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Size:6,296.9 sq. mi.
Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, in southern Alaska, contains over 4 million acres of habitats including tundra, grassland, forest, historic lakes, National Wild and Scenic Rivers, and at its lowest elevation Chinitna Bay. The park is home to 187 different species of birds as well as 770 native plants. Bald and Golden Eagles, hawks, Osprey, and Peregrine Falcons nest here. Large quantities of waterfowl as well as seabirds and shorebirds use the wetlands as nesting grounds and can gather in numbers in the tens of thousands to breed.
This Park in Context
The extent of turnover, potential colonization, and potential extirpation varies among the 53 national parks featured on this website. Below, see how this park compares to others in summer and winter. Click on a circle to explore results for another park.
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