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Size:82.5 sq. mi.
South Central Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave National Park contains the world’s longest known cave system. Atop this labyrinth is a biologically diverse set of ecosystems inextricably interlinked with the ecosystems underground: predominantly forested, and home to many species of birds. The water at ferry crossings along the Green River attracts diverse songbirds, like the Cerulean Warbler (a park highlight), Kentucky Warbler, Eastern Bluebird, and Summer Tanager, among many others. Keen birders can also listen for Whip-poor-wills and Barred Owls.
This Park in Context
The extent of turnover, potential colonization, and potential extirpation varies among the 53 national parks featured on this website. Below, see how this park compares to others in summer and winter. Click on a circle to explore results for another park.
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