhapar Sanctuary India 9/24
African Golden Oriole Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/11
Black-naped Oriole Saw Road mp 35 Myanmar 10/3
Slender-billed Oriole Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
Green-headed Oriole East Usambara Mts Tanzania 8/26
Western Black-headed Oriole Bonkro Village Ghana 6/27
African Black-headed Oriole Satara Road South Africa 7/13
Black-tailed Oriole Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/12
Black-winged Oriole Opra Forest Ghana 6/28
Black-hooded Oriole Eldhos Guesthouse India 9/16
Black-and-crimson Oriole Bukit Fraser Malaysia 11/10
Maroon Oriole Sattal India 9/27
Australasian Figbird Pacific Adventist University Papua New Guinea 12/1
Square-tailed Drongo Mole NP Ghana 6/30
Shining Drongo Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
Fork-tailed Drongo Buzzard spot Ghana 6/28
Velvet-mantled Drongo Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Crested Drongo Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Black Drongo Kochin Airport Area India 9/13
Ashy Drongo Sattal India 9/27
White-bellied Drongo Monkeyfalls Rd India 9/19
Bronzed Drongo Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo Saw Road mp 56 Myanmar 10/5
Hair-crested Drongo Sitabani Forest India 9/30
Balicassiao Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Sulawesi Drongo Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Spangled Drongo Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo NH 49 Km 87 India 9/13
Sri Lanka Drongo Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Black Fantail Rondon Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/5
Black-and-cinnamon Fantail Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Visayan Blue-Fantail Magsaysay Park Philippines 10/24
Blue-headed Fantail Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
Northern Fantail Ella Numundo Papua New Guinea 12/8
Willie-wagtail Pacific Adventist University Papua New Guinea 12/1
Malaysian Pied-Fantail Wat Phra Phuttabath Noi Thailand 10/30
Philippine Pied-Fantail Badjao Seafront Philippines 10/19
White-throated Fantail Sattal India 9/27
Spot-breasted Fantail Malabar Lark fields India 9/21
White-browed Fantail Bokkapuram India 9/20
Dimorphic Fantail Rondon Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/5
Rusty-bellied Fantail Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Rufous Fantail Possum Valley Queensland, Australia 12/12
Friendly Fantail Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Chestnut-bellied Fantail Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Gray Fantail Jim Weir Rd Queensland, Australia 12/11
New Zealand Fantail Sandspit New Zealand 12/21
Blue-capped Ifrita Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Blue-headed Crested-Flycatcher Opra Forest Ghana 6/28
African Crested-Flycatcher Mkhuze Entrance South Africa 7/20
Black-naped Monarch Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Pale-blue Monarch Karaenta Indonesia 11/21
Blue Paradise-Flycatcher Puerto Princesa River NP Philippines 10/20
Rufous Paradise-Flycatcher Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
Amur Paradise-Flycatcher Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Blyth's Paradise-Flycatcher Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Indian Paradise-Flycatcher Keoladeo Ghana NP India 9/25
Madagascar Paradise-Flycatcher Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Black-headed Paradise-Flycatcher Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Rufous-vented Paradise-Flycatcher Mankon Sacred Forest Cameroon 7/7
Bates's Paradise-Flycatcher Nyasoso Cameroon 7/9
African Paradise-Flycatcher Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Island Monarch Restorf Island Papua New Guinea 12/8
Black-faced Monarch Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Fantailed Monarch Rondon Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/5
Spectacled Monarch Rifle Creek Queensland, Australia 12/10
Frilled Monarch Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Pied Monarch Mt Lewis Rd Queensland, Australia 12/13
Magpie-lark Cairns Cemetery Queensland, Australia 12/9
Leaden Flycatcher Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Satin Flycatcher Great Otway NP Victoria, Australia 12/17
Restless Flycatcher Cement Mills Queensland, Australia 12/14
Shining Flycatcher Walindi Dive Resort Papua New Guinea 12/7
Black Magpie Menanggol River Malaysia 11/16
Siberian Jay Olsjoen Norway 6/12
Gray Jay Bear Mountain Rd Oregon, USA 5/28
Dwarf Jay Dwarf Jay Area Mexico 5/7
Black-throated Jay Parque Zunil Guatemala 4/28
Azure-hooded Jay San Isidro Jct Mexico 5/7
Beautiful Jay Old Nono-Mindo Rd Ecuador 3/12
Black-collared Jay Monterredondo Colombia 3/25
Turquoise Jay Cock-of-the-Rock lek Ecuador 3/6
White-collared Jay Carpish Tunnel Peru 2/18
Black-throated Magpie-Jay Las Palomas Ranch Mexico 5/11
White-throated Magpie-Jay Guacimo Road Costa Rica 4/24
Brown Jay Rd Near Sarchi 2 Costa Rica 4/20
Tufted Jay Reserva de la Chara Pinta Mexico 5/13
Black-chested Jay RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Green Jay Apaya-Mariposa Peru 2/15
Bushy-crested Jay Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
San Blas Jay El Espino Rd Mexico 5/14
Purplish-backed Jay Las Palomas Ranch Mexico 5/11
Purplish Jay Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Violaceous Jay SPSA spot Peru 2/16
Curl-crested Jay Soybean Fields Brazil 2/1
White-tailed Jay ACP Chaparr铆 Peru 2/19
Plush-crested Jay Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/17
Pinyon Jay Sisters Ponderosa Lodge Oregon, USA 6/1
Steller's Jay Xela Dump Area Guatemala 4/27
Blue Jay W.G. Jones Forest Texas, USA 5/18
Western Scrub-Jay Rd Above Teotitlan Mexico 5/6
Mexican Jay Cienega de Los Caballos Mexico 5/17
Unicolored Jay Parque Zunil Guatemala 4/28
Eurasian Jay Gravberget Norway 6/11
Black-headed Jay Bhaktura India 9/27
Iberian Magpie Camping Monfrague Spain 6/20
Azure-winged Magpie S209 AWMA China 10/10
Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie Siharaja Reserve Sri Lanka 11/5
Taiwan Blue-Magpie Huisan Forests Taiwan 10/17
Yellow-billed Blue-Magpie Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Red-billed Blue-Magpie Sattal India 9/27
Common Green-Magpie Sitabani Forest India 9/30
Bornean Green-Magpie Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Rufous Treepie NH 49 Km 87 India 9/13
Gray Treepie Paradise Home Stay India 9/27
Bornean Treepie Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
White-bellied Treepie Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Racket-tailed Treepie Hlawga Park Myanmar 10/8
Hooded Treepie Sisanagyi Myanmar 10/2
Ratchet-tailed Treepie Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Eurasian Magpie Lufthavn Gardermoen Norway 6/10
Black-billed Magpie Summer Lake Oregon, USA 6/2
Yellow-billed Magpie 101 Exit 146 California, USA 5/27
Clark's Nutcracker Patjens Trailhead Oregon, USA 6/1
Eurasian Nutcracker Pingwu Park China 10/12
Red-billed Chough Alada臒lar MP Turkey 6/14
Yellow-billed Chough Alada臒lar MP Turkey 6/15
Piapiac White Volta Crossing Ghana 6/28
Eurasian Jackdaw Lufthavn Gardermoen Norway 6/10
Daurian Jackdaw Yak Forest Patch China 10/11
House Crow Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/9
Slender-billed Crow Puerto Princesa River NP Philippines 10/20
Cape Crow Verloren Valei Reserve South Africa 7/12
Rook Hamar Train Museum Norway 6/11
American Crow Boykin Springs Texas, USA 5/19
Jamaican Crow Crow spot Jamaica 4/17
Sinaloa Crow Las Palomas Ranch Mexico 5/11
Fish Crow Beaumont WTP Texas, USA 5/19
Chihuahuan Raven Km 4 Chihuahuan Raven Mexico 5/17
Carrion Crow Petrola Road Spain 6/20
Hooded Crow Lufthavn Gardermoen Norway 6/10
Large-billed Crow Munnar India 9/14
Torresian Crow Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Bismarck Crow Walindi Dive Resort Papua New Guinea 12/6
Little Crow Paynes Find Road Western Australia 12/25
Australian Raven Cement Mills Queensland, Australia 12/14
Little Raven Serendip Sanctuary Victoria, Australia 12/16
Forest Raven Great Otway NP Victoria, Australia 12/17
Collared Crow Jiuzhou Hotel Bridge China 10/12
Pied Crow Hut D'Eric Ghana 6/25
Brown-necked Raven Saih al Salam United Arab Emirates 9/12
Fan-tailed Raven Sandai Resort Jct Kenya 8/14
White-necked Raven Pevensey Road South Africa 7/23
Common Raven Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/6
White-winged Chough Jondaryan stock reserve Queensland, Australia 12/14
Apostlebird Hurricane Rd Queensland, Australia 12/10
Glossy-mantled Manucode Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
King-of-Saxony Bird-of-Paradise Tari Gap Papua New Guinea 12/2
Lawes's Parotia Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/2
Superb Bird-of-Paradise Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/2
Paradise Riflebird O'Reilly's Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/15
Victoria's Riflebird Pinnacle Rd, Julatten Queensland, Australia 12/11
Magnificent Riflebird Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Black Sicklebill Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/3
Brown Sicklebill Tari Gap Papua New Guinea 12/2
Stephanie's Astrapia Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/2
Ribbon-tailed Astrapia Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Raggiana Bird-of-Paradise Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Lesser Melampitta Tari Gap Papua New Guinea 12/3
Lesser Ground-Robin Rondon Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/5
Jacky-winter Mosquito Creek Rd Queensland, Australia 12/14
Lemon-bellied Flycatcher Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Scarlet Robin You Yangs Park Victoria, Australia 12/16
Tomtit Fairy Falls New Zealand 12/22
Red-capped Robin Greater Bendigo NP Victoria, Australia 12/18
Flame Robin Toolangi Black Range Victoria, Australia 12/19
Rose Robin O'Reilly's Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/15
Pink Robin Wellington Park Tasmania 12/20
New Zealand Robin Tiritiri Matangi New Zealand 12/23
Hooded Robin Cement Mills Queensland, Australia 12/14
Dusky Robin Old Bernies Road Tasmania 12/20
White-faced Robin Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Pale-yellow Robin Kingfisher Park Lodge Queensland, Australia 12/9
Eastern Yellow Robin Wetherby Station Queensland, Australia 12/10
Western Yellow Robin Bungendore Park Western Australia 12/26
White-breasted Robin Caraholly/River Int Western Australia 12/26
Mangrove Robin Cairns Esplanade Queensland, Australia 12/9
White-browed Robin Rifle Creek Queensland, Australia 12/10
Black-throated Robin Tari Gap Papua New Guinea 12/2
White-winged Robin Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Blue-gray Robin Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/2
Ashy Robin Elaiepa Track Papua New Guinea 12/2
Gray-headed Robin Wongabel Forest Queensland, Australia 12/11
Papuan Scrub-Robin Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
White-necked Rockfowl Bonkro Village Ghana 6/27
Gray-necked Rockfowl Campo Ma'an NP Cameroon 7/3
Cape Rockjumper Hottentots Holland Reserve South Africa 7/25
Drakensberg Rockjumper Sani Pass Lesotho 7/23
Bearded Reedling El Fondo Spain 6/19
Western Nicator Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Eastern Nicator Western Shores South Africa 7/20
Australasian Bushlark Lake Coolmunda Queensland, Australia 12/14
Jerdon's Bushlark Monkeyfalls Rd India 9/19
Indian Bushlark Tal Chhapar Sanctuary India 9/23
Indochinese Bushlark Laem Phak Bia Thailand 11/3
Bengal Bushlark Surajpur Wetlands India 9/26
Burmese Bushlark Bagan Temples Area Myanmar 10/2
Madagascar Lark N4 Km 152 Madagascar 8/2
Singing Bushlark Bhavanisagar Dam India 9/19
Red-winged Lark Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Rufous-naped Lark Dirkiesdorp South Africa 7/18
Flappet Lark Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Rudd's Lark Ficklin Pan South Africa 7/17
Pink-breasted Lark Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Sabota Lark Satara Dirt Rd South Africa 7/13
Foxy Lark Tarangire NP Tanzania 8/18
Karoo Lark Road P2250 South Africa 7/28
Spike-heeled Lark Ficklin Pan South Africa 7/17
Beesley's Lark Arusha Lark Field Tanzania 8/17
Cape Lark R399 South Africa 7/29
Agulhas Lark Potberg Jct South Africa 7/27
Eastern Long-billed Lark Verloren Valei Reserve South Africa 7/12
Dupont's Lark Lark Fields Spain 6/22
Chestnut-backed Sparrow-Lark H14 Road South Africa 7/13
Black-crowned Sparrow-Lark Saih al Salam United Arab Emirates 9/12
Chestnut-headed Sparrow-Lark Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Fischer's Sparrow-Lark Tarangire River Route Tanzania 8/18
Ashy-crowned Sparrow-Lark Edge of Dry Forest India 9/19
Rufous-tailed Lark Tal Chhapar Sanctuary India 9/23
Desert Lark Masafi Wadi United Arab Emirates 9/12
Calandra Lark IBA Seyhan Deltas谋 Turkey 6/15
Bimaculated Lark Karacadag Turkey 6/17
Greater Short-toed Lark Karacadag Turkey 6/17
Red-capped Lark Wakkerstroom Overlook South Africa 7/17
Lesser Short-toed Lark Karacadag Turkey 6/14
Crested Lark Above Korucak Turkey 6/14
Thekla Lark Rock Pit Mines Spain 6/19
Malabar Lark Malabar Lark fields India 9/20
Sun Lark Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Large-billed Lark Sani Pass Lesotho 7/23
Sky Lark Gard Norway 6/10
Oriental Skylark Wamm Farms United Arab Emirates 9/12
Wood Lark Pine Forest Campsite Norway 6/11
Horned Lark San Rafael Road Mexico 5/18
Blue-and-white Swallow Mid El Yeso Road Chile 1/10
Brown-bellied Swallow Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Black-capped Swallow BC Swallow spot Guatemala 4/27
White-thighed Swallow Rio Silanche Ecuador 3/13
White-banded Swallow ACR Cordillera Escalera Peru 2/25
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Elim Pools Jamaica 4/19
Southern Rough-winged Swallow Parque provincial urugua Argentina 1/21
Purple Martin Letney Boat Ramp Texas, USA 5/19
Sinaloa Martin Carretera 40 Mexico 5/13
Gray-breasted Martin Aeropuerto Ezeiza Argentina 1/9
Southern Martin San Antonio Argentina 1/16
Brown-chested Martin Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Tree Swallow Galveston Texas, USA 5/21
Tumbes Swallow Bosque de P贸mac Peru 2/20
White-winged Swallow Transpantaneira Rd Brazil 2/1
White-rumped Swallow Medanos Argentina 1/14
Chilean Swallow PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Mangrove Swallow Gamboa Panama 4/16
Violet-green Swallow Cienega de Los Caballos Mexico 5/17
Plain Martin Kruger NP South Africa 7/13
Gray-throated Martin Basai Wetland India 9/22
Bank Swallow Medanos Argentina 1/14
Banded Martin Western Shores South Africa 7/20
Eurasian Crag-Martin Alada臒lar MP Turkey 6/14
Rock Martin Treasure Land Hotel Ghana 6/28
Dusky Crag-Martin Chengulam Reservoir India 9/13
Barn Swallow Large Wetland Argentina 1/14
Red-chested Swallow White Volta Crossing Ghana 6/28
Ethiopian Swallow Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Angola Swallow Mabamba Swamp Rd Uganda 8/29
White-throated Blue Swallow Twifo Praso--Pra River Ghana 6/27
Wire-tailed Swallow Buzzard spot Ghana 6/28
Welcome Swallow Sydney Airport New South Wales, Australia 11/30
Hill Swallow Munnar India 9/14
Pacific Swallow Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/17
Red-rumped Swallow Daripinari Turkey 6/14
Sri Lanka Swallow Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Striated Swallow Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Lesser Striped-Swallow Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Rufous-chested Swallow Queen Elizabeth II NP Uganda 9/5
Mosque Swallow Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Rufous-bellied Swallow Bukit Fraser Malaysia 11/10
Preuss's Swallow Preuss's CLSW spot Ghana 6/27
Streak-throated Swallow Dighal Village India 9/23
Fairy Martin FAMA Nest Bridge Queensland, Australia 12/13
Tree Martin Mary Jane Rd Queensland, Australia 12/13
Cliff Swallow San Crist贸bal Verapaz Guatemala 5/1
Cave Swallow Vibes Restaurant Jamaica 4/17
Chestnut-collared Swallow Chiclayo Peru 2/19
Common House-Martin Nes Norway 6/10
Asian House-Martin House-Martin Bridge China 10/11
Nepal House-Martin Mayodia Km 9-17 India 12/29
Square-tailed Sawwing Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
Mountain Sawwing Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
White-headed Sawwing Mabamba Swamp Rd Uganda 8/29
Black Sawwing Mankon Sacred Forest Cameroon 7/7
Fanti Sawwing Brimsu Reservoir Ghana 6/25
Gray-rumped Swallow R36-4 Bridge South Africa 7/12
White-backed Swallow WBSW pit Western Australia 12/25
Fairy Flycatcher Skitterykloof South Africa 7/28
Yellow-bellied Fairy-Fantail Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
African Blue-Flycatcher Mole NP Ghana 6/29
White-tailed Blue-Flycatcher Gibbs Farm Tanzania 8/22
White-bellied Crested-Flycatcher Mt. Cameroon Cameroon 7/5
White-tailed Crested-Flycatcher Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/12
Gray-headed Canary-Flycatcher Eravikulam NP Gate India 9/14
Citrine Canary-Flycatcher Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Fire-capped Tit Emeishan China 10/14
Yellow-browed Tit Sigri India 9/28
Sultan Tit Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Coal Tit 脴sterudveien Rd Site Norway 6/13
Rufous-vented Tit Wolong Reserve China 10/9
Yellow-bellied Tit Pingwu Park China 10/12
Elegant Tit Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
Palawan Tit Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Crested Tit Gravberget Norway 6/11
Gray-crested Tit Wolong Reserve China 10/9
Varied Tit Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/17
White-browed Tit S209 Km 206 China 10/10
Sombre Tit Above Korucak Turkey 6/14
Marsh Tit Borrevannet Norway 6/13
Black-bibbed Tit Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Willow Tit Large Shallow Marsh Norway 6/11
Sichuan Tit Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Carolina Chickadee W.G. Jones Forest Texas, USA 5/18
Black-capped Chickadee Creswell House Oregon, USA 5/28
Mountain Chickadee Angeles Hwy Pullout California, USA 5/26
Mexican Chickadee Benito Juarez Mexico 5/6
Chestnut-backed Chickadee Creswell House Oregon, USA 5/28
Eurasian Blue Tit Nes Norway 6/10
Bridled Titmouse Las Salinas Mexico 5/6
Oak Titmouse La Ca帽ada Flintridge California, USA 5/25
Juniper Titmouse Upper Russell Canyon Arizona, USA 5/22
Tufted Titmouse Letney Boat Ramp Texas, USA 5/19
Black-crested Titmouse Above Cola de Caballo Mexico 5/18
Ground Tit S209 Km 170 China 10/10
Green-backed Tit Sattal India 9/27
Great Tit Nes Norway 6/10
Cinereous Tit Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Japanese Tit Gideon's House Myanmar 10/6
Yellow Tit Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Black-lored Tit Sattal India 9/27
Indian Tit Eravikulam NP Gate India 9/14
Yellow-cheeked Tit Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
White-shouldered Black-Tit Mole NP Ghana 6/29
White-winged Black-Tit Lake Mburo NP Uganda 9/9
White-bellied Tit Dry Forest Stop Kenya 8/9
Southern Black-Tit Kruger NP South Africa 7/13
Dusky Tit Kibale Forest Uganda 9/2
Stripe-breasted Tit Ruhija Farm Scrub Uganda 9/7
Somali Tit Tumbili Cliff Lodge Kenya 8/15
Red-throated Tit Serengeti NP--Seronera Tanzania 8/20
Gray Tit West Coast NP South Africa 7/29
Verdin Cassin's Sparrow fields Texas, USA 5/20
Eurasian Penduline-Tit Akkaya Baraj谋 Turkey 6/14
Mouse-colored Penduline-Tit Same Dry Forest Tanzania 8/23
African Penduline-Tit Mkhuze Reserve South Africa 7/19
Southern Penduline-Tit West Coast NP South Africa 7/29
White-browed Tit-Warbler Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Crested Tit-Warbler Mengbi Shan China 10/10
Long-tailed Tit Korucak Overlook Turkey 6/14
Black-throated Tit Sattal India 9/27
Black-browed Tit Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Sooty Tit Fengpingcun Reservoir China 10/11
Bushtit Panajachel House Guatemala 4/27
Indian Nuthatch Malabar Lark fields India 9/20
Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch Sattal India 9/27
Eurasian Nuthatch 脴蝉迟产测驳诲补惫别颈别苍 Norway 6/13
Chestnut-vented Nuthatch Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
White-tailed Nuthatch Mallital India 9/28
White-browed Nuthatch Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Red-breasted Nuthatch Creswell House Oregon, USA 5/28
Przevalski's Nuthatch Yak Forest Patch China 10/11
White-breasted Nuthatch Carretera Teotitlan-Juarez Mexico 5/6
Pygmy Nuthatch Cienega de Los Caballos Mexico 5/17
Brown-headed Nuthatch Boykin Springs Texas, USA 5/19
Krueper's Nuthatch Daripinari Turkey 6/14
Rock Nuthatch Daripinari Turkey 6/14
Persian Nuthatch Euphrates Overlook Turkey 6/16
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch Eravikulam Track India 9/14
Sulphur-billed Nuthatch Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Wallcreeper Alada臒lar MP Turkey 6/15
Eurasian Treecreeper Borrevannet Norway 6/13
Hodgson's Treecreeper Yak Forest Patch China 10/11
Brown Creeper Dwarf Jay Area Mexico 5/7
Short-toed Treecreeper Daripinari Turkey 6/14
Bar-tailed Treecreeper Sattal India 9/27
Hume's Treecreeper Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
Rock Wren Presa Piedra Azul Mexico 5/6
Nightingale Wren Arenal Observatory Costa Rica 4/26
Scaly-breasted Wren Waqanki Peru 2/24
Wing-banded Wren Loreto Road Ecuador 3/17
Gray-mantled Wren Sumaco Road Ecuador 3/17
Canyon Wren Teotitlan del Valle Mexico 5/5
Sumichrast's Wren Cerro Marin Rd Mexico 5/8
House Wren PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Rufous-browed Wren Xela Dump Area Guatemala 4/27
Ochraceous Wren Savegre Mt Lodge Costa Rica 4/23
Mountain Wren Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/16
Eurasian Wren Nes Norway 6/10
Pacific Wren Creswell House Oregon, USA 5/28
Winter Wren Summerhill SF New York, USA 6/6
Timberline Wren Cerro de La Muerte Costa Rica 4/22
Sedge Wren Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
Apolinar's Wren PNN Sumapaz Colombia 3/27
Marsh Wren Anahuac NWR Texas, USA 5/19
Carolina Wren Salaman Road Guatemala 5/1
Bewick's Wren Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/6
White-headed Wren Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Band-backed Wren La Selva Costa Rica 4/20
Gray-barred Wren El Ojo de Agua Mexico 5/6
Rufous-naped Wren PN Carara Costa Rica 4/24
Spotted Wren Durango Hwy Km 195 Mexico 5/13
Boucard's Wren Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/5
Cactus Wren Salome/339th Arizona, USA 5/22
Fasciated Wren Chiclayo Peru 2/19
Bicolored Wren RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Thrush-like Wren Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Sooty-headed Wren Camino Montezuma Colombia 4/9
Black-bellied Wren Laguna de Tabacal Colombia 3/24
Plain-tailed Wren San Lorenzo Peru 2/23
Whiskered Wren Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/21
Moustached Wren Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Coraya Wren COWR spot Peru 2/16
Rufous-breasted Wren Minca Colombia 3/29
Spot-breasted Wren Finca Las Nubes Guatemala 4/30
Speckle-breasted Wren Maranon Valley Peru 2/21
Happy Wren Santa Maria Huatulco Mexico 5/3
Black-throated Wren La Selva Costa Rica 4/20
Sinaloa Wren Las Palomas Ranch Mexico 5/11
Banded Wren Esparza Costa Rica 4/24
Rufous-and-white Wren Pozo Azul Colombia 3/29
Antioquia Wren San Gerardo Potrerito Colombia 4/13
Niceforo's Wren Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/23
Stripe-breasted Wren La Selva Costa Rica 4/20
Stripe-throated Wren Sendero Ibe Igar Panama 4/15
Plain Wren Plain Wren spot Panama 4/16
Riverside Wren Los Cusingos Costa Rica 4/23
Bay Wren Rio Silanche Ecuador 3/13
Superciliated Wren Chiclayo Peru 2/19
Buff-breasted Wren Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Long-billed Wren Ilhabela House Brazil 1/27
Rufous Wren Monte Redondo 2 Colombia 3/25
Sharpe's Wren Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/13
Peruvian Wren Carpish Tunnel Peru 2/18
White-bellied Wren Cerro Marin Rd Mexico 5/8
White-breasted Wood-Wren Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Bar-winged Wood-Wren Fundo Alto Nieva Peru 2/24
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Munchique Wood-Wren Montezuma - Upper Colombia 4/8
Chestnut-breasted Wren ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/23
Song Wren RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/20
Musician Wren Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/3
Tawny-faced Gnatwren RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/20
Long-billed Gnatwren PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Rd Above Teotitlan Mexico 5/6
California Gnatcatcher Forrestal Preserve California, USA 5/26
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher Hediondilla Mexico 5/18
Black-capped Gnatcatcher Playa El Verde Camacho Mexico 5/11
White-lored Gnatcatcher Reserva Heloderma Guatemala 4/29
Tropical Gnatcatcher Campos de Quatipuru Brazil 2/4
Creamy-bellied Gnatcatcher San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Slate-throated Gnatcatcher Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/13
Masked Gnatcatcher Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
White-throated Dipper WT Dipper spot Norway 6/12
Brown Dipper Kainchi Dham India 9/27
American Dipper Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
White-capped Dipper Andamarca Area Peru 2/15
Rufous-throated Dipper Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/20
Sombre Greenbul R36-4 60.0N South Africa 7/12
Slender-billed Greenbul Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Red-tailed Bristlebill Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
Gray-headed Bristlebill Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Cameroon Mountain Greenbul Mt. Cameroon Cameroon 7/5
Shelley's Greenbul W Usambara Mtns Tanzania 8/25
Western Mountain-Greenbul Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Eastern Mountain-Greenbul Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/12
Stripe-cheeked Greenbul Taita Hills Kenya 8/9
Simple Greenbul Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Yellow-bellied Greenbul Kruger NP South Africa 7/13
Joyful Greenbul Joyful Greenbul spot Uganda 9/4
Honeyguide Greenbul Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Yellow-throated Greenbul Sakumono Lagoon Ghana 7/2
Spotted Greenbul Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Swamp Greenbul Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Red-tailed Greenbul Opra Forest Ghana 6/28
Western Bearded-Greenbul Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Eastern Bearded-Greenbul Campo Ma'an NP Cameroon 7/4
Gray Greenbul Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Ansorge's Greenbul Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
Plain Greenbul Ebekawopa Reserve Ghana 6/27
Yellow-whiskered Greenbul Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Little Greenbul Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Terrestrial Brownbul H13 Road 2 South Africa 7/14
Northern Brownbul Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/9
Fischer's Greenbul Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Cabanis's Greenbul Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/12
Icterine Greenbul Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
White-throated Greenbul Murchison Falls NP Uganda 8/31
Yellow-streaked Greenbul Usambara Mtns Tanzania 8/25
Gray-headed Greenbul Mt. Kupe Cameroon 7/9
Tiny Greenbul Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Usambara Greenbul West Usambara Mtns Tanzania 8/25
Crested Finchbill Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
Collared Finchbill Pingwu Park China 10/12
Puff-backed Bulbul Gomantong Cave Malaysia 11/15
Black-headed Bulbul Keang Krachan Thailand 11/1
Yellow-wattled Bulbul Magsaysay Park Philippines 10/24
Straw-headed Bulbul Bukit Batok Park Singapore 12/27
Striated Bulbul Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Gray-headed Bulbul Glen View India 9/20
Flame-throated Bulbul Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Black-capped Bulbul Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Black-crested Bulbul Kaladungi Road India 9/29
Bornean Bulbul Crocker Range NP Malaysia 11/19
Scaly-breasted Bulbul Kedondong Malaysia 11/7
Red-vented Bulbul Chalakudy Anamada Rd India 9/18
Red-whiskered Bulbul NH 49 Km 87 India 9/13
Brown-breasted Bulbul Pingwu Park China 10/12
Light-vented Bulbul S205 Km 249 China 10/12
Common Bulbul Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Cape Bulbul Newlands Forest South Africa 7/25
White-spectacled Bulbul Korucak Turkey 6/14
White-eared Bulbul Saih al Salam United Arab Emirates 9/12
Himalayan Bulbul Paradise Home Stay India 9/27
Sooty-headed Bulbul Song Khon Thailand 10/30
Stripe-throated Bulbul Hlawga Park Myanmar 10/8
Yellow-throated Bulbul SH-78 Hairpins India 9/19
Flavescent Bulbul Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
White-browed Bulbul SH-78 Hairpins India 9/19
Yellow-vented Bulbul Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Olive-winged Bulbul Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Streak-eared Bulbul Bagan Temples Area Myanmar 10/2
Cream-vented Bulbul Krau Forest Malaysia 11/8
Red-eyed Bulbul Kedondong Malaysia 11/7
Spectacled Bulbul Krau Forest Malaysia 11/8
Hairy-backed Bulbul Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
White-throated Bulbul Tinsukia Forest Patch India 12/30
Puff-throated Bulbul Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Ochraceous Bulbul Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Gray-cheeked Bulbul Sepilok Malaysia 11/14
Gray-throated Bulbul Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Yellow-bellied Bulbul Sepilok Malaysia 11/15
Gray-eyed Bulbul Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Buff-vented Bulbul Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Sulphur-bellied Bulbul Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Yellow-browed Bulbul Hanging Parrot spot India 9/13
Madagascar Bulbul Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Black Bulbul Sattal India 9/27
Square-tailed Bulbul EcoTones Lodge India 9/14
Philippine Bulbul Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Ashy Bulbul Sattal India 9/27
Mountain Bulbul Sattal India 9/27
Streaked Bulbul Sepilok Malaysia 11/15
Golden-crowned Kinglet Dwarf Jay Area Mexico 5/7
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Crescent Creek Campground Oregon, USA 6/3
Goldcrest Oslo Airport Forest Norway 6/10
Flamecrest Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Firecrest Sendero de San Mart铆n de Unx Spain 6/22
Scaly-breasted Cupwing Mayodia Km 9-17 India 12/29
Chinese Cupwing Chengdu Forest Edge China 10/15
Taiwan Cupwing Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Pygmy Cupwing Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
Green Crombec Ebekawopa Reserve Ghana 6/27
Lemon-bellied Crombec Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
White-browed Crombec Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
Northern Crombec Sakumono Lagoon Ghana 7/2
Red-faced Crombec Tumbili Cliff Lodge Kenya 8/15
Cape Crombec Tamboti Camp Rd South Africa 7/13
Moustached Grass-Warbler Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Cape Grassbird Wetlands Hotel South Africa 7/18
Victorin's Warbler Hottentots Holland Reserve South Africa 7/25
Kemp's Longbill Opra Forest Ghana 6/28
Yellow Longbill Murchison Falls NP Uganda 8/31
Gray Longbill Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Grauer's Warbler Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
Green Hylia Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Tit-hylia Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Chestnut-capped Flycatcher Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Yellow Flycatcher Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Scrub Warbler Masafi Wadi United Arab Emirates 9/12
Neumann's Warbler Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
Bornean Stubtail Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Gray-bellied Tesia Mt Victoria Forest Myanmar 10/4
Slaty-bellied Tesia Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
Chestnut-crowned Bush-Warbler Emeishan China 10/14
Gray-sided Bush-Warbler Maguri Bill India 12/30
Chestnut-headed Tesia Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Cetti's Warbler Karacadag Turkey 6/14
Yellow-bellied Warbler Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Rufous-faced Warbler Pingwu Park China 10/12
Black-faced Warbler Sigri India 9/28
Mountain Tailorbird Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/5
Rufous-headed Tailorbird Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Brownish-flanked Bush-Warbler Pingwu Park China 10/12
Yellowish-bellied Bush-Warbler Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Sunda Bush-Warbler Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Aberrant Bush-Warbler Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Red-faced Woodland-Warbler Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
Yellow-throated Woodland-Warbler Marutswa Forest South Africa 7/23
Brown Woodland-Warbler Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/12
Willow Warbler Oslo Airport Forest Norway 6/10
Common Chiffchaff Nes Norway 6/10
Iberian Chiffchaff PN de Monfrague Spain 6/21
Western Bonelli's Warbler Sendero de San Mart铆n de Unx Spain 6/22
Wood Warbler 顿忙濒颈惫别颈别苍 Norway 6/13
Dusky Warbler Sisanagyi Myanmar 10/2
Smoky Warbler Maguri Bill India 12/30
Tickell's Leaf Warbler Maguri Bill India 12/30
Buff-throated Warbler Balang Shan Road China 10/9
Alpine Leaf Warbler Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Yellow-streaked Warbler Wolong Reserve China 10/9
Buff-barred Warbler Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Ashy-throated Warbler Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Pale-rumped Warbler Sitabani Forest India 9/30
Sichuan Leaf Warbler Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Chinese Leaf Warbler Wolong Reserve China 10/9
Yellow-browed Warbler Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
Hume's Warbler Dighal Village India 9/23
Arctic Warbler Qigu IBA Taiwan 10/18
Green Warbler Dubai Pivot Fields United Arab Emirates 9/12
Greenish Warbler NatureZone India 9/15
Two-barred Warbler Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/5
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Large-billed Leaf Warbler Goshala India 9/24
Western Crowned Leaf Warbler Sigri India 9/28
Blyth's Leaf Warbler Sitabani Forest India 9/30
Claudia's Leaf Warbler Pingwu Park China 10/12
Davison's Leaf Warbler Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Kloss's Leaf Warbler Fengpingcun Reservoir China 10/11
Sulphur-breasted Warbler Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Mountain Warbler Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Sulawesi Leaf Warbler Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Island Leaf Warbler Rondon Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/5
Philippine Leaf Warbler Simply Butterflies Center Philippines 10/23
Gray-hooded Warbler Sattal India 9/27
Gray-crowned Warbler Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Plain-tailed Warbler Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Whistler's Warbler Tinsukia Plantation India 12/30
Gray-cheeked Warbler Mayodia Km 9-17 India 12/29
Chestnut-crowned Warbler Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/5
Yellow-breasted Warbler Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Madagascar Brush-Warbler Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Thick-billed Warbler Tinsukia Plantation India 12/30
Sykes's Warbler Bhavanisagar Dam India 9/19
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler Karacadag Turkey 6/14
Western Olivaceous Warbler Vinalopo River Spain 6/19
African Yellow-Warbler Mkhuze Park Entrance South Africa 7/19
Mountain Yellow-Warbler Ruhija Picnic Spot Uganda 9/7
Upcher's Warbler Euphrates Overlook Turkey 6/16
Olive-tree Warbler Above Korucak Turkey 6/14
Melodious Warbler Side road Spain 6/21
Icterine Warbler Gjesassjoen Norway 6/11
Black-browed Reed-Warbler Laem Phak Bia Thailand 11/1
Moustached Warbler Prat de Cabanes Spain 6/19
Paddyfield Warbler Maguri Bill India 12/30
Blyth's Reed-Warbler 脴蝉迟产测驳诲补惫别颈别苍 Norway 6/13
Marsh Warbler Strandsjoen Norway 6/10
Eurasian Reed-Warbler Sandebukta Norway 6/13
African Reed-Warbler Butu Road Tanzania 8/23
Lesser Swamp-Warbler Wakkerstroom South Africa 7/17
Greater Swamp-Warbler Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Great Reed-Warbler Karacadag Turkey 6/14
Oriental Reed-Warbler Bagan Temples Area Myanmar 10/2
Clamorous Reed-Warbler Saih al Salam United Arab Emirates 9/12
Australian Reed-Warbler Numundo Beef Farm Papua New Guinea 12/7
Fernbird Tiritiri Matangi New Zealand 12/23
Little Grassbird Western Treatment Plant Victoria, Australia 12/16
Brown Songlark Cotswold Victoria, Australia 12/18
Tawny Grassbird Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Rufous Songlark Cement Mills Queensland, Australia 12/14
Striated Grassbird Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Malia Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Fan-tailed Grassbird Queen Elizabeth II NP Uganda 9/5
Broad-tailed Grassbird NatureZone India 9/15
Barratt's Warbler Upper Linwood Trail South Africa 7/24
Bangwa Warbler Lake Awing Cameroon 7/7
Evergreen-forest Warbler Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Cinnamon Bracken-Warbler Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/13
Grauer's Swamp-Warbler Bwindi-Impenetrable NP Uganda 9/8
Little Rush-Warbler Tala Game Reserve South Africa 7/24
White-winged Swamp-Warbler UG Papyrus Swamp Uganda 8/29
Pallas's Grasshopper-Warbler Maguri Bill India 12/30
Savi's Warbler Prat de Cabanes Spain 6/19
Common Grasshopper-Warbler San Sebasti谩n Overlook Spain 6/23
Long-tailed Bush-Warbler Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/27
Chestnut-backed Bush-Warbler Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Baikal Bush-Warbler Maguri Bill India 12/30
Spotted Bush-Warbler Maguri Bill India 12/30
Taiwan Bush-Warbler Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Black-capped Donacobius Pantanal Brazil 1/30
White-throated Oxylabes Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Long-billed Bernieria Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Spectacled Tetraka Andasibe-Mantadia NP Madagascar 8/4
Gray-crowned Tetraka Andreba Forest Madagascar 8/5
Common Jery Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Black-collared Apalis Lake Awing Cameroon 7/7
Ruwenzori Apalis Ruhija Farm Scrub Uganda 9/7
Bar-throated Apalis Eshowe--Dlinza Forest South Africa 7/21
Black-capped Apalis Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
Black-throated Apalis Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/13
Masked Apalis Kibale Forest Uganda 9/2
Black-faced Apalis Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
Yellow-breasted Apalis Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Rudd's Apalis Mkhuze Reserve South Africa 7/19
Sharpe's Apalis Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Buff-throated Apalis Kibale Forest NP Uganda 9/3
Bamenda Apalis Mankon Sacred Forest Cameroon 7/7
Chestnut-throated Apalis Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/12
Black-headed Apalis Taita Hills Kenya 8/9
Gray Apalis Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Brown-headed Apalis Ngorongoro Area Tanzania 8/19
Karamoja Apalis Karamoja Apalis Spot TZ-13 8/20
White-tailed Warbler Mt. Kupe Cameroon 7/9
Green-backed Camaroptera Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Yellow-browed Camaroptera Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Olive-green Camaroptera Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Red-fronted Warbler Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Miombo Wren-Warbler Satara Road South Africa 7/13
Gray Wren-Warbler Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Kopje Warbler Sathoomba Lodge South Africa 7/28
White-chinned Prinia Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
African Tailorbird W Usambara Mtns Tanzania 8/25
Long-billed Tailorbird East Usambara Mts Tanzania 8/27
Rufous-eared Warbler R355 South Africa 7/28
Red-winged Gray Warbler Murchison Falls NP Uganda 8/31
Green Longtail Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Red-faced Cisticola Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Singing Cisticola Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Whistling Cisticola Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Chattering Cisticola Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Trilling Cisticola Queen Elizabeth Rd Uganda 9/4
Chubb's Cisticola Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Hunter's Cisticola Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/12
Rock-loving Cisticola Kruger S7 Road South Africa 7/16
Rattling Cisticola S145 Dirt Rd South Africa 7/14
Red-headed Cisticola Rooisand Reserve South Africa 7/25
Wailing Cisticola Lower Sani Road South Africa 7/23
Winding Cisticola White Volta Bridge Ghana 6/30
Carruthers's Cisticola Kibale Papyrus Swamp Uganda 9/2
Levaillant's Cisticola Joberg Wetland South Africa 7/12
Stout Cisticola Edge of Serengeti Plains Tanzania 8/20
Croaking Cisticola Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Piping Cisticola P141 Road South Africa 7/22
Tabora Cisticola Lake Mburo NP Uganda 9/10
Siffling Cisticola Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Rufous Cisticola Mole Airstrip Ghana 6/29
Foxy Cisticola Murchison Falls NP Uganda 9/1
Tiny Cisticola Same Dry Forest Tanzania 8/23
Zitting Cisticola Llobregat Delta Spain 6/18
Madagascar Cisticola Namaqua Dove flyby Madagascar 7/31
Desert Cisticola Ngorongoro Area Tanzania 8/21
Cloud Cisticola Agulhas Plains South Africa 7/27
Black-backed Cisticola White Volta Bridge Ghana 6/30
Pectoral-patch Cisticola Lake Awing Cameroon 7/7
Wing-snapping Cisticola Wakkerstroom South Africa 7/17
Golden-headed Cisticola Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Oriole Warbler Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Gray-capped Warbler Nyahururu Wheat Field Kenya 8/14
Black-faced Rufous-Warbler Nyasoso Cameroon 7/9
Buff-bellied Warbler Kapcheluguny Wetlands Kenya 8/14
Common Tailorbird EcoTones Lodge India 9/14
Rufous-fronted Tailorbird Sevilla Road Philippines 10/23
Dark-necked Tailorbird Hlawga Park Myanmar 10/8
Ashy Tailorbird Kuala Selangor Channel Malaysia 11/11
Olive-backed Tailorbird Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali Indonesia 11/29
Rufous-tailed Tailorbird Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Gray-backed Tailorbird Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
Green-backed Tailorbird Subic Bay Philippines 10/21
Yellow-breasted Tailorbird Sevilla Road Philippines 10/23
Striated Prinia 10 Km 6 India 9/27
Brown Prinia Bagan Temples Area Myanmar 10/2
Hill Prinia Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Rufous-fronted Prinia Tal Chhapar Sanctuary India 9/23
Rufescent Prinia Selangor--The Gap Rd. Malaysia 11/10
Gray-breasted Prinia Eravikulam NP Gate India 9/14
Bar-winged Prinia Bali Handara Golf Indonesia 11/29
Graceful Prinia Roadside Canal Turkey 6/15
Jungle Prinia Aravalli Park India 9/26
Yellow-bellied Prinia Dighal Toll India 9/22
Ashy Prinia Munnar Headworks Dam India 9/14
Tawny-flanked Prinia Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Plain Prinia Eravikulam NP India 9/14
Pale Prinia Sandai Resort Jct Kenya 8/14
Karoo Prinia Rhodes Memorial South Africa 7/25
Drakensberg Prinia Marutswa Forest South Africa 7/23
Namaqua Prinia Karooport Farmhouse South Africa 7/27
Banded Prinia Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Red-winged Prinia Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Yellow-bellied Eremomela Kruger NP--S140 South Africa 7/14
Senegal Eremomela Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Green-backed Eremomela Murchison Falls NP Uganda 9/1
Greencap Eremomela Lake Mburo NP Uganda 9/10
Yellow-rumped Eremomela R355 South Africa 7/28
Rufous-crowned Eremomela Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Burnt-neck Eremomela Mkhuze Loop Roa South Africa 7/19
African Hill Babbler Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Bush Blackcap York Forest Road South Africa 7/22
Eurasian Blackcap Nes Norway 6/10
Garden Warbler Oslo Airport Forest Norway 6/10
Asian Desert Warbler Umm al-Qaiwain United Arab Emirates 9/12
Layard's Warbler West Coast NP South Africa 7/29
Banded Warbler Tarangire NP Tanzania 8/17
Rufous-vented Warbler R355 South Africa 7/28
Hume's Whitethroat Tal Chhapar Sanctuary India 9/24
Lesser Whitethroat Lillehovsaetra forest rd Norway 6/11
Western Orphean Warbler Rock Pit Mines ES-MC 6/19
Eastern Orphean Warbler Korucak Turkey 6/14
Menetries's Warbler Firat Nehri'nin batisinda bankalar Turkey 6/16
Rueppell's Warbler Daripinari Turkey 6/14
Subalpine Warbler Sendero de San Mart铆n de Unx Spain 6/22
Sardinian Warbler Garraf Spain 6/18
Greater Whitethroat Nes Norway 6/10
Spectacled Warbler Karacadag Turkey 6/17
Dartford Warbler PN de Monfrague Spain 6/21
Golden-breasted Fulvetta Mt Emei Km 33.5 China 10/13
Yellow-eyed Babbler Malabar Lark fields India 9/20
Jerdon's Babbler Maguri Bill India 12/30
Spectacled Fulvetta Pingwu Park China 10/12
Chinese Fulvetta Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
White-browed Fulvetta Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Taiwan Fulvetta Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Gray-hooded Fulvetta Mt Emei Km 33.5 China 10/13
Streak-throated Fulvetta Mayodia Pass India 12/29
Wrentit La Ca帽ada Flintridge California, USA 5/25
Great Parrotbill Balang Shan Road China 10/9
Spot-breasted Parrotbill Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Vinous-throated Parrotbill Pingwu Park China 10/12
Ashy-throated Parrotbill Emie Farm Scrub China 10/13
Gray-hooded Parrotbill Emeishan China 10/14
Black-throated Parrotbill Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Striated Yuhina Mishmi Lower India 12/29
Chestnut-crested Yuhina Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
White-naped Yuhina Mayodia Km 9-17 India 12/29
Whiskered Yuhina Bhaktura India 9/28
Burmese Yuhina Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
Stripe-throated Yuhina Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
White-collared Yuhina Mt Emei Km 33.5 China 10/13
Rufous-vented Yuhina Mayodia Pass India 12/29
Taiwan Yuhina 23KM Taiwan 10/16
Javan Gray-throated White-eye Bali Handara Golf Indonesia 11/29
Streak-headed White-eye Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Pygmy White-eye Crocker Range NP Malaysia 11/19
Mountain Black-eye Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Black-crowned Babbler Magsaysay Park Philippines 10/24
African Yellow White-eye Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Cameroon Speirops Mt. Cameroon Cameroon 7/5
Broad-ringed White-eye Taita Hills Kenya 8/9
White-breasted White-eye Hunters Lodge, Kiboko Kenya 8/7
Cape White-eye Sugarbird spot South Africa 7/12
Madagascar White-eye Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Sri Lanka White-eye Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Oriental White-eye Eravikulam NP Gate India 9/14
Japanese White-eye Mt Emei Km 33.5 China 10/13
Lowland White-eye University Philippines Philippines 10/22
Black-capped White-eye Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Everett's White-eye Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Yellowish White-eye Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
Mountain White-eye Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Lemon-bellied White-eye Bandar Udara Internasional Indonesia 11/21
Sulawesi White-eye Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Black-ringed White-eye Karaenta Indonesia 11/21
Black-crowned White-eye Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Black-fronted White-eye Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
New Guinea White-eye Rondon Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/5
Silver-eye Rifle Creek Queensland, Australia 12/10
Chestnut-capped Babbler Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/1
Pin-striped Tit-Babbler Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Bold-striped Tit-Babbler Menanggol River Malaysia 11/16
Tawny-bellied Babbler Malabar Lark fields India 9/20
Dark-fronted Babbler Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Brown Tit-Babbler Magsaysay Park Philippines 10/24
Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler Sepilok Malaysia 11/15
Golden Babbler Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Chestnut-winged Babbler Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Crescent-chested Babbler Bali Handara Golf Indonesia 11/29
Black-chinned Babbler Sattal India 9/28
Rufous-capped Babbler Pingwu Park China 10/12
Buff-chested Babbler Digboi Oilfields India 12/31
Rufous-fronted Babbler Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Rusty-throated Wren-Babbler Mayodia Km 9-17 India 12/29
Chin Hills Wren-Babbler Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
Chevron-breasted Babbler Mishmi Lower India 12/29
Slender-billed Scimitar-Babbler Mishmi Lower India 12/29
Streak-breasted Scimitar-Babbler Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Taiwan Scimitar-Babbler Guosing TSBA spot Taiwan 10/17
Indian Scimitar-Babbler EcoTones Lodge India 9/14
Sri Lanka Scimitar-Babbler Siharaja Reserve Sri Lanka 11/5
White-browed Scimitar-Babbler Gideon's House Myanmar 10/6
Large Scimitar-Babbler Khao Kwie Road Thailand 10/30
Black-necklaced Scimitar-Babbler Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Rusty-cheeked Scimitar-Babbler Sattal Trail India 9/27
Spot-breasted Scimitar-Babbler Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
Black-streaked Scimitar-Babbler Fengpingcun Reservoir China 10/11
Black-throated Babbler Sepilok Malaysia 11/15
Chestnut-rumped Babbler Krau Forest Malaysia 11/8
Gray-throated Babbler Awana Genting Malaysia 11/7
Gray-headed Babbler Poring Hot Springs Malaysia 11/17
Spot-necked Babbler Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Sooty-capped Babbler Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Scaly-crowned Babbler Gomantong Cave Malaysia 11/16
White-hooded Babbler Digboi Oilfields India 12/31
Collared Babbler Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Yellow-throated Fulvetta Mayodia Km 9-17 India 12/29
Rufous-winged Fulvetta Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Rufous-throated Fulvetta Digboi Oilfields India 12/31
Dusky Fulvetta Chengdu Forest Edge China 10/15
Rusty-capped Fulvetta Mt Victoria Forest Myanmar 10/4
Brown Illadopsis Kibale Forest NP Uganda 9/3
Mountain Illadopsis Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
Blackcap Illadopsis Ebekawopa Reserve Ghana 6/27
Scaly-breasted Illadopsis Kibale Forest NP Uganda 9/3
Puvel's Illadopsis Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Puff-throated Babbler Munnar India 9/15
Black-capped Babbler Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Brown-capped Babbler Siharaja Reserve Sri Lanka 11/5
Marsh Babbler Maguri Bill India 12/30
Buff-breasted Babbler Bukit Fraser Malaysia 11/10
Temminck's Babbler Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Short-tailed Babbler Sugud Reserve Malaysia 11/20
Ashy-headed Babbler Puerto Princesa River NP Philippines 10/20
White-chested Babbler Menanggol River Malaysia 11/16
Sulawesi Babbler Karaenta Indonesia 11/21
Ferruginous Babbler Hlawga Park Myanmar 10/8
Striped Wren-Babbler Menanggol River Malaysia 11/16
Striated Wren-Babbler Sevilla Road Philippines 10/23
Abbott's Babbler Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Limestone Wren-Babbler Wat Phra Phuttabath Noi Thailand 10/30
Streaked Wren-Babbler Genting Highlands Malaysia 11/7
Mountain Wren-Babbler Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Ludlow's Fulvetta Mayodia Pass India 12/29
Brown Fulvetta Sepilok Malaysia 11/15
Brown-cheeked Fulvetta Munnar India 9/15
Morrison's Fulvetta Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
David's Fulvetta Pingwu Park China 10/12
Mountain Fulvetta Awana Genting Malaysia 11/7
Nepal Fulvetta Digboi Oilfields India 12/31
Striated Laughingthrush Thafi India 9/27
Himalayan Cutia Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Iraq Babbler Firat Nehri'nin batisinda bankalar Turkey 6/16
Common Babbler Dighal Village India 9/23
Striated Babbler Dighal Toll India 9/22
White-throated Babbler Bagan Temples Area Myanmar 10/2
Large Gray Babbler Dry Scrub Base Camp India 9/19
Arabian Babbler Saih al Salam United Arab Emirates 9/12
Scaly Chatterer Same Dry Forest Tanzania 8/23
Rufous Chatterer Sandai Resort Jct Kenya 8/14
Rufous Babbler Swiftlet Spot India 9/13
Jungle Babbler NH 49 Km 87 India 9/13
Orange-billed Babbler Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Yellow-billed Babbler Chalakudy Anamada Rd India 9/18
Blackcap Babbler Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Dusky Babbler Murchison Gate Uganda 9/2
Black-lored Babbler Serengeti NP Tanzania 8/19
Scaly Babbler Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/11
Northern Pied-Babbler Muranga Road Kenya 8/12
Brown Babbler Mole Airstrip Ghana 6/28
Arrow-marked Babbler Satara Road South Africa 7/13
Ashy-headed Laughingthrush Siharaja Reserve Sri Lanka 11/5
Sunda Laughingthrush Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
White-crested Laughingthrush Mohan - Kumeria India 9/29
Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush Hlawga Park Myanmar 10/8
Black Laughingthrush Bukit Fraser Malaysia 11/11
Chinese Hwamei Pingwu Park China 10/12
Taiwan Hwamei Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/17
Sukatschev's Laughingthrush Yak Forest Patch China 10/11
Moustached Laughingthrush Pingwu Park China 10/12
Rufous-chinned Laughingthrush Sattal Trail India 9/27
Spotted Laughingthrush Pingwu Park China 10/12
Barred Laughingthrush Balang Shan Road China 10/9
Giant Laughingthrush Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush Saw Road mp 60 Myanmar 10/5
White-throated Laughingthrush Sattal Trail India 9/27
Rufous-necked Laughingthrush Digboi Oilfields India 12/31
Chestnut-backed Laughingthrush Digboi Oilfields India 12/31
Black-throated Laughingthrush Khao Kwie Road Thailand 10/30
Pere David's Laughingthrush S209 Km 206 China 10/10
Rusty Laughingthrush Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush Genting Highlands Malaysia 11/7
Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
White-browed Laughingthrush Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Chinese Babax Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Black-chinned Laughingthrush SH-15 Km 20 India 9/20
Kerala Laughingthrush Eravikulam NP India 9/14
Streaked Laughingthrush Sattal India 9/27
Striped Laughingthrush Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/5
Brown-capped Laughingthrush Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Elliot's Laughingthrush Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Black-faced Laughingthrush Emeishan China 10/14
White-whiskered Laughingthrush Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush Mallital India 9/28
Assam Laughingthrush Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Silver-eared Laughingthrush Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
Malayan Laughingthrush Genting Highlands Malaysia 11/7
Red-winged Laughingthrush Mt Emei Km 33.5 China 10/13
Rufous Sibia Paradise Home Stay India 9/27
Gray Sibia Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Black-backed Sibia Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Black-headed Sibia Emie Forest Patch China 10/13
White-eared Sibia Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Beautiful Sibia Mayodia Km 9-17 India 12/29
Long-tailed Sibia Awana Genting Malaysia 11/7
Silver-eared Mesia Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/5
Red-billed Leiothrix Sattal India 9/27
Red-tailed Minla Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Gray-faced Liocichla Mt Emei Km 33.5 China 10/13
Steere's Liocichla Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Red-faced Liocichla Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/5
Scarlet-faced Liocichla Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
Streak-throated Barwing Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Taiwan Barwing Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/17
Rusty-fronted Barwing Mt Victoria Forest Myanmar 10/4
Spectacled Barwing Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Blue-winged Minla Sattal India 9/27
Chestnut-tailed Minla Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Gurney's Sugarbird Sugarbird spot South Africa 7/12
Cape Sugarbird Rhodes Memorial South Africa 7/25
Spot-throat W Usambara Mtns Tanzania 8/25
Asian Fairy-bluebird Vazhachal Forest India 9/18
Philippine Fairy-bluebird Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
Usambara Hyliota East Usambara Mts Tanzania 8/28
Violet-backed Hyliota Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Silverbird Chemogoch Kenya 8/16
Pale Flycatcher Mole Airstrip Ghana 6/30
Grayish Flycatcher Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
White-eyed Slaty-Flycatcher Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/12
Northern Black-Flycatcher Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Southern Black-Flycatcher R36-4 Bridge South Africa 7/12
Yellow-eyed Black-Flycatcher Bwindi-Impenetrable NP Uganda 9/8
African Forest-Flycatcher Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Fiscal Flycatcher Mkhuze Entrance Rd South Africa 7/18
Spotted Flycatcher Old Landfill Rd Norway 6/10
Gambaga Flycatcher Haraba Pool Ghana 6/29
Dark-sided Flycatcher Sitabani Forest India 9/30
Asian Brown Flycatcher Nadettuchaal India 9/17
Sulawesi Streaked Flycatcher Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Gray-streaked Flycatcher Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Brown-breasted Flycatcher Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Ferruginous Flycatcher Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
Ussher's Flycatcher Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
Sooty Flycatcher Campo Ma'an NP Cameroon 7/4
Swamp Flycatcher Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Chapin's Flycatcher Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
Dusky-brown Flycatcher Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Little Flycatcher Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
Yellow-footed Flycatcher Max's Trail Cameroon 7/9
Dusky-blue Flycatcher Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Cassin's Flycatcher Limbe Garden Cameroon 7/11
Ashy Flycatcher Kruger NP South Africa 7/14
Gray-throated Tit-Flycatcher Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
Gray Tit-Flycatcher Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Fire-crested Alethe Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Karoo Scrub-Robin Tides Lodge South Africa 7/27
Bearded Scrub-Robin Mkhuze Entrance South Africa 7/18
Rufous-tailed Scrub-Robin Birecik Turkey 6/16
Brown-backed Scrub-Robin Bigodi Swamp Uganda 9/3
Red-backed Scrub-Robin S125 Rd 2 South Africa 7/14
Indian Robin Monkeyfalls Rd India 9/19
Oriental Magpie-Robin EcoTones Lodge India 9/14
Madagascar Magpie-Robin Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Philippine Magpie-Robin La Mesa Ecopark Philippines 10/28
White-rumped Shama Glen View India 9/20
White-browed Shama Subic Bay Philippines 10/21
White-vented Shama Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
White-gorgeted Flycatcher Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
Rufous-browed Flycatcher Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Blue-fronted Flycatcher Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
White-tailed Flycatcher Poring Hot Springs Malaysia 11/17
Hainan Blue-Flycatcher Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
White-bellied Blue-Flycatcher Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Pale Blue-Flycatcher Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
Blue-throated Flycatcher Mohan - Kumeria India 9/29
Hill Blue-Flycatcher Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
Malaysian Blue-Flycatcher Menanggol River Malaysia 11/16
Palawan Blue-Flycatcher Puerto Princesa River NP Philippines 10/20
Tickell's Blue-Flycatcher Plantation Forest India 9/17
Mangrove Blue-Flycatcher La Mesa Ecopark Philippines 10/28
Sulawesi Blue-Flycatcher Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Brown-chested Jungle-Flycatcher Hutan Lipur Sungai Chongkak Malaysia 11/13
Fulvous-chested Jungle-Flycatcher Lok Kawi Malaysia 11/19
Chestnut-tailed Jungle-Flycatcher Magsaysay Park Philippines 10/24
Large Niltava Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/5
Small Niltava Tinsukia Forest Patch India 12/30
Rufous-bellied Niltava Binayak India 9/28
Vivid Niltava Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Huisan Forests Taiwan 10/17
Nilgiri Flycatcher Eravikulam NP Gate India 9/14
Indigo Flycatcher Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Verditer Flycatcher Sattal India 9/27
Island Flycatcher Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
White-bellied Robin-Chat Max's Trail Cameroon 7/9
Mountain Robin-Chat Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Archer's Robin-Chat Ruhija Picnic Spot Uganda 9/7
Cape Robin-Chat Wetlands Hotel South Africa 7/18
White-throated Robin-Chat Kruger NP South Africa 7/13
Blue-shouldered Robin-Chat Kibale Forest Uganda 9/2
Gray-winged Robin-Chat Buhoma Camp Uganda 9/6
Rueppell's Robin-Chat Gibbs Farm Tanzania 8/22
White-browed Robin-Chat H13 Road 2 South Africa 7/14
Red-capped Robin-Chat Kruger NP South Africa 7/14
Chorister Robin-Chat Eshowe--Dlinza Forest South Africa 7/21
Snowy-crowned Robin-Chat Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
White-crowned Robin-Chat Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Spotted Morning-Thrush Peris Academy Bridge Kenya 8/12
European Robin Starmoen Area Norway 6/11
White-starred Robin Upper Linwood Trail South Africa 7/24
Brown-chested Alethe Mt. Kupe Cameroon 7/9
Red-throated Alethe Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
White-chested Alethe W Usambara Mtns Tanzania 8/25
Forest Robin Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Equatorial Akalat Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
East Coast Akalat Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Eyebrowed Jungle-Flycatcher Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Rusty-bellied Shortwing Tinsukia Forest Patch India 12/30
White-bellied Shortwing Eravikulam NP India 9/14
Lesser Shortwing Bukit Fraser Malaysia 11/10
White-browed Shortwing Pingwu Park China 10/12
Rufous-tailed Robin Yehliu IBA Taiwan 10/18
Indian Blue Robin Siharaja Reserve Sri Lanka 11/5
Siberian Blue Robin Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
White-throated Robin Aladaglar Gorge Turkey 6/14
Thrush Nightingale Borrevannet Norway 6/13
Common Nightingale Akkaya Baraj谋 Turkey 6/14
Bluethroat Valdres Area Norway 6/12
Javan Whistling-Thrush Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali Indonesia 11/29
Bornean Whistling-Thrush Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Malabar Whistling-Thrush EcoTones Lodge India 9/14
Taiwan Whistling-Thrush Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Blue Whistling-Thrush Sattal India 9/27
Little Forktail Mt Emie Road China 10/13
White-crowned Forktail Emeishan China 10/13
Spotted Forktail Thafi India 9/27
Black-backed Forktail Mt Victoria Forest Myanmar 10/4
Slaty-backed Forktail Mt Emie Road China 10/13
Siberian Rubythroat Tinsukia Plantation India 12/30
White-tailed Rubythroat Maguri Bill India 12/30
White-tailed Robin Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Grandala Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Himalayan Bluetail Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Rufous-breasted Bush-Robin Mayodia Pass India 12/29
White-browed Bush-Robin Emeishan China 10/14
Golden Bush-Robin Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Collared Bush-Robin Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Korean Flycatcher Kuala Selangor Park Malaysia 11/11
Mugimaki Flycatcher Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Slaty-backed Flycatcher Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
Black-and-rufous Flycatcher Govt UP School India 9/14
Slaty-blue Flycatcher Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Snowy-browed Flycatcher Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/17
Pygmy Blue-Flycatcher Bukit Fraser Malaysia 11/10
Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Sapphire Flycatcher Tinsukia Forest Patch India 12/30
Little Pied Flycatcher Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
Ultramarine Flycatcher Sattal India 9/27
Taiga Flycatcher Sisanagyi Myanmar 10/2
European Pied Flycatcher Langneset Jct Norway 6/11
Rufous-chested Flycatcher Hutan Lipur Sungai Chongkak Malaysia 11/13
Bundok Flycatcher Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/27
Blue-fronted Redstart Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Plumbeous Redstart Thafi India 9/27
White-capped Redstart Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Common Redstart Pine Forest Campsite Norway 6/11
Hodgson's Redstart Yak Forest Patch China 10/11
White-throated Redstart Mengbi Shan China 10/10
Black Redstart Alada臒lar MP Turkey 6/15
Daurian Redstart Wolong Reserve China 10/9
Chestnut-bellied Rock-Thrush Sigri India 9/28
Blue-capped Rock-Thrush Sattal India 9/27
Sentinel Rock-Thrush Verloren Valei Reserve South Africa 7/12
Rufous-tailed Rock-Thrush Alada臒lar MP Turkey 6/15
Blue Rock-Thrush Daripinari Turkey 6/14
Cape Rock-Thrush Sani Road Border Post South Africa 7/23
Whinchat Nes Norway 6/10
White-browed Bushchat Tal Chhapar Sanctuary India 9/23
European Stonechat Camping Monfrague Spain 6/21
Siberian Stonechat Dighal Village India 9/23
African Stonechat Mt. Cameroon Cameroon 7/5
Pied Bushchat Munnar India 9/14
Gray Bushchat Kainchi Dham India 9/27
Buff-streaked Bushchat Verloren Valei Reserve South Africa 7/12
Northern Anteater-Chat Chat driveby Kenya 8/14
Southern Anteater-Chat N11-6 119.2 South Africa 7/16
Sooty Chat Mabamba Swamp Rd Uganda 8/29
Mocking Cliff-Chat Chat spot South Africa 7/15
Sicklewing Chat Lower Sani Road South Africa 7/23
Karoo Chat Sathoomba Lodge South Africa 7/28
Tractrac Chat Road P2250 South Africa 7/28
Familiar Chat Mole NP Ghana 6/30
Brown-tailed Chat Sandai Resort Jct Kenya 8/14
Indian Chat Dighal Village India 9/23
Hume's Wheatear Masafi Wadi United Arab Emirates 9/12
Black Wheatear Vinalopo River Spain 6/19
Mountain Wheatear Verloren Valei Reserve South Africa 7/12
Northern Wheatear 厂补苍诲驳别谤冒颈--濒别颈谤补 Iceland 6/9
Abyssinian Wheatear Nairobi-Arusha Hwy Tanzania 8/17
Finsch's Wheatear Demirkazik Foothills Turkey 6/15
Variable Wheatear Wamm Farms United Arab Emirates 9/12
Black-eared Wheatear Korucak Turkey 6/14
Red-tailed Wheatear Nemrut Da臒谋 MP Turkey 6/17
Desert Wheatear Umm al-Qaiwain United Arab Emirates 9/12
Capped Wheatear Short Grass Field South Africa 7/12
Isabelline Wheatear Karacadag Turkey 6/14
Rufous Flycatcher-Thrush Max's Trail Cameroon 7/9
Finsch's Flycatcher-Thrush Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Red-tailed Ant-Thrush East Usambara Mts Tanzania 8/26
White-tailed Ant-Thrush Kibale Forest NP Uganda 9/3
Spotted Ground-Thrush Eshowe--Dlinza Forest South Africa 7/21
Crossley's Ground-Thrush Max's Trail Cameroon 7/9
Oberlaender's Ground-Thrush Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
Orange Ground-Thrush Benvie Farm South Africa 7/22
Spot-winged Thrush Kithulgala Sri Lanka 11/4
Ashy Thrush La Mesa Ecopark Philippines 10/28
Rusty-backed Thrush Tangkoko Batuangus NR Indonesia 11/26
Orange-headed Thrush Valparai India 9/18
Plain-backed Thrush Mallital India 9/28
Scaly Thrush Digboi Oilfields India 12/31
Sri Lanka Thrush Siharaja Reserve Sri Lanka 11/6
Olive-tailed Thrush Toolangi Black Range Victoria, Australia 12/19
Russet-tailed Thrush O'Reilly's Retreat Queensland, Australia 12/15
Sulawesi Thrush Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Eastern Bluebird Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Western Bluebird Ojo de Agua del Cazador Mexico 5/16
Mountain Bluebird Patjens Trailhead Oregon, USA 6/1
Townsend's Solitaire Cienega de Los Caballos Mexico 5/17
Brown-backed Solitaire Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Rufous-throated Solitaire Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Black-faced Solitaire BF Solitaire spot Costa Rica 4/20
Slate-colored Solitaire Reserva Biotop铆n Guatemala 4/29
Andean Solitaire Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush Cerro de La Muerte Costa Rica 4/22
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush Side Rd 2 Colombia 3/30
Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Russet Nightingale-Thrush El Ojo de Agua Mexico 5/6
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush Savegre Mt Lodge Costa Rica 4/23
Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush Catarata del Toro Costa Rica 4/20
Spotted Nightingale-Thrush WildSumaco Lodge Ecuador 3/17
Veery DIL Woods Airport New York, USA 6/5
Gray-cheeked Thrush RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/20
Swainson's Thrush Koepke's Feeders Peru 2/25
Hermit Thrush Carr Canyon Arizona, USA 5/23
Wood Thrush DIL Woods Airport New York, USA 6/5
Groundscraper Thrush Kruger NP South Africa 7/13
Black Solitaire Mashpi Ecuador 3/15
White-eared Solitaire Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Taita Thrush Taita Hills Kenya 8/9
Abyssinian Thrush Muranga Road Kenya 8/12
Usambara Thrush W Usambara Mtns Tanzania 8/25
Kurrichane Thrush S145 Dirt Rd South Africa 7/14
Olive Thrush Wetlands Hotel South Africa 7/18
Karoo Thrush Guest House South Africa 7/12
African Thrush Hut D'Eric Ghana 6/25
African Bare-eyed Thrush Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Tickell's Thrush Sattal India 9/27
Black-breasted Thrush Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Ring Ouzel Valdres Area Norway 6/12
Gray-winged Blackbird Mallital India 9/28
Eurasian Blackbird 贬补蹿苍补谤蹿箩枚谤冒耻谤 Iceland 6/10
Chinese Blackbird Jiangyou Riverside China 10/12
Indian Blackbird Eravikulam NP India 9/14
Chestnut Thrush Balang Shan Road China 10/9
White-backed Thrush Mengbi Shan China 10/10
Fieldfare Lufthavn Gardermoen Norway 6/10
Redwing Tree Patch Iceland 6/10
Song Thrush Old Landfill Rd Norway 6/10
Mistle Thrush Old Landfill Rd Norway 6/10
Sooty Thrush Cerro de La Muerte Costa Rica 4/22
Black Thrush Xela Dump Area Guatemala 4/27
Mountain Thrush Rd Near Sarchi 2 Costa Rica 4/20
Pale-eyed Thrush Camino Montezuma Colombia 4/8
Austral Thrush PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Yellow-legged Thrush Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Pale-breasted Thrush PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
Cocoa Thrush Comunidade Menino Jesus Brazil 2/7
Hauxwell's Thrush Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/1
Rufous-bellied Thrush Reserva Las Piedras Argentina 1/15
Clay-colored Thrush San Gerardo Potrerito Colombia 4/13
Spectacled Thrush RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Ecuadorian Thrush Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/12
Varzea Thrush Waqanki Peru 2/24
White-eyed Thrush Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Lawrence's Thrush Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Creamy-bellied Thrush Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Black-billed Thrush Bosque de Arena Blanca Peru 2/23
Mara脙卤on Thrush El Chillo Lodge Peru 2/21
Black-hooded Thrush RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/30
Slaty Thrush Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/16
Great Thrush Andamarca Area Peru 2/15
Chiguanco Thrush Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/17
Glossy-black Thrush Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
White-throated Thrush Monteverde Forest Costa Rica 4/25
White-necked Thrush PP Cruce Caballero Argentina 1/24
Rufous-backed Robin Huatulco NP Mexico 5/2
Rufous-collared Robin Xela Dump Area Guatemala 4/27
American Robin Carretera Teotitlan-Juarez Mexico 5/6
White-chinned Thrush Frenchman's Cove Jamaica 4/17
Varied Thrush Mary's Peak - Lower Oregon, USA 5/30
Aztec Thrush Rd Near Benito Juarez Mexico 5/6
Fruit-hunter Crocker Range NP Malaysia 11/19
Blue Mockingbird Pluma Hidalgo Mexico 5/3
Blue-and-white Mockingbird Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Gray Catbird Road Near Coban Guatemala 4/29
Curve-billed Thrasher Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/5
Ocellated Thrasher Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/6
Brown Thrasher Galveston Texas, USA 5/21
Long-billed Thrasher Parque La Estanzuela Mexico 5/17
Bendire's Thrasher Salome/339th Arizona, USA 5/22
California Thrasher Eaton Canyon Park California, USA 5/26
Le Conte's Thrasher Salome/339th Arizona, USA 5/22
Crissal Thrasher Pinal Mountains Arizona, USA 5/22
Sage Thrasher Fort Rock SP Oregon, USA 6/2
Chilean Mockingbird El Yeso Valley Chile 1/10
Chalk-browed Mockingbird Urban Buenos Aires Argentina 1/14
Long-tailed Mockingbird Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Tropical Mockingbird Ajuruteua Brazil 2/5
Northern Mockingbird Montego Bay roadside Jamaica 4/17
Stripe-sided Rhabdornis Subic Road Philippines 10/21
Stripe-breasted Rhabdornis Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Fiery-browed Myna Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Finch-billed Myna Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Metallic Starling Walindi Dive Resort Papua New Guinea 12/7
Asian Glossy Starling Sabang, Puerto Princesa Philippines 10/20
Short-tailed Starling Bali Handara Golf Indonesia 11/29
Sulawesi Myna Tangkoko Batuangas NR Indonesia 11/26
Coleto Subic Road Philippines 10/21
White-necked Myna Tangkoko Batuangus NR Indonesia 11/26
Yellow-faced Myna Kokoda Trail Rd Papua New Guinea 12/1
Long-tailed Myna Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Sri Lanka Myna Siharaja Reserve Sri Lanka 11/6
Common Hill Myna Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Southern Hill Myna NH 49 Km 87 India 9/13
European Starling Reserva Costanera Sur Argentina 1/16
Spotless Starling Llobregat Delta Spain 6/18
Wattled Starling Starling spot South Africa 7/20
Rosy Starling Rosy Starling spot Turkey 6/14
Daurian Starling Ampang Sewage Pond Malaysia 11/12
Black-collared Starling Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Asian Pied Starling Basai Wetland India 9/22
White-faced Starling Siharaja Reserve Sri Lanka 11/6
Brahminy Starling Edge of Dry Forest India 9/19
Chestnut-tailed Starling Gideon's House Myanmar 10/6
Malabar Starling Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/16
Red-billed Starling G5 Entry Toll Booth China 10/12
White-cheeked Starling S209 Km 65 China 10/10
Common Myna Joberg Wetland South Africa 7/12
Bank Myna Wamm Farms United Arab Emirates 9/12
Vinous-breasted Starling Bagan Temples Area Myanmar 10/2
Jungle Myna Munnar Headworks Dam India 9/14
Javan Myna Qigu IBA Taiwan 10/18
Great Myna 2090 Km 16 Thailand 10/29
Crested Myna Emie Lower Gate China 10/13
Violet-backed Starling Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Slender-billed Starling Bwindi-Impenetrable NP Uganda 9/8
Red-winged Starling R36-4 60.0N South Africa 7/12
Chestnut-winged Starling Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Waller's Starling Mt. Cameroon Cameroon 7/5
Bristle-crowned Starling Tumbili Cliff Lodge Kenya 8/14
Spot-winged Starling Tinsukia Forest Patch India 12/30
Narrow-tailed Starling Ebekawopa Reserve Ghana 6/27
Stuhlmann's Starling Kibale Forest Uganda 9/2
Kenrick's Starling W Usambara Mtns Tanzania 8/25
Black-bellied Starling Western Shores South Africa 7/20
Purple-headed Starling Murchison Falls NP Uganda 8/31
Copper-tailed Starling Ebekawopa Reserve Ghana 6/27
Hildebrandt's Starling Nairobi-Arusha Hwy Tanzania 8/17
Burchell's Starling Tamboti Camp Rd South Africa 7/13
Rueppell's Starling Kapcheluguny Wetlands Kenya 8/14
Long-tailed Glossy Starling Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Ashy Starling Tarangire NP Tanzania 8/17
Splendid Starling Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Golden-breasted Starling Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Superb Starling Mombasa Road Kenya 8/7
African Pied Starling Verloren Valei Rd South Africa 7/12
Fischer's Starling Mombasa Road 2 Kenya 8/7
Lesser Blue-eared Starling Masindi Ranchlands Uganda 8/30
Greater Blue-eared Starling Kruger NP South Africa 7/13
Purple Starling White Volta Rd Ghana 6/28
Cape Starling Satara Road South Africa 7/13
Bronze-tailed Starling Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Red-billed Oxpecker Tamboti Camp Rd South Africa 7/13
Yellow-billed Oxpecker H14 Road South Africa 7/13
Greater Green Leafbird Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Lesser Green Leafbird Sepilok Malaysia 11/15
Blue-winged Leafbird Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Bornean Leafbird Crocker Range NP Malaysia 11/19
Jerdon's Leafbird SH-78 Hairpins India 9/19
Golden-fronted Leafbird EcoTones Lodge India 9/14
Orange-bellied Leafbird Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker Hutan Lipur Sungai Chongkak Malaysia 11/13
Crimson-breasted Flowerpecker Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Palawan Flowerpecker Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker Menanggol River Malaysia 11/16
Thick-billed Flowerpecker Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Yellow-vented Flowerpecker Kalaw Hills Myanmar 10/7
White-throated Flowerpecker Siharaja Reserve Sri Lanka 11/5
Yellow-sided Flowerpecker Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Olive-capped Flowerpecker Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Flame-crowned Flowerpecker Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Bicolored Flowerpecker Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Red-striped Flowerpecker Makiling Gardens Philippines 10/22
Orange-bellied Flowerpecker Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
White-bellied Flowerpecker Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
Pale-billed Flowerpecker Kochin Airport Area India 9/13
Nilgiri Flowerpecker Chengulam Reservoir India 9/14
Plain Flowerpecker Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Pygmy Flowerpecker Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
Red-capped Flowerpecker Varirata NP Papua New Guinea 12/1
Red-banded Flowerpecker Garu Wildlife Area Papua New Guinea 12/7
Fire-breasted Flowerpecker Mallital India 9/28
Black-sided Flowerpecker Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Gray-sided Flowerpecker Karaenta Indonesia 11/21
Blood-breasted Flowerpecker Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali Indonesia 11/29
Mistletoebird Cairns Esplanade Queensland, Australia 12/9
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker Saw Road mp 35 Myanmar 10/3
Scarlet-headed Flowerpecker Serangan Indonesia 11/29
Ruby-cheeked Sunbird Hlawga Park Myanmar 10/8
Fraser's Sunbird Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Gray-headed Sunbird Buhoma Camp Uganda 9/5
Plain-backed Sunbird Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Plain Sunbird Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Plain-throated Sunbird Mahachai Station Thailand 10/31
Red-throated Sunbird Krau Forest Malaysia 11/8
Western Violet-backed Sunbird Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Kenya Violet-backed Sunbird Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbird East Usambara Mts Tanzania 8/26
Seimund's Sunbird Kibale Forest NP Uganda 9/3
Green Sunbird Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Banded Sunbird East Usambara Mts Tanzania 8/27
Collared Sunbird Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Amani Sunbird Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Reichenbach's Sunbird Limbe Garden Cameroon 7/11
Orange-breasted Sunbird Hottentots Holland Reserve South Africa 7/25
Green-headed Sunbird Lily Pond Ghana 6/25
Blue-throated Brown Sunbird Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Cameroon Sunbird Mt. Cameroon Cameroon 7/5
Blue-headed Sunbird Impenetrable Forest NP Uganda 9/6
Eastern Olive Sunbird Eshowe--Dlinza Forest South Africa 7/21
Western Olive Sunbird Brimsu Reservoir Ghana 6/25
Mouse-colored Sunbird False Bay Park South Africa 7/20
Buff-throated Sunbird Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Green-throated Sunbird Buhoma Camp Uganda 9/6
Amethyst Sunbird York Forest Road South Africa 7/22
Scarlet-chested Sunbird Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Hunter's Sunbird Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Purple-rumped Sunbird Kochin Airport Area India 9/13
Crimson-backed Sunbird Eravikulam NP Gate India 9/14
Van Hasselt's Sunbird Khao Yai NP Thailand 10/29
Purple-throated Sunbird Sevilla Road Philippines 10/23
Black Sunbird Watumaeta Indonesia 11/23
Copper-throated Sunbird Pulau Indah Malaysia 11/12
Tacazze Sunbird Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/12
Bronze Sunbird Muranga Road Kenya 8/12
Malachite Sunbird Newlands Forest South Africa 7/25
Golden-winged Sunbird Nyahururu Wheat Field Kenya 8/14
Olive-bellied Sunbird Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Tiny Sunbird Atewa Range Ghana 7/1
Southern Double-collared Sunbird York Forest Road South Africa 7/22
Neergaard's Sunbird Mkhuze Reserve South Africa 7/19
Northern Double-collared Sunbird Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Greater Double-collared Sunbird Gr DC Sunbird spot South Africa 7/16
Regal Sunbird School House Trail Uganda 9/7
Eastern Double-collared Sunbird Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/12
Beautiful Sunbird Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Mariqua Sunbird Kruger NP South Africa 7/13
Red-chested Sunbird Mabamba Swamp Uganda 8/29
Black-bellied Sunbird South Pare Mtns Tanzania 8/24
Purple-banded Sunbird Mkhuze Reserve South Africa 7/19
Tsavo Sunbird Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Orange-tufted Sunbird Dschang Cameroon 7/6
Splendid Sunbird Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Superb Sunbird Mankon Sacred Forest Cameroon 7/7
White-breasted Sunbird Satara Road South Africa 7/13
Variable Sunbird Mankon Sacred Forest Cameroon 7/7
Copper Sunbird Hut D'Eric Ghana 6/25
Purple Sunbird Saih al Salam United Arab Emirates 9/12
Olive-backed Sunbird Hlawga Park Myanmar 10/8
Souimanga Sunbird Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 7/31
Madagascar Sunbird Ankarafantsika NP Madagascar 8/1
Long-billed Sunbird Kochin Airport Area India 9/13
Fire-tailed Sunbird Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Black-throated Sunbird Sattal India 9/27
Green-tailed Sunbird Mt Victoria Forest Myanmar 10/4
Lovely Sunbird Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Temminck's Sunbird Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Crimson Sunbird Paradise Home Stay India 9/27
Fork-tailed Sunbird Emie Forest Patch China 10/13
Flaming Sunbird Makiling Gardens Philippines 10/22
Bohol Sunbird Magsaysay Park Philippines 10/24
Gray-hooded Sunbird Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
Long-billed Spiderhunter Krau Forest Malaysia 11/8
Pale Spiderhunter Barangay Buenavista Philippines 10/19
Little Spiderhunter Thattekad Sanctuary India 9/17
Purple-naped Spiderhunter Krau Forest Malaysia 11/8
Whitehead's Spiderhunter Kinabalu NP Malaysia 11/18
Yellow-eared Spiderhunter Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Spectacled Spiderhunter Krau Forest Malaysia 11/9
Streaked Spiderhunter Kaeng Krachan NP Thailand 11/2
Bornean Spiderhunter Poring Hot Springs Malaysia 11/17
Alpine Accentor Alada臒lar MP Turkey 6/15
Robin Accentor Yak Forest Patch China 10/11
Rufous-breasted Accentor Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Radde's Accentor Alada臒lar MP Turkey 6/15
Dunnock Nes Norway 6/10
Forest Wagtail Hlawga Park Myanmar 10/8
Western Yellow Wagtail Boggy Clearcut Norway 6/11
Eastern Yellow Wagtail Dongshih Bridge East Taiwan 10/18
Citrine Wagtail Saih al Salam United Arab Emirates 9/12
Cape Wagtail Joberg Wetland South Africa 7/12
Madagascar Wagtail Tana Road Madagascar 8/2
Gray Wagtail Boggy Clearcut Norway 6/11
Mountain Wagtail Lake Awing Cameroon 7/7
White Wagtail 厂补苍诲驳别谤冒颈--濒别颈谤补 Iceland 6/10
White-browed Wagtail Eravikulam NP Gate India 9/14
African Pied Wagtail Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Australasian Pipit West Mary Rd Queensland, Australia 12/10
Richard's Pipit Bagan Temples Area Myanmar 10/2
Paddyfield Pipit Dighal Village India 9/23
African Pipit Satara Dirt Rd South Africa 7/13
Long-billed Pipit Verloren Valei Rd South Africa 7/12
Blyth's Pipit Balang Shan Road China 10/9
Tawny Pipit Nemrut Da臒谋 MP Turkey 6/17
Plain-backed Pipit Sakumono Lagoon Ghana 7/2
Buffy Pipit Verloren Valei Reserve South Africa 7/12
Nilgiri Pipit Eravikulam NP India 9/14
Upland Pipit Binayak India 9/28
Malindi Pipit Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Striped Pipit Taita Hills Kenya 8/9
Meadow Pipit Krisuvikurbjarg Iceland 6/10
Rosy Pipit Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Tree Pipit Nes Norway 6/10
Olive-backed Pipit Pine Wood Villa Myanmar 10/3
Pechora Pipit Mt. Makiling Reserve Philippines 10/22
Water Pipit Alada臒lar MP Turkey 6/15
Yellowish Pipit Medanos Argentina 1/14
Correndera Pipit Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
Hellmayr's Pipit Medanos Argentina 1/14
Paramo Pipit Bosque Unchog Peru 2/17
Sokoke Pipit Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/10
Sharpe's Longclaw Kinangop Plateau Kenya 8/16
Orange-throated Longclaw Secretarybird Field South Africa 7/12
Yellow-throated Longclaw Sakumono Lagoon Ghana 7/2
Pangani Longclaw Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Spotted Elachura Mt Victoria Forest Myanmar 10/4
Bohemian Waxwing Boggy Clearcut Norway 6/11
Cedar Waxwing Letney Boat Ramp Texas, USA 5/19
Black-and-yellow Silky-flycatcher Cerro de La Muerte Costa Rica 4/22
Gray Silky-flycatcher Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Phainopepla Gila Co. Arizona, USA 5/22
Hylocitrea Lore Lindu NP Indonesia 11/22
Olive Warbler Xela Dump Area Guatemala 4/27
Lapland Longspur Valdresflya Norway 6/12
Ovenbird Monteverde Costa Rica 4/25
Worm-eating Warbler Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Louisiana Waterthrush Lost Maples SNA Texas, USA 5/20
Northern Waterthrush RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Golden-winged Warbler RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Blue-winged Warbler VanRiper Conservation Area New York, USA 6/6
Black-and-white Warbler RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Prothonotary Warbler Jasper State Hatchery Texas, USA 5/19
Swainson's Warbler Sandy Creek Park Texas, USA 5/19
Crescent-chested Warbler Xela Dump Area Guatemala 4/27
Flame-throated Warbler Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Tennessee Warbler RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Orange-crowned Warbler La Ca帽ada Flintridge California, USA 5/25
Colima Warbler Mesa de las Tables Mexico 5/18
Lucy's Warbler Oak Flat CG Arizona, USA 5/22
Nashville Warbler Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Virginia's Warbler Carr Canyon Arizona, USA 5/23
Gray-crowned Yellowthroat Crested Bobwhite spot Costa Rica 4/25
Masked Yellowthroat Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
MacGillivray's Warbler Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Mourning Warbler RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Kentucky Warbler Pozo Azul Colombia 3/29
Olive-crowned Yellowthroat Rio Silanche Ecuador 3/14
Common Yellowthroat Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Hooded Yellowthroat Mesa de las Tables Mexico 5/18
Arrowhead Warbler Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Hooded Warbler Sandy Creek Park Texas, USA 5/19
American Redstart RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Cerulean Warbler WildSumaco Lodge Ecuador 3/17
Northern Parula Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Tropical Parula Reserva Las Piedras Argentina 1/15
Magnolia Warbler Frenchman's Cove Jamaica 4/17
Bay-breasted Warbler RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Blackburnian Warbler Manu Rd Peru 2/27
Yellow Warbler Iquitos Peru 2/26
Chestnut-sided Warbler Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Blackpoll Warbler Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Black-throated Blue Warbler Frenchman's Cove Jamaica 4/17
Pine Warbler W.G. Jones Forest Texas, USA 5/18
Yellow-rumped Warbler Canal Road Mexico 5/5
Yellow-throated Warbler Jasper State Hatchery Texas, USA 5/19
Prairie Warbler Co Rd 37 Texas, USA 5/19
Grace's Warbler Warbler spot Guatemala 4/29
Black-throated Gray Warbler Angeles NF California, USA 5/26
Townsend's Warbler Parque Zunil Guatemala 4/28
Hermit Warbler Creswell House Oregon, USA 5/28
Golden-cheeked Warbler Lost Maples SNA Texas, USA 5/20
Black-throated Green Warbler Savegre Valley Costa Rica 4/23
Fan-tailed Warbler Camino Singayta Mexico 5/16
Rufous-capped Warbler RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Black-cheeked Warbler Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Golden-browed Warbler Parque Zunil Guatemala 4/28
Golden-crowned Warbler PN Iguaz煤 Argentina 1/21
Three-striped Warbler Cock-of-the-Rock lek Ecuador 3/6
Santa Marta Warbler RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/31
Citrine Warbler Andamarca Area Peru 2/15
Flavescent Warbler Pantanal Brazil 1/31
White-browed Warbler San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/21
Pale-legged Warbler Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Black-crested Warbler SCPE spot Ecuador 3/6
Buff-rumped Warbler Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Riverbank Warbler PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
Two-banded Warbler Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Golden-bellied Warbler Hacienda Villa Carmen Peru 2/28
Gray-throated Warbler Laguna de Tabacal Colombia 3/24
White-lored Warbler Side Rd Above Minca Colombia 3/30
Russet-crowned Warbler Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Canada Warbler Lower Tandayapa Rd Ecuador 3/12
Wilson's Warbler Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Red-faced Warbler Cienega de Los Caballos Mexico 5/17
Red Warbler Benito Juarez Mexico 5/6
Pink-headed Warbler Xela Dump Area Guatemala 4/27
Painted Redstart Pine Oak Near Coban Guatemala 5/1
Slate-throated Redstart OB Falcon spot Peru 2/24
Brown-capped Redstart Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/17
Collared Redstart PN Los Quetzales Costa Rica 4/22
Yellow-crowned Redstart RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/30
Golden-fronted Redstart Monterredondo Colombia 3/25
Spectacled Redstart Andamarca Area Peru 2/15
Wrenthrush Wrenthrush Spot Costa Rica 4/23
Yellow-breasted Chat Las Palomas Ranch Mexico 5/11
Red-crested Cardinal Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Red-cowled Cardinal Dirt Rd to Boa Nova Brazil 2/8
Red-capped Cardinal Laguna Viejacocha Peru 2/25
Yellow-billed Cardinal Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Black-faced Tanager Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Magpie Tanager San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
White-banded Tanager Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/1
Red-billed Pied Tanager GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Scarlet-throated Tanager Rd to Boa Nova Brazil 2/8
Hooded Tanager Marshy Wet Pond Brazil 2/10
Rufous-crested Tanager RT Tyrant stop Peru 2/24
Olive-green Tanager Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Black-capped Hemispingus Carpish Tunnel Peru 2/18
Superciliaried Hemispingus Upper Satipo Rd Peru 2/15
Oleaginous Hemispingus Caba帽as San Isidro Ecuador 3/16
Black-eared Hemispingus San Lorenzo Peru 2/24
Drab Hemispingus Abra Barro Negro Peru 2/22
Gray-hooded Bush Tanager Upper Satipo Rd Peru 2/15
Rufous-chested Tanager Carpish Tunnel Peru 2/18
Orange-headed Tanager Iquitos Peru 2/26
Buff-bellied Tanager El Chillo Lodge Peru 2/21
Rust-and-yellow Tanager Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/17
Chestnut-headed Tanager PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
White-rumped Tanager Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Pardusco Bosque Unchog Peru 2/17
Black-goggled Tanager San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Gray-headed Tanager Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Flame-crested Tanager GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Fulvous-crested Tanager GUNMA Brazil 2/6
White-shouldered Tanager Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/3
Tawny-crested Tanager RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/5
Ruby-crowned Tanager San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
White-lined Tanager Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Crimson-collared Tanager Rancho Naturalista Costa Rica 4/22
Flame-rumped Tanager Sachatamia Lodge Ecuador 3/6
Passerini's Tanager Virgen del Socorro Costa Rica 4/20
Cherrie's Tanager Bosque Del Tolomuco Costa Rica 4/23
Brazilian Tanager Ilhabela House Brazil 1/27
Black-bellied Tanager Bosque de Arena Blanca Peru 2/23
Silver-beaked Tanager Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Masked Crimson Tanager Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Crimson-backed Tanager Caracara spot Colombia 3/18
Blue-and-gold Tanager Hotel Villablanca Costa Rica 4/26
Black-and-gold Tanager Camino Montezuma Colombia 4/9
Moss-backed Tanager Mashpi Ecuador 3/15
Gold-ringed Tanager Montezuma - Upper Colombia 4/8
Hooded Mountain-Tanager Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Masked Mountain-Tanager Papallacta Ecuador 3/16
Black-chested Mountain-Tanager Papallacta Ecuador 3/16
Golden-backed Mountain-Tanager Bosque Unchog Peru 2/17
Grass-green Tanager Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Black-cheeked Mountain-Tanager RNA El Dorado Colombia 3/30
Lacrimose Mountain-Tanager Upper Satipo Rd Peru 2/15
Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager Andamarca Area Peru 2/15
Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager Cock-of-the-Rock lek Ecuador 3/6
Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager Bellavista Forest Ecuador 3/6
Buff-breasted Mountain-Tanager Papallacta Ecuador 3/16
Diademed Tanager Reserva Las Piedras Argentina 1/15
Purplish-mantled Tanager Montezuma - Upper Colombia 4/8
Yellow-throated Tanager Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Golden-collared Tanager Upper Satipo Rd Peru 2/15
Golden-crowned Tanager Papallacta Ecuador 3/16
Yellow-scarfed Tanager Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Fawn-breasted Tanager Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/17
Blue-and-yellow Tanager Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/16
Glistening-green Tanager Mashpi Ecuador 3/15
Multicolored Tanager Finca Alejandria Colombia 4/4
Blue-gray Tanager Dirt Road Brazil 2/4
Sayaca Tanager Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Glaucous Tanager Flamencos Rd Colombia 4/2
Azure-shouldered Tanager Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Golden-chevroned Tanager Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Yellow-winged Tanager Panajachel House Guatemala 4/27
Palm Tanager Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Blue-capped Tanager Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Golden-naped Tanager Bosque Alto Mayo Peru 2/24
Black-headed Tanager Side Rd 2 Colombia 3/30
Silvery Tanager DC Grassquit Rd Peru 2/22
Black-capped Tanager Pacha Quinde Reserve Ecuador 3/6
Azure-rumped Tanager Santa Maria Guatemala 4/28
Gray-and-gold Tanager Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/13
Burnished-buff Tanager Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Scrub Tanager RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Masked Tanager Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Golden-hooded Tanager San Cipriano Parqueadero Colombia 4/6
Blue-necked Tanager Apaya-Mariposa Peru 2/15
Dotted Tanager ACR Cordillera Escalera Peru 2/25
Rufous-throated Tanager Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/14
Speckled Tanager RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Yellow-bellied Tanager ACR Cordillera Escalera Peru 2/25
Spotted Tanager Sumaco Road Ecuador 3/17
Blue-and-black Tanager Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Beryl-spangled Tanager ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/23
Spangle-cheeked Tanager Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Metallic-green Tanager Lower Tandayapa Rd Ecuador 3/12
Plain-colored Tanager PC Tanager spot Colombia 3/18
Turquoise Tanager Riverside Dirt Road Brazil 2/7
Paradise Tanager Apaya-Mariposa Peru 2/15
Opal-rumped Tanager Dirt Road Brazil 2/6
Opal-crowned Tanager Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/10
Green-headed Tanager San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/21
Red-necked Tanager PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Gilt-edged Tanager Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Rufous-winged Tanager Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/14
Bay-headed Tanager Rio Silanche Ecuador 3/13
Saffron-crowned Tanager Oxapampa Road Peru 2/16
Flame-faced Tanager Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Green-and-gold Tanager Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Blue-whiskered Tanager RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/5
Golden Tanager Cock-of-the-Rock lek Ecuador 3/6
Emerald Tanager Arenal Observatory Costa Rica 4/26
Silver-throated Tanager Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/12
Swallow Tanager Parque provincial urugua Argentina 1/21
Black-faced Dacnis Rio Los Amigos Peru 3/2
Yellow-bellied Dacnis Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Turquoise Dacnis Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/23
Scarlet-thighed Dacnis Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/14
Blue Dacnis San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Shining Honeycreeper Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Purple Honeycreeper Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Red-legged Honeycreeper Reserva Particular Brazil 2/11
Green Honeycreeper Boa Nova Brazil 2/10
Golden-collared Honeycreeper Mashpi Ecuador 3/15
Sulphur-rumped Tanager Sendero Ibe Igar Panama 4/15
Scarlet-browed Tanager Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/13
Guira Tanager San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Rufous-headed Tanager PE Intervales Brazil 1/26
Yellow-backed Tanager Capitao Trail Brazil 2/11
Black-and-yellow Tanager Sendero Ibe Igar Panama 4/15
Chestnut-vented Conebill Puerto Iguaz煤 Argentina 1/21
White-eared Conebill RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Bicolored Conebill Saline Campo Brazil 2/5
Cinereous Conebill Cancejos Peru 2/18
Blue-backed Conebill Carpish Tunnel Peru 2/18
Capped Conebill Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Rufous-browed Conebill Bosque Guajira Colombia 3/26
Giant Conebill Papallacta Ecuador 3/15
Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer Montezuma - Upper Colombia 4/8
Glossy Flowerpiercer Reserva Yanacocha Ecuador 3/6
Moustached Flowerpiercer Carpish Tunnel Peru 2/18
Black Flowerpiercer Reserva Yanacocha Ecuador 3/6
Black-throated Flowerpiercer Andamarca Area Peru 2/15
White-sided Flowerpiercer San Lorenzo Peru 2/23
Indigo Flowerpiercer Mashpi Ecuador 3/15
Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer Xela Dump Area Guatemala 4/27
Slaty Flowerpiercer Cerro de La Muerte Costa Rica 4/22
Rusty Flowerpiercer Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
Deep-blue Flowerpiercer Manu Rd Peru 2/27
Bluish Flowerpiercer ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/23
Masked Flowerpiercer Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Plushcap Carpish Tunnel Peru 2/18
Black-backed Bush Tanager Papallacta Ecuador 3/16
Blue Finch Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Peruvian Sierra-Finch Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Gray-hooded Sierra-Finch El Yeso Valley Chile 1/10
Patagonian Sierra-Finch PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Mourning Sierra-Finch El Yeso Road stop Chile 1/10
Plumbeous Sierra-Finch El Yeso Road stop Chile 1/10
Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
Band-tailed Sierra-Finch Farellones stop Chile 1/11
Short-tailed Finch Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
White-winged Diuca-Finch Pampa Curicocha Peru 2/14
Common Diuca-Finch El Yeso Valley Chile 1/10
White-bridled Finch Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Long-tailed Reed Finch Large Wetland Argentina 1/14
Cinereous Finch Chiclayo Peru 2/19
Great Inca-Finch Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Gray-winged Inca-Finch Hacienda Limon Peru 2/22
Buff-bridled Inca-Finch SF Parakeet spot Peru 2/22
Rufous-sided Warbling-Finch Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
Rusty-browed Warbling-Finch Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/16
Black-and-rufous Warbling-Finch Large Wetland Argentina 1/14
Chestnut-breasted Mountain-Finch Manu Rd stop Peru 2/27
Collared Warbling-Finch ACP Chaparr铆 Peru 2/19
Black-capped Warbling-Finch Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Tucuman Mountain-Finch Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
Stripe-tailed Yellow-Finch Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/1
Bright-rumped Yellow-Finch Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Greater Yellow-Finch El Yeso Road stop Chile 1/10
Saffron Finch Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Grassland Yellow-Finch Lampa Chile 1/13
Raimondi's Yellow-Finch RN Lomas de Lachay Peru 2/13
Sulphur-throated Finch Chaparri Peru 2/19
Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch Transpantaneira Rd Brazil 2/1
Great Pampa-Finch Large Wetland Argentina 1/14
Blue-black Grassquit Camino del Consorcio Argentina 1/15
Lesson's Seedeater Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Lined Seedeater San Antonio Argentina 1/16
White-bellied Seedeater Cuiaba neighborhood Brazil 1/29
Parrot-billed Seedeater LV Field Peru 2/19
Chestnut-bellied Seedeater Iquitos Peru 2/26
Ruddy-breasted Seedeater RBSE spot Brazil 2/6
Tawny-bellied Seedeater Camino del Consorcio Argentina 1/15
Thick-billed Seed-Finch Rio Silanche Ecuador 3/13
Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch Curicaca Brazil 2/1
Nicaraguan Seed-Finch El Tigre wet fields Costa Rica 4/21
Black-billed Seed-Finch Seed-Finch spot Peru 2/24
Variable Seedeater LV Field Peru 2/19
Gray Seedeater RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Wing-barred Seedeater Dirt Road Brazil 2/4
White-collared Seedeater La Selva Costa Rica 4/20
Black-and-white Seedeater Cancejos Peru 2/18
Yellow-bellied Seedeater Dirt Road Brazil 2/6
Dubois's Seedeater Rd to Boa Nova Brazil 2/8
Double-collared Seedeater Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Buffy-fronted Seedeater Boa Nova Brazil 2/10
Plumbeous Seedeater Soybean Fields Brazil 2/1
Rusty-collared Seedeater Pantanal Brazil 1/30
White-throated Seedeater Boa Nova Town Brazil 2/9
Band-tailed Seedeater Seedeater spot Peru 2/17
Plain-colored Seedeater Andamarca Area Peru 2/15
Paramo Seedeater Carretera Nevado del Ruiz Colombia 4/12
Coal-crested Finch Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Pileated Finch Boa Nova Brazil 2/9
Red-crested Finch San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/23
Bananaquit Puerto Iguaz煤 Argentina 1/21
Yellow-faced Grassquit YF Grassquit spot Ecuador 3/14
Dull-colored Grassquit DC Grassquit Rd Peru 2/22
Black-faced Grassquit Parque Man谩 Dulce Colombia 3/28
Orangequit Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Greater Antillean Bullfinch Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Yellow-shouldered Grassquit Ecclesdown Road Jamaica 4/18
Jamaican Spindalis Frenchman's Cove Jamaica 4/17
Dusky-faced Tanager RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/5
Rosy Thrush-Tanager Santa Marta-Cerro Kenedy Colombia 3/30
Black-throated Saltator Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Buff-throated Saltator GUNMA Brazil 2/4
Black-winged Saltator Pacha Quinde Reserve Ecuador 3/6
Black-headed Saltator Cinchona Costa Rica 4/20
Orinocan Saltator Flamencos Rd Colombia 4/2
Grayish Saltator Medanos Argentina 1/14
Streaked Saltator LV Field Peru 2/19
Green-winged Saltator San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/21
Black-cowled Saltator Abra Porculla Peru 2/20
Golden-billed Saltator Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Slate-colored Grosbeak GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Black-throated Grosbeak Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Tanager Finch Tanager Finch spot Ecuador 3/12
Yellow-throated Chlorospingus Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge Peru 2/28
Ashy-throated Chlorospingus ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/24
Sooty-capped Chlorospingus Cerro de La Muerte Costa Rica 4/22
Common Chlorospingus Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/17
Dusky Chlorospingus Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/13
Tumbes Sparrow Chaparri Peru 2/19
Rufous-winged Sparrow Canoa Ranch Rest Area Arizona, USA 5/24
Cinnamon-tailed Sparrow 脕rea a la Conservaci贸n Mexico 5/5
Stripe-headed Sparrow Cerro Lodge Costa Rica 4/24
Bridled Sparrow El Manguito Mexico 5/5
Botteri's Sparrow Lower Salama Rd Guatemala 5/1
Cassin's Sparrow San Rafael Road Mexico 5/18
Bachman's Sparrow Boykin Springs Texas, USA 5/19
Grasshopper Sparrow Las Cienegas NCA Arizona, USA 5/23
Grassland Sparrow Ceibas Road 2 Argentina 1/14
Yellow-browed Sparrow BWHA spot Peru 2/16
Henslow's Sparrow Dog Hill Rd New York, USA 6/7
Seaside Sparrow Anahuac NWR Texas, USA 5/19
Olive Sparrow Guacimo Road Costa Rica 4/24
Green-backed Sparrow Finca Las Nubes Guatemala 4/30
Black-striped Sparrow Rd Above Minca Colombia 4/1
Tocuyo Sparrow Guajira Rd Colombia 4/2
Chipping Sparrow Pine Forest Near Salama Guatemala 5/1
Clay-colored Sparrow Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/5
Black-chinned Sparrow Hediondilla Mexico 5/18
Field Sparrow Lost Maples Store Texas, USA 5/20
Brewer's Sparrow Fort Rock SP Oregon, USA 6/2
Worthen's Sparrow San Rafael Road Mexico 5/18
Black-throated Sparrow Hediondilla Mexico 5/18
Five-striped Sparrow California Gulch Arizona, USA 5/24
Lark Sparrow Lost Maples Store Texas, USA 5/20
Sierra Nevada Brushfinch Side Rd Above Minca Colombia 3/30
Gray-browed Brushfinch Pululacua Hostal Ecuador 3/12
White-browed Brushfinch Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/16
Orange-billed Sparrow RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/20
Black-capped Sparrow Maranon Valley Peru 2/21
Golden-winged Sparrow Minca Colombia 3/29
Pectoral Sparrow Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Half-collared Sparrow Trilha dos Tucanos Brazil 1/25
Saffron-billed Sparrow Pantanal Brazil 1/31
Green-striped Brushfinch Reserva de la Chara Pinta Mexico 5/13
Chestnut-capped Brushfinch Refugio Paz de las Aves Ecuador 3/12
Olive Finch Camino Montezuma Colombia 4/9
Fox Sparrow Angeles Hwy Pullout California, USA 5/26
Dark-eyed Junco Grassy Hollow California, USA 5/26
Yellow-eyed Junco Xela Dump Area Guatemala 4/27
Volcano Junco PN Los Quetzales Costa Rica 4/23
Rufous-collared Sparrow PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
White-crowned Sparrow Rio Tunal Mexico 5/17
White-throated Sparrow Summerhill SF New York, USA 6/6
Sagebrush Sparrow Fort Rock SP Oregon, USA 6/2
Bell's Sparrow Apollo Park California, USA 5/25
Striped Sparrow El Para铆so de la Sierra Mexico 5/16
Vesper Sparrow Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/5
Savannah Sparrow Shrimp Ponds Mexico 5/15
Song Sparrow Glendale Ponds Arizona, USA 5/22
Lincoln's Sparrow Finca Rubel Chaim Guatemala 5/1
Swamp Sparrow Montezuma NWR New York, USA 6/6
Large-footed Finch PN Los Quetzales Costa Rica 4/22
Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow Panuco Road Mexico 5/12
Canyon Towhee El Para铆so de la Sierra Mexico 5/16
White-throated Towhee Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/5
Abert's Towhee TA Travel Center Arizona, USA 5/22
California Towhee La Ca帽ada Flintridge California, USA 5/25
White-eared Ground-Sparrow La Mariposa Costa Rica 4/25
Prevost's Ground-Sparrow Panajachel House Guatemala 4/27
Rusty Sparrow Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Rufous-crowned Sparrow Guacamayas Rd Mexico 5/10
Oaxaca Sparrow Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/6
Green-tailed Towhee Angeles Hwy Pullout California, USA 5/26
Spotted Towhee Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/6
Eastern Towhee Whitlock FLLT Preserve New York, USA 6/6
Collared Towhee El Ojo de Agua Mexico 5/6
Yellow-thighed Finch Cerro de La Muerte Costa Rica 4/22
Rufous-capped Brushfinch Carretera Teotitlan-Juarez Mexico 5/6
White-naped Brushfinch Km 18 Colombia 4/4
Moustached Brushfinch PN Chicaque Colombia 3/27
Santa Marta Brushfinch Side Rd Above Minca Colombia 3/30
Ochre-breasted Brushfinch Monterredondo Colombia 3/25
White-headed Brushfinch ACP Chaparr铆 Peru 2/19
Tricolored Brushfinch Satipo Road 2 Peru 2/15
Slaty Brushfinch Upper Satipo Rd Peru 2/15
Pale-naped Brushfinch Papallacta Ecuador 3/16
Yellow-breasted Brushfinch San Lorenzo Peru 2/23
White-winged Brushfinch Pululacua Hostal Ecuador 3/12
Rusty-bellied Brushfinch Santa Euralia Canyon 3 Peru 2/14
Black-spectacled Brushfinch Andamarca Area Peru 2/15
Black-faced Brushfinch Wayqecha Forest Peru 2/27
Fulvous-headed Brushfinch Cerro Negro Camp 2 Argentina 1/17
Slaty Bunting Pingwu Park China 10/12
Yellowhammer Oslo Airport Forest Norway 6/10
Cirl Bunting PN de Monfrague Spain 6/21
Rock Bunting Aladaglar Gorge Turkey 6/14
Godlewski's Bunting Plateau Forest Edge China 10/11
Gray-hooded Bunting Sandgrouse Hill India 9/24
Cinereous Bunting Nemrut Da臒谋 MP Turkey 6/17
Ortolan Bunting Starmoen Area Norway 6/11
Chestnut-breasted Bunting Sandgrouse Hill India 9/24
Cretzschmar's Bunting Korucak Overlook Turkey 6/14
Striolated Bunting Masafi Wadi United Arab Emirates 9/12
Cinnamon-breasted Bunting South Pare Mtns Tanzania 8/24
Cape Bunting Black Mountain Lesotho 7/23
Little Bunting S209 Km 206 China 10/10
Golden-breasted Bunting Satara Road South Africa 7/13
Somali Bunting Tsavo East NP Kenya 8/8
Brown-rumped Bunting Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Cabanis's Bunting Mole NP Ghana 6/30
Black-headed Bunting Above Korucak Turkey 6/14
Black-faced Bunting Maguri Bill India 12/30
Reed Bunting Strandsjoen Norway 6/10
Corn Bunting Above Korucak Turkey 6/14
Hepatic Tanager Maranon Valley Peru 2/21
Summer Tanager ACR Cordillera Escalera Peru 2/25
Scarlet Tanager Buenavista Colombia 3/25
Western Tanager Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Flame-colored Tanager Savegre Valley Costa Rica 4/23
White-winged Tanager Road Near Coban Guatemala 4/29
Red-headed Tanager Pluma Hidalgo Mexico 5/3
Red-hooded Tanager Camino Atuen Peru 2/21
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Red-throated Ant-Tanager Rainforest Center Panama 4/16
Sooty Ant-Tanager RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/20
Crested Ant-Tanager Camino Montezuma Colombia 4/9
Carmiol's Tanager ACR Cordillera Escalera Peru 2/25
Ochre-breasted Tanager Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/12
Black-faced Grosbeak La Selva Costa Rica 4/20
Yellow-green Grosbeak GUNMA Brazil 2/6
Crimson-collared Grosbeak Parque La Estanzuela Mexico 5/17
Vermilion Cardinal Guajira Rd Colombia 4/2
Northern Cardinal Huatulco NP Mexico 5/2
Pyrrhuloxia Pyrrhuloxia spot Texas, USA 5/20
Yellow Grosbeak Reserva Heloderma Guatemala 4/29
Golden Grosbeak Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Black-thighed Grosbeak Savegre Mt Lodge Costa Rica 4/23
Black-backed Grosbeak Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/17
Rose-breasted Grosbeak RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Black-headed Grosbeak Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/6
Red-breasted Chat Laguna Sicaruu Mexico 5/4
Blackish-blue Seedeater PP Urugua-铆 Argentina 1/23
Blue-black Grosbeak Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Ultramarine Grosbeak Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Blue Bunting Pluma Hidalgo Mexico 5/3
Blue Grosbeak Crested Bobwhite spot Costa Rica 4/25
Lazuli Bunting Bear Mountain Rd Oregon, USA 5/28
Indigo Bunting Bosque Del Tolomuco Costa Rica 4/23
Rose-bellied Bunting 脕rea a la Conservaci贸n Mexico 5/5
Orange-breasted Bunting Huatulco NP Mexico 5/2
Varied Bunting Reserva Heloderma Guatemala 4/29
Painted Bunting Beaumont WTP Texas, USA 5/19
Dickcissel Flamencos Rd Colombia 4/2
Bobolink Lott Farm New York, USA 6/6
Red-winged Blackbird YOFL spot Costa Rica 4/20
Tricolored Blackbird Arnold Rd California, USA 5/25
Jamaican Blackbird Hardware Gap Jamaica 4/18
Western Meadowlark San Rafael Road Mexico 5/18
Eastern Meadowlark Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/21
Red-breasted Meadowlark Campos de Quatipuru Brazil 2/4
White-browed Meadowlark Gualaguay road Argentina 1/14
Peruvian Meadowlark RN Lomas de Lachay Peru 2/13
Long-tailed Meadowlark Bleaker Island Falkland Islands 1/7
Yellow-headed Blackbird Rio Tunal Mexico 5/17
Melodious Blackbird Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Scrub Blackbird Valle de Santa Eulalia Peru 2/14
Brewer's Blackbird Apollo Park California, USA 5/25
Common Grackle Jasper State Hatchery Texas, USA 5/19
Boat-tailed Grackle Anahuac NWR Texas, USA 5/19
Great-tailed Grackle Aeropuerto Bolivar Colombia 3/29
Greater Antillean Grackle Montego Bay roadside Jamaica 4/17
Carib Grackle Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/21
Oriole Blackbird Laguna Viejacocha Peru 2/25
Red-bellied Grackle RN La Romera Colombia 4/13
Chopi Blackbird Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Austral Blackbird PN Tierra del Fuego Argentina 1/9
Scarlet-headed Blackbird Roadside marsh Argentina 1/14
Pale-eyed Blackbird Seed-Finch spot Peru 2/24
Unicolored Blackbird Reserva Costanera Sur Argentina 1/16
Yellow-winged Blackbird Estero San Ger贸nimo Chile 1/12
Chestnut-capped Blackbird Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Yellow-hooded Blackbird Km 10 Wetlands Colombia 4/3
Brown-and-yellow Marshbird Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Grayish Baywing Roadside marsh Argentina 1/14
Pale Baywing WBHO spot Brazil 2/8
Screaming Cowbird Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Shiny Cowbird Drive-by birds Chile 1/10
Bronzed Cowbird Via Parque Isla de Salamanca Colombia 4/3
Brown-headed Cowbird Las Palomas Ranch Mexico 5/11
Giant Cowbird Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Black-vented Oriole Panajachel River Trail Guatemala 4/27
Black-cowled Oriole La Selva Costa Rica 4/20
Orchard Oriole Rio Tunal Mexico 5/17
Hooded Oriole Fuerte de San Basilio Mexico 5/15
Yellow-backed Oriole Warbler Reserve Colombia 3/21
Orange-crowned Oriole RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
White-edged Oriole ACP Chaparr铆 Peru 2/19
Yellow-tailed Oriole Maranon Valley stop Peru 2/22
Epaulet Oriole Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Variable Oriole Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Campo Troupial Dirt Rd to Boa Nova Brazil 2/8
Orange-backed Troupial Serra das Araras Brazil 1/30
Streak-backed Oriole Reserva Heloderma Guatemala 4/29
Bullock's Oriole Mesquite side road Texas, USA 5/20
Jamaican Oriole Frenchman's Cove Jamaica 4/17
Yellow Oriole Guajira Rd Colombia 4/2
Spot-breasted Oriole Reserva Heloderma Guatemala 4/29
Altamira Oriole Reserva Heloderma Guatemala 4/29
爆料公社's Oriole Huatulco Road Mexico 5/3
Baltimore Oriole Minca Colombia 3/29
Black-backed Oriole Rio Tunal Mexico 5/17
Scott's Oriole Lost Maples SNA Texas, USA 5/20
Yellow-billed Cacique San Lorenzo Peru 2/23
Yellow-winged Cacique Santa Maria Huatulco Mexico 5/3
Solitary Black Cacique Reserva Las Piedras Argentina 1/15
Golden-winged Cacique Cerro Negro camp Argentina 1/17
Scarlet-rumped Cacique Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/14
Yellow-rumped Cacique Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Mountain Cacique Camino Atuen Peru 2/21
Red-rumped Cacique Puerto Iguaz煤 Argentina 1/21
Casqued Cacique Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/10
Russet-backed Oropendola Bosque de Arena Blanca Peru 2/23
Dusky-green Oropendola Ulcumano Ecolodge Peru 2/16
Green Oropendola Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Crested Oropendola Pantanal Brazil 1/30
Chestnut-headed Oropendola RN San Cipriano Colombia 4/6
Montezuma Oropendola Sarchi Costa Rica 4/20
Olive Oropendola Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Common Chaffinch Oslo Airport Forest Norway 6/10
Brambling Boggy Clearcut Norway 6/11
Jamaican Euphonia Frenchman's Cove Jamaica 4/17
Scrub Euphonia PN Carara Costa Rica 4/24
Purple-throated Euphonia San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/21
Yellow-crowned Euphonia Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Trinidad Euphonia Las Gaviotas Colombia 4/1
Velvet-fronted Euphonia Parque Man谩 Dulce Colombia 3/28
Orange-crowned Euphonia Rio Silanche Sanctuary Ecuador 3/14
Violaceous Euphonia Jardin de Picaflores Argentina 1/24
Thick-billed Euphonia Chapada dos Guimar茫es Brazil 2/2
Yellow-throated Euphonia PN Carara Costa Rica 4/24
Elegant Euphonia Road Near Sarchi Costa Rica 4/20
Golden-rumped Euphonia Rd Near Baeza Ecuador 3/16
Fulvous-vented Euphonia Reserva San Francisco Panama 4/14
Golden-bellied Euphonia Shiripuno Lodge Ecuador 3/9
Bronze-green Euphonia Loreto Road Ecuador 3/17
Spot-crowned Euphonia Los Cusingos Costa Rica 4/23
Olive-backed Euphonia La Selva Costa Rica 4/20
White-vented Euphonia CEWA Reserve Colombia 3/23
Tawny-capped Euphonia Sendero Ibe Igar Panama 4/15
Orange-bellied Euphonia Reserva Particular Brazil 2/11
Rufous-bellied Euphonia Saona Lodge Peru 3/4
Golden-sided Euphonia Utinga State Park Brazil 2/4
Chestnut-bellied Euphonia San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Blue-naped Chlorophonia San Sebastian de la Selva Argentina 1/22
Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia Bosque Guajira Colombia 3/26
Yellow-collared Chlorophonia Milpe Bird Sanctuary Ecuador 3/14
Blue-crowned Chlorophonia Santa Maria Guatemala 4/28
Golden-browed Chlorophonia Bosque de Paz Costa Rica 4/20
Plain Mountain-Finch Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Crimson-winged Finch Alada臒lar MP Turkey 6/15
Trumpeter Finch Rock Pit Mines Spain 6/19
Desert Finch Desert Waterhole Turkey 6/16
Crimson-browed Finch Mengbi Shan China 10/10
Brown Bullfinch Mt Victoria Myanmar 10/4
Gray-headed Bullfinch Balang Shan Road China 10/9
Eurasian Bullfinch Old Landfill Rd Norway 6/10
House Finch Teotitl谩n del Valle Mexico 5/5
Purple Finch Angeles NF California, USA 5/26
Cassin's Finch Angeles NF California, USA 5/26
Common Rosefinch Gausdal Norway 6/12
Pink-rumped Rosefinch Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Vinaceous Rosefinch Balang Shan Road China 10/9
Taiwan Rosefinch Dasyueshan IBA Taiwan 10/16
Dark-rumped Rosefinch Mayodia Pass India 12/29
Three-banded Rosefinch Mengbi Shan China 10/10
Chinese White-browed Rosefinch Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Streaked Rosefinch Balang Shan Pass China 10/9
Yellow-breasted Greenfinch Kainchi Dham India 9/27
European Greenfinch Nes Norway 6/10
Oriental Greenfinch Jiangyou Farm Road China 10/12
Black-headed Greenfinch Nanthen Myanmar 10/6
Red Crossbill Benito Juarez Mexico 5/6
Common Redpoll 贬补蹿苍补谤蹿箩枚谤冒耻谤 Iceland 6/10
Lesser Redpoll Borrevannet Norway 6/13
Eurasian Siskin Oslo Airport Forest Norway 6/10
Pine Siskin Xela Dump Area Guatemala 4/27
Black-capped Siskin Xela Dump Area Guatemala 4/27
Black-headed Siskin Finca Las Nubes Guatemala 4/30
Lesser Goldfinch Maranon Valley stop Peru 2/22
Lawrence's Goldfinch Apollo Park California, USA 5/25
American Goldfinch Arnold Rd California, USA 5/25
Andean Siskin Bosque Guajira Colombia 3/26
Yellow-bellied Siskin RNA Pauxi pauxi Colombia 3/19
Hooded Siskin Camino Arroyo Nancay Argentina 1/14
Olivaceous Siskin ACP Abra Patricia Peru 2/24
Black Siskin Cerro Negro Argentina 1/18
Yellow-rumped Siskin El Yeso Road stop Chile 1/10
Black-chinned Siskin Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
European Goldfinch Nes Norway 6/10
Twite Snowfinch Spot China 10/10
Eurasian Linnet Fornebu Norway 6/13
Oriole Finch Mt. Cameroon Cameroon 7/5
Cape Siskin Cape Town suburbs 1st St South Africa 7/25
Drakensberg Siskin Sani Pass Lesotho 7/23
Citril Finch NA-1370 France 6/22
Fire-fronted Serin Alada臒lar MP Turkey 6/14
European Serin Serin spot Turkey 6/14
Yellow-crowned Canary Ruhija Farm Scrub Uganda 9/7
Cape Canary Verloren Valei Rd South Africa 7/12
White-rumped Seedeater Buliisa Uganda 9/2
Yellow-fronted Canary Mole NP Ghana 6/29
African Citril Weaver Bridge Kenya 8/12
Western Citril Bwindi Road Uganda 9/7
Southern Citril Gibbs Farm Tanzania 8/22
Papyrus Canary Canary Swamp Uganda 9/9
Forest Canary York Forest Road South Africa 7/22
Reichenow's Seedeater Taita Hills Kenya 8/9
White-bellied Canary Tumbili Cliff Lodge Kenya 8/15
Southern Grosbeak-Canary Nyumba Ya Mumg Tanzania 8/23
Brimstone Canary Western Shores South Africa 7/20
Yellow Canary Potberg Jct South Africa 7/27
White-throated Canary Agulhas Plains South Africa 7/27
Streaky Seedeater Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/12
Thick-billed Seedeater Mt. Cameroon Cameroon 7/5
Protea Canary Gyto Pass South Africa 7/27
Streaky-headed Seedeater Mankon Sacred Forest Cameroon 7/7
Hooded Grosbeak Chajbaoc Guatemala 4/30
Evening Grosbeak Creswell House Oregon, USA 5/28
Hawfinch 顿忙濒颈惫别颈别苍 Norway 6/13
Yellow-billed Grosbeak G5 Km 82 China 10/12
Collared Grosbeak Balang Shan Road China 10/9
White-winged Grosbeak Balang Shan Road China 10/9
Cinnamon Ibon Mt. Kitanglad Philippines 10/26
House Sparrow Ushuaia Argentina 1/9
Spanish Sparrow Desert Waterhole Turkey 6/16
Sind Sparrow Dighal Village India 9/23
Russet Sparrow Bhaktura India 9/27
Plain-backed Sparrow Bagan Temples Area Myanmar 10/2
Dead Sea Sparrow Firat Nehri'nin batisinda bankalar Turkey 6/16
Kenya Rufous Sparrow Mukurweini Kenya 8/13
Shelley's Rufous Sparrow Murchison Falls NP Uganda 9/1
Cape Sparrow Guest House South Africa 7/12
Northern Gray-headed Sparrow Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Parrot-billed Sparrow Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Swahili Sparrow Tarangire NP Tanzania 8/18
Southern Gray-headed Sparrow Kruger NP South Africa 7/13
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Gard Norway 6/10
Yellow-spotted Petronia Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Chestnut-shouldered Petronia IBA Karkamis Turkey 6/16
Yellow-throated Petronia Satara Road South Africa 7/13
Bush Petronia Mole Airstrip Ghana 6/29
Rock Petronia Akkaya Baraji Turkey 6/14
Pale Rockfinch Nemrut Da臒谋 MP Turkey 6/17
White-winged Snowfinch Aladaglar Gorge Turkey 6/14
White-rumped Snowfinch Snowfinch Spot China 10/10
Rufous-necked Snowfinch Snowfinch Spot China 10/10
White-billed Buffalo-Weaver Sandai Resort Jct Kenya 8/14
Red-billed Buffalo-Weaver Satara Dirt Rd South Africa 7/13
White-headed Buffalo-Weaver Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Speckle-fronted Weaver Tarangire NP Tanzania 8/17
White-browed Sparrow-Weaver Mombasa Road 2 Kenya 8/7
Chestnut-crowned Sparrow-Weaver Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Rufous-tailed Weaver Tarangire Waterhole Tanzania 8/17
Gray-headed Social-Weaver Serengeti Picnic Area Tanzania 8/20
Black-throated Malimbe Campo Ma'an NP Cameroon 7/4
Blue-billed Malimbe Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Crested Malimbe Campo Ma'an NP Cameroon 7/4
Red-headed Malimbe Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Red-headed Weaver Dry Forest Stop Kenya 8/9
Baglafecht Weaver Mankon Sacred Forest Cameroon 7/7
Bannerman's Weaver Lake Awing Cameroon 7/8
Little Weaver Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Slender-billed Weaver Mabamba Swamp Uganda 8/29
Black-necked Weaver Lily Pond Ghana 6/25
Spectacled Weaver H13 Road 2 South Africa 7/14
Black-billed Weaver Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Strange Weaver Ruhija Picnic Spot Uganda 9/7
Cape Weaver Wetlands Hotel South Africa 7/18
African Golden-Weaver Palm Monument South Africa 7/21
Holub's Golden-Weaver Gr DC Sunbird spot South Africa 7/16
Orange Weaver Hans Cottage Botel Ghana 6/26
Golden Palm Weaver Watamu Kenya 8/10
Taveta Golden-Weaver Butu Road Tanzania 8/23
Southern Brown-throated Weaver St Lucia South Africa 7/20
Northern Brown-throated Weaver Mabamba Swamp Uganda 8/29
Northern Masked-Weaver Tumbili Cliff Lodge Kenya 8/14
Lesser Masked-Weaver Ilala Weavers South Africa 7/20
Southern Masked-Weaver Guest House South Africa 7/12
Vitelline Masked-Weaver Sandai Resort Jct Kenya 8/14
Speke's Weaver Cape Eagle-Owl Cliff Kenya 8/13
Vieillot's Weaver Brimsu Reservoir Ghana 6/25
Village Weaver Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Weyns's Weaver Weaver Swamp Uganda 9/11
Clarke's Weaver Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Kenya 8/11
Black-headed Weaver Mabamba Swamp Uganda 8/29
Golden-backed Weaver Kapcheluguny Wetlands Kenya 8/14
Chestnut Weaver Baringo Side Road Kenya 8/16
Yellow-mantled Weaver Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Maxwell's Black Weaver Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Forest Weaver Mt. Cameroon Cameroon 7/5
Brown-capped Weaver Mt. Cameroon Cameroon 7/5
Preuss's Weaver Max's Trail Cameroon 7/9
Usambara Weaver Usambara Mtns Tanzania 8/25
Nelicourvi Weaver Perinet Madagascar 8/3
Streaked Weaver Surajpur Wetlands India 9/26
Baya Weaver Dighal Toll India 9/22
Asian Golden Weaver Thong Chai Paddies Thailand 11/1
Bengal Weaver Dighal Toll India 9/22
Compact Weaver Bigodi Swamp Uganda 9/4
Red-headed Quelea Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Red-billed Quelea Dirkiesdorp South Africa 7/18
Red Fody Marosaqua Madagascar 7/31
Forest Fody Andasibe-Mantadia NP Madagascar 8/4
Northern Red Bishop Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Southern Red Bishop Joberg Wetland South Africa 7/12
Zanzibar Red Bishop Nyumba Ya Mumg Tanzania 8/23
Black-winged Bishop Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Black Bishop Tarangire NP Tanzania 8/17
Yellow-crowned Bishop Lily Pond Ghana 6/25
Yellow Bishop Mt. Cameroon Cameroon 7/5
White-winged Widowbird H14 Road South Africa 7/13
Yellow-shouldered Widowbird Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Red-collared Widowbird Karkloof Conservancy South Africa 7/22
Fan-tailed Widowbird Wakkerstroom South Africa 7/17
Marsh Widowbird Bamenda Cameroon 7/8
Long-tailed Widowbird Short Grass Field South Africa 7/12
Jackson's Widowbird Nyahururu Wheat Field Kenya 8/13
Grosbeak Weaver Ilala Weavers South Africa 7/20
Pale-fronted Nigrita Dschang Cameroon 7/6
Gray-headed Nigrita Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Chestnut-breasted Nigrita Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
White-breasted Nigrita Kakum NP Ghana 6/26
Shelley's Oliveback Mt. Cameroon Cameroon 7/5
Gray-headed Oliveback Mankon Sacred Forest Cameroon 7/7
Swee Waxbill Upper Linwood Trail South Africa 7/24
Yellow-bellied Waxbill Taita Hills Kenya 8/9
Green-backed Twinspot Eshowe--Dlinza Forest South Africa 7/21
Dusky Crimson-wing Bwindi-Impenetrable NP Uganda 9/8
Red-faced Crimson-wing Mt. Cameroon Cameroon 7/5
Lavender Waxbill Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Fawn-breasted Waxbill Murchison Falls Uganda 8/31
Orange-cheeked Waxbill Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Crimson-rumped Waxbill Hunters Lodge, Kiboko Kenya 8/7
Black-rumped Waxbill Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Common Waxbill Ubatuba Brazil 1/28
Black-crowned Waxbill Mt Cameroon Trail Cameroon 7/5
Kandt's Waxbill Mt. Kenya NP Kenya 8/13
Western Bluebill Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26
Red-headed Bluebill Kibale Forest Uganda 9/2
Black-bellied Seedcracker Ebekawopa Reserve Ghana 6/27
Southern Cordonbleu H14 Road South Africa 7/13
Red-cheeked Cordonbleu Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Blue-capped Cordonbleu Sagala Lodge Kenya 8/7
Purple Grenadier Peris Academy Bridge Kenya 8/12
Violet-eared Waxbill Kruger NP South Africa 7/15
Dybowski's Twinspot Mankon Sacred Forest Cameroon 7/7
Dusky Twinspot Ruhija Farm Scrub Uganda 9/7
Pink-throated Twinspot Mkhuze Reserve South Africa 7/19
Brown Twinspot Rd Outside Masindi Uganda 8/31
Green-winged Pytilia Satara Road South Africa 7/13
Red-billed Firefinch Mole NP Ghana 6/29
Bar-breasted Firefinch Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
African Firefinch Mankon Sacred Forest Cameroon 7/7
Jameson's Firefinch S145 Dirt Rd South Africa 7/14
Cut-throat Same Dry Forest Tanzania 8/23
Red-headed Finch Guest House South Africa 7/12
Zebra Waxbill White Volta Crossing Ghana 6/28
Red Avadavat Dighal Village India 9/23
Black-chinned Quailfinch Murchison Falls NP Uganda 9/1
African Quailfinch Pevensey Road South Africa 7/23
Beautiful Firetail Tinderbox Sheoaks Tasmania 12/20
Red-eared Firetail Caraholly/River Int Western Australia 12/26
Diamond Firetail Cement Mills Queensland, Australia 12/14
Red-browed Firetail Kingfisher Park Lodge Queensland, Australia 12/10
Crimson Finch Redford Rd Queensland, Australia 12/9
Plum-headed Finch Cement Mills Queensland, Australia 12/14
Zebra Finch Lake Coolmunda Queensland, Australia 12/14
Double-barred Finch Mitchell River Queensland, Australia 12/10
Pin-tailed Parrotfinch Hutan Lipur Sungai Chongkak Malaysia 11/13
Blue-faced Parrotfinch Jim Weir Rd Queensland, Australia 12/11
Papuan Parrotfinch Rondon Ridge Papua New Guinea 12/5
Gray-headed Silverbill Same Dry Forest Tanzania 8/23
Bronze Mannikin Hut D'Eric Ghana 6/25
Black-and-white Mannikin Ebekawopa Ghana 6/27
Magpie Mannikin Royal Bleumich Hotel Ghana 7/1
Indian Silverbill Saih al Salam United Arab Emirates 9/12
Madagascar Munia Ivato Airport Madagascar 7/30
White-rumped Munia Sonu's Fields India 9/16
Javan Munia Jalan Teleng Fields Indonesia 11/29
Dusky Munia Sepilok Malaysia 11/15
Black-faced Munia Palu Indonesia 11/23
Black-throated Munia Thattekaad Bridge India 9/16
Scaly-breasted Munia Elim Pools Jamaica 4/19
White-bellied Munia Sabang, Puerto Princesa Philippines 10/20
Tricolored Munia Yamuna Khadar India 9/26
Chestnut Munia Mtn View Resort Philippines 10/24
White-headed Munia Barat Laut ricefields Malaysia 11/11
Pale-headed Munia Palu Indonesia 11/21
Hooded Munia Ambua Lodge Papua New Guinea 12/2
Gray-headed Munia Kokoda Trail Rd Papua New Guinea 12/1
Chestnut-breasted Munia Cairns, Walkers Rd Queensland, Australia 12/9
Bismarck Munia Walindi Plantations Papua New Guinea 12/7
Java Sparrow Air Force Health Park Thailand 10/30
Pin-tailed Whydah Winneba Plains Ghana 6/25
Eastern Paradise-Whydah South Pare Mtns Tanzania 8/24
Village Indigobird Indigobird spot Kenya 8/12
Wilson's Indigobird Brenu Beach Ghana 6/26