Marsha Dìaz

Communications Manager - Panama

Marsha Díaz  is  Ϲ Americas Communications Manager for the “Valuing, Protecting and Enhancing Coastal Natural Capital in Panama” also called “Panama, Blue Natura Heritage” project. Venezuelan, she obtained her degrees in Advertising and Marketing, Social Communication, and is a specialist in Social Management and Public Policies.  She has a Master's degree in Corporate Social Responsibility and is a PhD candidate in CSR, Media and Cultural Sciences from Heinrich Heine University in Dusseldorf, Germany.

Her experience of more than 20 years in the management of corporate image, advertising, marketing, internal and external communications, and public relations management has allowed her to advise organizations from different areas on 3 continents.  Her passion for sustainability and environmental issues has led her to lead in spaces such as printed and audiovisual communication platforms.

Articles by Marsha Dìaz

Recycle Plastic Bird
Plastic: The New Human Diet
April 05, 2024 — Recent studies indicate that more than 5 grams of plastic (like eating your credit card) enter our bodies weekly through food, beverages, clothing, and personal care products, among others; with a harmful impact on our organs, health, and to other ecosystems. To raise awareness of this reality, Ϲ Americas held the second National Plastic Symposium in Panama.